Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 539: To become a god, one must give up one's human identity (3rd update)

The three of them gathered together, and the amount of information they talked about was really huge. In the inquiring eyes of Wudao Guihu, Bai Ya spoke:

"As you can see, I am the king of the Phimsim tribe, Bai Ya, the previous recipient of the golden fruit."

"The king of Phimsim..."

"It is expected that Feicui would do such a thing, but I didn't expect Zhenhong to be bewitched by her. She is as good at tricks as ever."

After Bai Ya sighed to his own people, he continued to say to Wudao Guihu:

"Originally, I didn't intend to get involved in the conflict between humans and Helhai Regarding the matter of the Forest of Mu, even Emerald just let the other party act, which has nothing to do with the Fimsim family, but that guy has already threatened the remaining Fimsim family. "

"Mejia Hex."

Takatora Wudao kept repeating this name, and then set his eyes on DJ Sagara, with inquiry in his eyes. Originally, in his cognition, Sagara was just an inconspicuous DJ. If it were not for the need of the Sengoku drive experiment, he might not pay attention to this guy. However, all of this now represents that the other party is not simple.

Facing the eyes of his boss, no, it should be said that the former boss, Sagara was very comfortable. He put his hands behind his back and said slowly:

"It's time to let you know some things. I joined the World Tree Consortium just to find people who can get the golden fruit among humans. Originally, this plan may take a long time, but the appearance of a certain person has greatly shortened this time. "

"Mr. Akizuki, right?"

Takatora Wudao said, and then looked at Nobuhiko.

Sagara nodded slightly:

"Yes, in fact, with his strength, he can definitely become the owner of the Golden Fruit, because among the current humans, no one can say that he can definitely beat him, but he refused, and instead used this as an excuse to call a battle for the Golden Fruit, which in a sense makes the challenge faced by humans the easiest."


Kouta Kuzuba, who was listening on the side, keenly caught the word, canceled the transformation, stepped forward and asked:

"Does the challenge refer to the erosion of Helheim Forest?"

"Yes, so far, Helheim Forest has eroded countless civilizations, most of which have been submerged in the long river of history and become part of the forest, and a very small number have survived through different methods, The Fimsim tribe evolved by devouring the fruit and became the civilization of Helheim Forest. Megahex escaped the erosion of Helheim Forest by mechanization. As for humans——”

Sagara’s eyes swept over Takatora Wudao beside him;

“If the original plan of the World Tree Consortium is to manufacture as many mass-produced belts as possible to ensure that humans survive the erosion of Helheim Forest, and Akizuki Nobuhiko directly pointed out the way for you, seize the golden fruit, and then manipulate Helheim Forest according to the will of the winner, that’s it.”

“The will of the winner? Interesting, can I do whatever I like?”

Qiwen Jiedou had already lifted his transformation at some point, and heard the words that concerned him, and spoke out.

Nobuhiko nodded, glanced at the three people, and then said:

"However, after obtaining the golden fruit, you have given up your human identity in a sense. Once you get the power, you must take responsibility. The golden fruit exists like this."


Kuroba Kota spoke hesitantly:

"If it is the World Tree Foundation, I can understand, but why do you want to find us students? We just want to dance. Becoming a god..."

"I know what you want to say, Kuzuba Kota, because everyone has the opportunity to become a god, even if that opportunity is very slim. Small, and what I have to do is just to speed up the process. ”

Nobuhiko stepped forward, looked at the slightly immature face of Kuzuya Kota, and explained;

“You can understand that getting to this point is just the choice of fate. Whether you like it or not, there will always be various factors that push you to the road of competing for the golden fruit - including Takashi Mai. ”


Kuzha Kota murmured this word, with confusion in his tone. As a newly graduated student, it is the moment when he is full of confusion and expectations for the future, and Nobuhiko’s words made him instinctively feel a little resistance.

However, at this moment, Qiwen Jiedou rubbed his wrist:

"In that case, let's quickly proceed to the finals. Is it a three-way battle or to deal with that Megahexe?"

"Jiedou, why are you..."

"You are as stupid as ever. I am different from you. I will seize power with my hands and then change this world where the strong ravage the weak. If you are still confused now, just give up directly. I can also have one less competitor."

Qiwen Jiedou said nonchalantly.

At this time, Xinyan spoke:

"The moment of the decisive battle has not yet arrived, but if you are really determined, come to the battle with full preparation."

Speaking of this, Xinyan looked at the knights lying on the ground, stretched out his left hand, and the blue life energy was suddenly released, covering everyone and healing everyone's injuries.

The rest of the people all had different expressions and fell into deep thought.

However, Wudao Guihu turned his head and looked not far away:

"Before the battle, we still have to deal with the traitor first."

At the same time, on the planet Megahux in space, Jade was locked in a restraint device, with blue tubes inserted throughout her body. All information was continuously transmitted to Meijia through the tubes. In Gahex's system.

"Identity confirmed, Overlord Foreigner Emerald, all information has been recorded, the holder of the target golden fruit is a god named Shadow Moon, now named Themis, but its power has too many parts that cannot be analyzed... Solution , is it really this?"

Megahux held the energy bottle of Jade Collection in her hand and quickly scanned it with her eyes.

"There is special energy stored inside. If it is fully analyzed, it should be able to carry out a targeted attack on Shadow Moon, but it will take time. In addition, confronting the erosion of Helheim Forest head-on will be detrimental to the Megahux system. Unknown planets are confirmed ——The third planet in the solar system, Earth, is adjusted to be the first target company..."

After all the plans were made, Megahux turned to look at Jade, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead. With a wave of his hand, Jade's body turned into the most basic data in the light of data and was collected. At the same time, the dark In the universe, a huge portal suddenly opened. It was a door large enough to accommodate a planet, and the other end of the door was exactly the solar system!

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