Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 59: Sun and Moon Separation

Kumei held the railing tightly, staring at the starless night sky. However, her knuckles, which turned white due to excessive force, hinted at her inner restlessness.

Nobuhiko did not speak either, but leaned quietly on the railing and looked at the prosperous community in the distance.

Neither of them spoke.

Suddenly, Kumei's voice sounded in Nobuhiko's ears:

"Is that... really his last words?"

Nobuhiko turned his head and looked. Kumei was still looking at the night sky without turning back, but her knuckles were whiter.

"Of course it's true. He hopes you can start a new life."

"But in my heart, there is only Nobuhiko."

Kumei turned back suddenly and put her right hand on her chest:

"Half a year has passed, and I was almost letting it go, but you called me and even appeared in front of me now."

"Because you have the right to know all this."

After these words, Kumei fell silent.

After a long while, she spoke:

"I'm so lucky that the last person Nobuhiko met was a reliable man like you."

Katsumi's body stepped forward step by step and came in front of Nobuhiko, but Nobuhiko did not move, did not retreat, and the expression on his face did not change.

Suddenly, Katsumi hugged Nobuhiko, just like Kyoko, she buried her head in Nobuhiko's arms and kept sobbing.

Nobuhiko's tragedy hurt not only Kyoko and Kotaro, but all those who loved him. Katsumi Kida was one of the most hurt.

Originally, she had a fiancé who loved her and a happy family.

However, Gorgom's actions destroyed all of this.

Nobuhiko raised his hands and gently hugged Katsumi Kida. His heart was calm, even if this body was Katsumi's boyfriend.

For him, Katsumi Kida and Kyoko Akizuki were familiar strangers. Although he claimed to have inherited everything from Nobuhiko, there were some things he would not take the initiative to inherit.

After an unknown amount of time, Katsumi Kida loosened her arms around Nobuhiko, left his arms, and said to Nobuhiko in a trembling voice:

"Thank you."

"Didn't I say this? This is what I should do."

"Are you leaving?"

Katsumi Kida was relieved to release the emotions that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time. She had been suppressed for too long, ever since Nobuhiko was captured by Gorgom.

"Well, it's almost time to leave."

"I'll see you off."

Katsumi Kida walked out of the room with Nobuhiko. When they walked out of the room, Katsuko in the bedroom suddenly opened her eyes.

Under the night sky, Nobuhiko rode on the amazing locust.

Katsumi Kida said on the side:

"I will take good care of Katsuko."

"Thank you."

"Then... goodbye, Nobuhiko."

Katsumi Kida said this very solemnly, and Nobuhiko smiled. He knew that this was Katsumi Kida's farewell to Nobuhiko and her past self.

Then, he put on his helmet, twisted the accelerator suddenly, and disappeared from the street at a rapid speed.

Only after he completely disappeared from sight did Katsumi return to the apartment, but she was surprised to find that Kyoko had come to the living room at some point, holding the letter in her hand.

"Kyoko, what are you doing..."

"He's gone."

Kyoko said in a daze:

"He's gone completely."

Katsumi Kida's eyes were also attracted by the letter in her hand.

A few days later, in the suburbs of Tokyo, Nobuhiko and Kotaro came here. Kotaro asked unwillingly:

"Do you have to leave? The Creation King is dead, and the Chrysis Empire has also collapsed. You should also enjoy the life of an ordinary person. Why do you have to leave?"

"It's better for the two emperor stones not to be in the same world. Kotaro, you also felt it when we merged for the second time, right?"

Nobuhiko's words stunned Kotaro, and he did not answer.

Nobuhiko continued to talk to himself:

"I felt it. When the two Emperor Stones exerted their power at the same time, I felt a desire. That power made people addicted. Perhaps, this is the fate between the candidates for the Creation King."

"Even if it is because of this, we can overcome it. I don't believe that you will do that! Wasn't it the case in the last battle?"

Yes, in the battle of the Creation King in Gorgom, Shadow Moon did not dig out the Emperor Stone after defeating Black Sun even though he was manipulated, and Black Sun did not take away his Emperor Stone when he defeated Shadow Moon after his resurrection.

Even in a life-and-death battle, they did not take away the other's Emperor Stone and become the Creation King.

Listening to Kotaro's words, Nobuhiko suddenly laughed and reminded him:

"Don't forget, that's not me."

"But I believe you will do the same thing!"

Kotaro's unwavering attitude surprised Nobuhiko. He looked at Kotaro in confusion, thinking that the other party had equated him with the original Nobuhiko.

However, he was wrong.

"Although you are not him, we have fought side by side until now, haven't we?"

Kotaro's words shocked Nobuhiko at this moment.

All along, Nobuhiko regarded himself as a substitute for Hara Nobuhiko. Everything he did was, on the one hand, for his childhood regrets, and on the other hand, to repay Hara Nobuhiko's kindness.

But unknowingly, he has become a partner in the eyes of others.

Not because of this body, not because of the name Nobuhiko, but because of what he did.

Someone is worrying about him and thinking about him!

Nobuhiko smiled happily, but he did not change his mind:

"I have to leave, Kotaro. You have gone through too many battles. As you said, enjoy this hard-won peace, but I am different. I want to see more scenery - use this See with your eyes and feel with this body.”

"That's it. I understand. By the way, this is for you."

Kotaro turned around, took out a packaging box from the carriage of his motorcycle and handed it to Nobuhiko:

"Open it and take a look."

"This is······"

Nobuhiko opened the box with some confusion and found a delicate camera inside.

Kotaro explained:

"I don't know what to give you, but he joined the photography club when he was in college, so I bought this, Nikon F3. I heard others said it was very good, and now it seems to be quite suitable. Use it. Record the scenery along the way, I also want to see the scenery you see."

"...I always feel like I'm stealing someone's patent...Thank you, Kotaro."

Nobuhiko accepted the gift without refusing.

Because this was a gift specially given to him by Kotaro.

At this moment, the sound of a motorcycle suddenly sounded, and the two looked up - Xia Zhiqiao was riding a motorcycle towards this side. Behind him, there was a person wearing a helmet, who looked like a woman.

When the motorcycle stopped, Xia Zhiqiao and the woman got off the car and took off their helmets. Only then did they realize that it was Sera.

"Sela, Xia Zhiqiao, why are you two here?"

Kotaro asked in surprise.

Without waiting for Xia Zhiqiao to reply, Sera spoke first:

"Actually, I'm here to see Nobuhiko. Because I'm leaving soon, I want to see Nobuhiko again."


Hearing this, Nobuhiko was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Sera would leave at this time since the monster world was in a state of exhaustion.

Facing Nobuhiko's doubtful gaze, a blush appeared on Sera's face, and she couldn't help but glance at Xia Zhiqiao.

Xia Zhiqiao smiled happily and explained:

"Brother, Nobuhiko, I actually plan to travel around the world to find my lost memories, and Sera is also willing to follow me, so..."

"After all, I joined the guerrillas to save the monster world. Now that the monster world has been saved, I also want to do my own thing, so I came to see Nobuhiko and Mr. Kotaro to say goodbye, but I didn't expect that Nobuhiko was leaving too."

Sera stepped forward, looked at Nobuhiko and Kotaro, bowed seriously, and said thanks:

"Thank you for your help, otherwise, my hometown may no longer exist."

"No, you saved me too, didn't you?"

"Yes, I also received a lot of care from everyone during the battle with the Chrysis Empire."

Nobuhiko and Kotaro said sincerely.

Hearing this, a joyful smile appeared on Sera's face. She tucked her somewhat scattered hair behind her ears and solemnly said goodbye to Nobuhiko:

"Well, bon voyage."


Nobuhiko nodded, mounted the Amazing Locust, put on his helmet, and turned into the Shadow Moon under the gaze of everyone, and then disappeared in the silver light.

At this moment, the owner of the Moon Emperor Stone completely disappeared from this world, and the fate of the candidate for the Creation King was also completely broken at this moment.

And the people related to it began to embark on different paths.

Uncle Sawara hired people to rebuild the house, and Sawara Airlines also actively participated in post-disaster construction.

Reiko Shiratori devoted herself to the ranks of investigative reporters, going deep into the front line of the incident and exerting her own power.

Kyoko was adopted by the Sahara couple and admitted to Waseda University.

Everyone is moving towards their own future.

The night that Shadow Moon left, Kotaro returned to his bedroom, but he unexpectedly found a letter on his desk. When he looked closer, the words "Kōtaro personally expresses it" came into his eyes.

The familiar font gave Kotaro a guess. He opened the envelope with excitement. His hands even trembled a little. He opened it several times without opening it. Fortunately, he finally suppressed his excitement and opened the envelope. Pull out the letter paper and read it word by word carefully:


I have been fighting side by side with you for so long. I want to say something to you, but I am embarrassed to say it in front of you. Sorry, I am actually a social phobic.

Therefore, I chose to write a letter. I believe this method is also what you want to see.

I should be lucky to be able to meet you. In fact, I knew about your existence before I came to this world. To me, you are heroes, but I never thought that I would become one of the heroes. Frankly speaking, even if I inherit the title of Kamen Rider, I don't have enough confidence to become a knight like you. This is really difficult for me.

But I will try my best, at least I will lend a hand to those who need help. From my original perspective, I actually look forward to your fight with the evil organization in the future. However, after fighting side by side with you, I realized how ridiculous my thoughts were. A peaceful and stable life is too luxurious for Kamen Rider, especially for cyborgs. So, please cherish your uncles and aunts. They are all very good people. Having said that, it seems that I don’t need to deliberately remind them.

The same is true for Kemei and Anzi. I may be an irresponsible person. I promised to inherit everything from Nobuhiko, but pushed them to you. But I have to go. This is also the best ending for Nobuhiko.

When writing this letter, I also deeply felt that the relationship between you and Nobuhiko is incomparable to me. However, I can convey this feeling to you. My writing skills are not superb, so I can only do my best.

[Kotaro, don't hate yourself for escaping from the Gorgom Temple alone, and don't blame yourself for my death. I'm very happy because your escape allowed Kyoko and Katsumi to live safely. In comparison, I hate myself more because I made you suffer so much.

It's great to be able to let this power help you at the last moment, at least I won't have any regrets. If you still feel guilty because of me, please live happily on my behalf - this is my last hope.

Goodbye, Kotaro, I can't help but sigh that it's really great to have a relative like you. 】

——Your brother Akizuki Nobuhiko

Seeing the end, the letter paper has been wet with tears.

For Kotaro, this light letter paper can be said to be the most precious treasure in the world.

He wiped his eyes, took the letter, stood up and walked to the window, looked at the full moon in the night sky, and said softly:

"I am lucky to have a brother like you. Don't worry, Nobuhiko, I will live with your share."

After a pause, he said again:

"Thank you, Nobuhiko."

ps: I have written so much without realizing it, and there is still a lot to write.

As for why I wrote letters, it comes from the plot in SIC's novel. Kotaro has actually been looking forward to Nobuhiko's letter, but this has become an eternal regret, so I let the element of the letter appear repeatedly.

In short, it ends here completely. In addition, some readers mentioned the Clesis inverter. I did consider that thing, but I will not use it for the time being. I will use it when I upgrade it later.

As for Nobuhiko joining the photography club in college, it is my secondary setting, and Nikon F3 really has this machine. It is also a popular camera in the 1980s. Many people still use it now, so I chose this one. Of course, the author is a poor loser and has never used such high-end things, so I will not write in detail.

Finally, everyone, see you in the next chapter.

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