Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 501 Extra 3 The hope of completely ending Amazon (Update 1)

Blood dripped from the wound on Qianyi's arm into Yingyue's palm. Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, Yingyue's skin instantly absorbed the other's blood and disappeared completely.

At this moment, everyone became nervous. Since they knew that Qianyi was a protozoan, it meant that the other's lysogenic cells could be absorbed orally, and then spread the infection, turning humans into Amazons.

Xinyan's own power was enough to make them tremble. If he became an Amazon, who could stop him?

This idea emerged involuntarily in everyone's hearts, but no one stopped it. Tachibana Yugo and Yingshan Ren stared at Yingyue. They had a hunch that they would see something incredible next.

At this moment, Yingyue closed her eyes and carefully sensed the changes in her body - when Qianyi's cells invaded Yingyue's body, they showed overbearing infectiousness. They instinctively looked for normal cells and infected and assimilated them into their own appearance. This speed was quite fast - for ordinary people.

However, for Yingyue, this devouring power was not worth mentioning.

In the original drama, Bio Knight used Bio Knight's superpowers to develop antibodies at the fastest speed when facing the flying squirrel monster that bit people and infected people. The Sea Warrior with the same ability was just replicating this process.

The power of the Emperor Stone is spread throughout every corner of the body, every cell. Under the blessing of the cyan light, every cell in Yingyue's body is jumping. The infectious power of Amazon cells is not worth mentioning in front of the power of the Emperor Stone.

The cells with cyan light surrounded the Amazon cells, and the battle situation was reversed instantly.

In fact, Yingyue and everyone present did not know that the lysogenic cells in Qianyi's body had not awakened yet. They belonged to Qiyu, but it was also a lucky coincidence. Qiyu himself was transformed into an Amazon because of Qianyi, and Qianyi also had its fundamental genetic material in his body.

At this moment, Yingyue accidentally created a substance for all Amazons.

In just a few minutes, Yingyue opened her eyes, and the emblem of the God of Creation shone instantly. With a wave of her hand, an exquisite glass container appeared in front of everyone, and inside it, the blue liquid stayed there quietly.

"What is this?"

Tachibana Yugo was shocked by this sudden scene, and he subconsciously looked at Yingyue.

Looking at the face that was exactly the same as the captain of the next door xio, Xinyan lifted the transformation:

"Antibodies or reducing substances? You can call it whatever you want. As long as you inject or let the Amazon take it, they can restore their human identity. You can try it first."

Xinyan said, looking at Qianyi who was stunned on the side.

Hearing Xinyan's words, before Tachibana Yugo said anything, Qianyi suddenly looked up, stepped forward and grabbed Xinyan's shoulders, and asked in disbelief;

"As long as I drink these things, I can become a human?"

"Well, although the process may be a bit painful - hey, don't drink so much."

Qianyi ignored it. At this moment, there was only one idea in his mind - drink the liquid in front of him and turn back into a human.

Just like that, Qianyi stepped forward, opened the glass jar, and drank it in big gulps, just like drinking water.

Fortunately, Xinyan pushed it away in time, looked at the liquid that had dropped by one-fifth, and rubbed his eyebrows slightly:

"A few drops are enough, this thing is quite concentrated."

But unfortunately, Qianyi could no longer hear what he said. At this moment, his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes-if the dial of the time robber only deprived the history of being an Amazon, causing the other party to become a human, but now, Qianyi is changing from a cellular level to a human.

This process is extremely painful, not to mention that Qianyi drank too many antibodies.

At this moment, he only felt that every corner of his body was burning with fire, and the severe pain stimulated his nerves. White steam even came out of his body, as if it was a sign that the Amazon was about to go berserk.

But fortunately, the pain came quickly and passed quickly.

But within a few tens of seconds, even before Tachibana Yugo and the others could react, Qianyi's transformation stopped. At this moment, he was soaked as if he had just come out of the sea.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, while Qianyi opened his eyes with difficulty, glanced around, stretched out his right hand to Tachibana Yugo, and murmured.


Tachibana Yugo frowned, leaned forward, and then heard the other party's words clearly:

"Give me... hamburger..."


Tachibana Yugo was a little speechless, but turned around and took out two hamburgers from the refrigerator and stuffed them into the other party. At the same time, he gave an order to the people around him:

"Arrange DNA testing immediately, and bring some food here, high-calorie food."

A few minutes later, the test results came out.

The researchers looked at the results in their hands in disbelief. They looked at Qianyi who was wolfing down hamburgers and fried chicken, and then looked at the results in their hands, feeling quite dreamy.

"What happened?"

"Yes, yes, it's incredible, he really turned into a human."

Hearing this, Tachibana Yugo's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked someone to protect the can of antibodies tightly.

"Dilute this thing a hundred times before use. Normally, five milliliters is enough to convert an Amazon."

Nobuhiko reminded.

"Thank you very much!"

Faced with the facts, Tachibana Yugo seemed to thank Nobuhiko with great sincerity.

In the battle against the Amazons, they suffered too many casualties. Even though they had advantages in equipment and numbers, in the face of the Amazons' superior combat capabilities, the deportation team would still receive reports of casualties from time to time. After the emergence of the new Amazon , this situation becomes more obvious, and they even have to worry about whether their family members will be infected.

And Nobuhiko's move undoubtedly gave them new hope.

"It's okay. I said it, it just brings a possibility. How far it will develop depends on you."

Nobuhiko said that he did not continue to interfere and left the possibility to the humans of this world. As for what to do with the cannibal Amazons after they turn back into humans, he didn't want to worry about it. It was too troublesome. Let humans judge by themselves. Of course, look. If it doesn't go down, I might take action.

Jin Yingshan, who was on the side, also heard the whole story, and naturally understood the matter of his son turning into a human. His expression was a little complicated for a moment, so he slowly stepped forward, came to Qianyi, and stretched out his right hand gropingly.

Qianyi, who was eating, froze when he saw Takayama Jin's arrival, but did not dodge, allowing Takayama Jin to caress his cheek with his rough palm.

"...Your eyebrows look very much like Qiyu's."


"Now that you have become a human, live a good life. I will go find your mother."

After saying that, Jin Takayama turned around and staggered to Tachibana Yuugo. After asking for an antibody, he turned and walked towards the big hole in the room.

At this moment, Nobuhiko stopped him:

"Aren't you going to turn back into a human?"

"Sorry, Lord God, everything started with me and everything will end with me. At least, I have to be the last Amazon."

"Interesting, let me give you some help."

Nobuhiko stepped forward and raised his left hand.

The emblem of God suddenly burst into blue light, and in this light, Jin Takayama's gray-white eyes quickly became normal.

"Go ahead and give your child a home."

"Thank you. I will build a shrine for you after this is over."

"Forget it, a young and beautiful miko is acceptable, uncle, forget it."

"Ah, that's such a pity. Goodbye."

With that said, Tingshan Ren was about to leave, but at this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, turned around and came to Qianyi. Under Qianyi's confused eyes, he quickly took away two hamburgers, and then turned and left. go.

From the beginning to the end, Tachibana Yuugo didn't stop him.

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