Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 544 Yingyue: Fuck, can the flash of the Emperor Stone be simulated? (Update 2)

Not only Philip, but Shadow Moon, who had been connected to the Earth Library, was also keenly aware of this. He made a prompt decision and drove his consciousness to contact Philip in the library, telling him the current situation.

"An attack from another planet? Interesting, I'm starting to get interested - having said that, it might be difficult to suppress the opponent."

Philip's tone revealed excitement, but even though he was extremely interested in strange knowledge, he knew that now was not the time to indulge in the ocean of knowledge. After thinking for a moment, he asked Shadow Moon:

"If you go to the universe, can you still connect to the Earth Library?"

"no problem."

"Well, if you can, go directly to their base camp. As for the defense of the Earth Library, leave it to me."

Philip said seriously:

"I also have some ideas, but it depends on the specific situation."

"Thank you."

The exchange between the two lasted only a few seconds, and during this time, Shadow Moon had already made contact with the other party. One individual was already troublesome enough, and the level of trouble continued to increase when dozens of individual robots came together. In addition, Foreigners appeared continuously all around, and everyone was surrounded.

"It's really troublesome!"

In order to prevent Megahux from obtaining the data of his other forms, Shadow Moon did not choose to change forms, but made a prompt decision and directly raised the Sotos shooter. At this moment, the power of Sagittarius was on the muzzle of the gun. Zhu Yingyue pulled the trigger, and a dazzling light arrow shot out instantly. Then one turned into ten, ten turned into hundreds, hundreds turned into tens of millions, countless light arrows fell from the sky, instantly clearing the surrounding enemies.

Knowing that this would not work, Shadow Moon turned around and said to Wu Dao Takatora and others:

"Sooner or later they will kill me if this continues. I will go directly to space to attack their base. I will leave it to you here."

"I see!"

Wu Dao Takatora nodded, and then immediately took out a watermelon lock seed. After dressing up, he aimed at the foreigners in front of him with full firepower. Others saw this and followed suit. Kuzu Ye Hongtai and Kuwen Jiedou They also wore watermelon lock seeds one after another, and just like that, the three huge armors fired with full firepower, temporarily resisting the attacks of the surrounding enemies.

Shadow Moon suddenly raised his hand, and the Clexis Fortress hidden in the void instantly activated, and several blue rays of light fell on the ground - countless coins and stones jumped out of the light, and then quickly became huge, condensing into a strange posture.

Merzel's Devourer and the White Mage's Gargoyles are all gathered here at this moment.

"This is……"

Guangshi looked around with a surprised look on his face.

"The Desire Devourer and the Gargoyle are great as a force against each other, please."

Shadow Moon said, the propulsion device was activated instantly, blue flames spurted out from all over the body, and the silver Wise King of Heaven flew straight into the sky at super speed.

When the Megahux individual on the ground saw this, he immediately took off to intercept, but was blocked by Kurehu Takatora, Kuzuye Kota and Kumon Jiedou.

Suika Squash! x3

Three beeps sounded instantly, and dozens of red sword lights shot out, knocking down all Megahux individuals to the ground. Only one of them broke through the attack and followed Shadow Moon.

"Use this to finish them off in one go!"

Seeing this, Wu Dao Takatora did not choose to pursue him, but took out the Katsuo Lock Seed and said to the other two.

On the other side, Shadow Moon's body has already galloped into the sky, passing through the portal in the sky at super speed, reaching directly beyond the orbit of the earth, where Megahux's planet has been waiting for a long time.


On the huge planetary fortress, a large number of laser cannons were aimed at Shadow Moon and fired instantly. The blue light looked so eye-catching in the dark universe. Shadow Moon's brain was at full computing power at this moment, and the propulsion device changed direction instantly. The whole person dodged to the side, and attacks from the planets continued to explode around Shadow Moon. The Wise King of Heaven sometimes moved left and right, sometimes climbed upwards, and after entangled for a period of time, he saw the right time and crashed towards the planet.


Shadow Moon has arrived on the surface of the planet. I don’t know how many years have passed since the erosion of the Helheim Forest. Megahux’s planet has been completely transformed into a mechanical fortress, and the road under his feet is also glowing with forest blue. Metallic luster.

"Phillip, I'm here."

"Ah, sorry, I'm in a little trouble."


"The opponent is more difficult to deal with than I thought... But I already have an idea. Mr. Qiuyue, please find a way to find the internal central system first..."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying attack fell from the sky and headed straight for Shadow Moon.

Shadow Moon immediately dodged and the attack landed on the ground. A huge explosion instantly rose. Shadow Moon looked up - Megahux had already caught up with him.

"What a stupid guy. He actually came to the base camp of Megahux to fight. How can the will of a mere individual resist our unified system?"

With that said, Megahux acted instantly, cyan light wrapped around his hands, turned into a sharp blade, and aimed at Shadow Moon and struck it on the head.


The sharp blade was blocked by the lightsaber, and the shoulder cannon behind Shadow Moon instantly rose up, aiming at Megahux and about to fire. However, at this moment, the cyan energy core on the opponent's chest suddenly bloomed at this moment. Shining brightly.

Unexpectedly, Shadow Moon's lock was disturbed, but Shadow Moon reacted quickly and fired the shoulder cannon without hesitation.


The light bullet fired by Megaherx and Shadow Moon's shoulder cannon crossed each other and exploded on each other's bodies, and both sides retreated several steps.

"Can you even simulate the flash of the Emperor Stone?"

"The flash of the Emperor Stone? It's an interesting name. It seems that the so-called Emperor Stone is the source of your power."

After hearing this name, Megaherx suddenly realized it, touched his chest, and continued;

"After I defeat you, I will completely analyze the so-called Emperor Stone, and all your secrets will be exposed to me."

"That's hard to say. I'm also very interested in Megaherx. It depends on your ability!"

As he said, the thruster behind Shadow Moon burst out instantly, and the whole person rushed towards Megaherx.

On the other side, on Earth, three armored knights who switched to the form of Kachidoki were fighting with all their might. Just as the four knights, Guangshi, Zack, Huanglian, and Zou Yaozi, cleared the enemies around them, the enemies appeared again one after another.

"This won't work, brother, Kota! You go and deal with that device, otherwise the entire Zeya City will be digitized, leave it to us!"

Guangshi looked at the current situation and said to the three people.

Wudao Guihu nodded, and then took out three lock seeds and threw them out at the first time. In an instant, the lock seeds turned into three suspended motorboats:

"This is the latest invention, let's go together."


"Just what I want."

The three of them rode on the motorcycle and rushed towards the direction of the seeds under the cover of other knights.

"Lingma, is there any result?"

On the way there, Wudao Guihu contacted Zhan Ji Lingma by the way.

However, what came was Zhan Ji Ling Ma's somewhat solemn voice:

"Well, you can say that there is a result."

"That's good, point us in the direction, we must solve this thing."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Zhan Ji Ling Ma hung up the phone, looked up and said:

"This invitation is really hard to choose."

"According to Mega Hex's analysis, you will not refuse."

In the office, an individual of Mega Hex spoke slowly.

PS: Recover the status, update at normal time tomorrow, and update three times as long as possible.

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