Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 481 The so-called will of the universe (first update)

"We have also made some discoveries about that. Please see this."

Darom walked forward and said while tapping the keyboard:

"The energy used by the Space Iron Man is cosmic energy, and according to the information stored in the body, on the day they received the injection of cosmic energy, a special wave affected their electronic brain."

"Special wave?"

Nobuhiko turned to look at Darom and asked with interest:

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, there is no relevant content in the specific content records. We just found a piece of noise."

Darom said, tapped the keyboard a few more times, and adjusted the wave he mentioned to the screen. Looking at the graph on the screen that looked like an electrocardiogram, Nobuhiko frowned slightly. Listening carefully, he didn't hear anything useful even with his transformed human body.

"Can't Gorgom and Chrysis's technology analyze it?"

"I'm very sorry, it's our incompetence."

"Forget it, it's not your fault."

Nobuhiko shook his head. He was mentally prepared for this result, so he raised his hand directly, and two beams of blue light shot out from his fingertips, awakening the originally sleeping consciousness of the Heaven and Earth Twin Dragons.

"Can you tell me? What exactly is this abnormal fluctuation?"

Looking at the bright eyes of the Universe Iron Man, Nobuhiko asked word by word.

However, what answered him was the disdainful voice of the Universe Iron Man:

"Hahaha, do you think we will tell you? Just an organic life form, don't think you can compare with us who are chosen by the will of the universe!"

"That's right, the limit of lower creatures is just like this after all. We, the Universe Iron Man, will never succumb to guys like you!"

Under the violently broken mask, the exposed electronic eyes kept flashing. Even as robots, they did rely on the so-called will of the universe to get souls. The pride in the Universe Iron Man in their hearts made them unable to bow to organic life forms like Nobuhiko.

This will was also clearly felt by Nobuhiko.

It seems a bit difficult.

But it doesn't matter, just rely on the scientific and technological capabilities of the three priests to slowly analyze it.

Just as Nobuhiko was thinking, Metzl on the side spoke:

"Lord Qiuyue, can you let me try?"

"Hmm? What do you want to do?"

Nobuhiko looked at Metzl with some surprise. The latter did not say it clearly, but said to Darom;

"Can that wave be repeatedly input into their electronic brains?"

Hearing this, Darom did not act, but looked at Nobuhiko. After getting Nobuhiko's affirmation, he immediately took action and executed this set of operations.

At first, the Sky Dragon and the Earth Dragon did not react, but Metzl's expression did not change at all. Instead, he kept staring at the Sky Dragon and the Earth Dragon. A few minutes later, just when Bishum was impatient and wanted to ask Metzl what he wanted to do, suddenly, Metzl moved - two cell coins flew out of his hand and hit the heads of the Sky Dragon and the Earth Dragon accurately. In an instant, the two coins were swallowed by the holes on the robot's head.


Xinyan looked at Metzl with interest.

Metzl smiled confidently:

"I studied the data left by the Chrysis Empire's research on dinosaur coins in another timeline and mastered this technique, but this is not the point - the Desire Devourer will most faithfully reflect the host's desires. The purpose of repeatedly inputting information is just like this. After awakening their most desired desires, the Desire Devourer created will bring us what we want."

"I see."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly. The Desire Devourer can indeed reflect the host's desires. Even if the other party cannot speak, it is easy for Metzl, the true owner of the Desire Devourer, to read the information here.

To be honest, Metzl really gave him a surprise this time and found another function of the Desire Devourer.

Under the gaze of everyone, the two mummified Desire Devourers crawled out of the body of the Heaven and Earth Twin Dragons and quickly evolved into two shark Desire Devourers.

Then, Metzl suddenly raised his hand, and the superior power of the Greedy Man was released at this moment, forcibly controlling the bodies of the two Desire Devourers, and commanding them to reveal the most essential desires of the Twin Dragons of Heaven and Earth. Under the gaze of everyone, the two Desire Devourers slowly spoke:

"We are going to find the will of the universe!"

"The voice of the universe is calling us!"

"We are the chosen ones, and we cannot be confused with low-level organic life forms like you!"

"Seize XVII, destroy all humans, and then go to see the great will of the universe..."


The voices came one after another, although a little messy, but it also made Nobuhiko clear about one thing.

"The voice of the universe, it's this thing again."

The so-called voice of the universe, in fourze tv, only I Wang Guangming and Jojima Yuuki heard it when they were young. From the plot point of view, it is also related to the existence of the giver, and the so-called voice of the universe appears here. It is very interesting.

What does the giver want to do? No, perhaps it should be asked, what exactly is the giver?

Whether it is Fourze or Sagittarius, their power comes from the core switch given by the donor. A certain existence hidden in the starry sky collects information from all intelligent life forms in the universe and gives power at will - it's a bit creepy to think about it.

Nobuhiko thought for a while and said to the three priests:

"Continue to analyze the content of this fluctuation. As for the two of them... you can do whatever you want. If it is no longer useful, just deal with it."


Regarding the matter of dealing with the twin dragons of heaven and earth, neither Nobuhiko nor the three priests had any fluctuations in their tone, as if they were dealing with the simplest matter.


As Metzl snapped his fingers, the desire-devouring monster instantly turned into piles of cell coins and returned to his hands, and this sound also awakened the dragons of heaven and earth who were immersed in the continuous input of information.

The pair of cosmic iron brothers seemed to be aware of their own end. They turned their heads hard, looked at each other's broken appearance, and uttered a difficult voice:

"elder brother······"

"younger sister······"

Hearing this voice, Nobuhiko frowned, but said nothing, turned and walked towards the door:

"I'll leave this to you."

"Understood." x3

After seeing the three priests who were about to get into work, Metzl quickly followed Nobuhiko and asked tentatively:

"Lord Qiuyue, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm just a little irritated. The brother-sister relationship between the Iron Man of the Universe is somewhat inexplicable."

Nobuhiko rubbed his brows, each of the subsequent lines of the holster battle became more awkward than the last, including this inexplicable brother-sister relationship.

He has no burden to treat the two dragons of heaven and earth in this way. Firstly, they are enemies, secondly, they are robots, and thirdly, they do not satisfy his collection habit, and there is no way to talk about showing mercy.

Now he only cares about the other two questions that followed - who connected Barbarian Tenjuro and Cosmic Iron Man, and who was the giver?

ps: I finally stopped crying today and resumed updating. The second update will be later.

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