Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 487 Drake's End (Update 1)

The light of the cyan imperial stone collided with lightning, and at that moment, the whole world trembled.

The Philosopher's Stone modifies the original appearance of the world, but obviously, this is just magic. Therefore, when the power of both parties exceeds the limit of the world, this magic will also be on the verge of collapse.

However, Drake himself, carrying the Philosopher's Stone, is the anchor of this magic. As long as he is not defeated, this magic cannot be truly eliminated. For a time, with the collision of firepower from both sides, the whole world fell into The power of this process of constant upheaval and recovery is simply unimaginable.


Shaking his numb left hand, Yingyue murmured, the most direct magic collision was completely evenly matched, and no one could cope with the other.

The magic power accumulated around the world for decades and the existence of the Philosopher's Stone, the two work together to achieve a qualitative change. In terms of power alone, he is not weaker than himself at all. Even Drake can achieve almost everything he wishes. Things - reshape the world according to his wishes, everything becomes distorted, and even the most basic laws begin to change -

——The up and down direction is reversed, the air becomes unbreathable, blazing flames appear out of thin air, but a layer of ice forms on the body when burning, etc.

Everything becomes weird and strange, and becomes a reality with the help of endless magic and the Philosopher's Stone.

Even though Earth Sacrifice can maximize Shadow Moon's superpowers, it still falls short.


The huge magic circle unfolded, and the air condensed into substance suddenly shattered. The successive methods made Shadow Moon also troubled. However, he also immediately thought of a solution - holding the staff high in his hand, the emblem of God was stimulated to the maximum, huge. The barrier spread towards the surroundings, and not long after, a blood moon was already high in the sky.

This is the heraldic power that belongs to Shadow Moon.

Gods live in the kingdom of God.

In a sense, the shroud of the blood moon also reflects the nature of the Kingdom of God.

The world modified by magic is ushering in the collision of divine power. The two forces - the magic of the Philosopher's Stone and the divine power of Shadow Moon are colliding head-on in the realm.

The collision of will and power made the entire magical world seem to be plunged into a natural disaster.

The nerves of both sides are on the verge of reaching their limit. The world-devouring dragon releases its countercurrent magic wantonly and wants to turn all humans in the world into phantoms. However, the blood moon domain tightly restrains all his energy and prevents him from making any progress.

Just when the two sides entered a protracted battle, a figure suddenly rushed out and came to the battle field between the two.

It's a wizard!

Drake was shocked, but he didn't care. With his current power, there was no need to worry even if he was in infinite form. However, this attitude could not be maintained after the wizard took out the magic ring - pink magic. Ring, activated by wizard.

Hope! please!

It's the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone left behind by Di Muzou finally came into play at this moment.

The magic circle representing the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire spread out at the wizard's feet. Finally, there was the silver magic circle representing infinity.


In the wizard's roar, he released all the power in his body. Even Drake could not ignore this power. However, he no longer had the energy to effectively stop it. He could only concentrate on contracting his wings and releasing magic power. Wanted to block this blow.


The tough shell built by the Deathly Hallows and the Philosopher's Stone is difficult to break, but when faced with the Knight Kick, which also uses the Philosopher's Stone, it seems to be out of control.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

As the wizard shouted, the diamond-like body spun at high speed, and the golden skeleton cracked layer by layer. Then, the wizard's flying kick instantly penetrated Drake's body.

In an instant, Drake's body suddenly collapsed, and the broken body burst into endless flashes of light, instantly illuminating the entire world. The terrifying power was boiling, and then everything fell apart and then reorganized again.


"Haruto! Haruto!"

The familiar voice came to his ears, with a hint of crying. Cao Zhenqing opened his eyes in confusion. Thinking of the previous battle, he immediately sat up and subconsciously looked at the surrounding environment.

"Yo, you're awake."

A familiar voice sounded, and it was then that Haruka realized that he was lying on Femori's lap, and on the side, Nobuhiko was watching all this with interest.

"Mr. Qiuyue? The battle is over?"

"Well, it's also thanks to your final blow, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to defeat him so easily."

Nobuhiko nodded and said.

Well, the sacrifice of earth alone is indeed not enough.

Hearing Nobuhiko's words, Soma Haruto breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he thought of something;

"Where's the golden magician?"

"Over there."

At Nobuhiko's signal, Soma Haruto turned around and realized that not far away, Drake was half-kneeling on the ground like a dead dog, his whole body bound by chains. Beside him, Silina and Zelena held the blades on his neck, one on the left and the other on the right, like an ancient executioner preparing to behead him.

"I accepted his Philosopher's Stone. I originally wanted to ask him something, but we happened to be together when you woke up."


Before he could react, Nobuhiko had already pulled Haruto to the opposite side of Drake.

At this moment, Drake has given up all resistance. All his magic has been destroyed. He was seriously injured and his death was only a matter of time.

After seeing Nobuhiko and Haruto arrive, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said helplessly:

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of my pawns after planning for eight hundred years."

"Eight hundred years? Are you also an alchemist?"

"Well, you should have met Amadeum, I am the alchemist of gold."

As if he knew that he was powerless, Drake completely relaxed his body and directly told his experience:

"Eight hundred years ago, we were gathered by the king to make coins, but we knew that the king's desire was too strong. One day, he would either be swallowed by his own power and run away, Or it will devour us, so we all planned a way out. I stole Amaddam's research and sealed it in the world of origin. In the next eight hundred years, I have been committed to studying the Philosopher's Stone, wanting to make people all over the world become phantoms and then become my nourishment.

However, with the passage of time, the phantoms are on the verge of disappearing. At this time, I noticed the genius of Di Mu Zou, so I lured him and created the Philosopher's Stone..."

Time passed in a flash, and as Drake spoke, a layer of cracks slowly emerged on his body, which was a sign that the phantom was about to die.

However, it is a bit ironic that Drake, a phantom who wanted to make the world's human beings despair, would die in such a desperate posture.

The body was broken and turned into bits of debris and dissipated.

Xinyan raised his hand, and the undead space unfolded, taking his soul into it.

This also means that the enemies in the wizard are completely extinct, and it is considered to have completed the clearance one year ahead of schedule.

ps: I'm so stupid, really, why did I suddenly think of writing this...

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