Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 575: Unexpected Communication (3rd update)

"What a joke!"

Namba Juzaburo was angry. As the president of Namba Heavy Industries, he was always respectful no matter where he went, even the Prime Minister of Sandu was no exception.

Perhaps because he had heard too many compliments for a long time, President Namba did not realize the huge gap between him and Ebert.

Ebert did not immediately attack, but looked at Namba Juzaburo with interest:

"I'm waiting for your reply to me, President Namba, ciao~"

After that, the black hole appeared, and Ebert disappeared in front of everyone again.

The only remaining Namba Juzaburo slammed the table, furious.

At this moment, he had murderous intentions in his heart.


In the Fortress of Clesis, there were screams one after another at this moment.

"Ah ah ah, that's awesome, we are in space, space!"

"Is this a planet?"

"I feel like the land here cannot be farmed..."

Seeing Ryuuga Wanzhang, Gentoku Himuro and Kazumi Saruwatari who had never seen the world, Kiryu Sento should have felt a little embarrassed, but now he had no time to pay attention to it - he was also caught in a huge trap now. In shock.

Originally, he thought that the suitable place for experiments mentioned by Nobuhiko would be a laboratory, but he did not expect to go directly to outer space, and there was also a planet base full of high-tech atmosphere visible to the naked eye.

Kiryu Sento looked at Nobuhiko, then at himself, and suddenly felt an extremely ridiculous feeling - why are they both Kamen Riders so different?

"This base and planet were actually captured from the hands of the enemy. They were all entities that once wanted to invade the earth. Now that they are in my hands, they can be used to their best advantage."

Nobuhiko introduced, and then arranged for Silena and Zelena to take others to visit the base:

"Don't worry, no one else will disturb you here. Communication with the earth is also maintained. You can go to the earth at any time if necessary."

"Thank you very much!"

The two girls, Ishidomi Misora ​​and Takigawa Sayu, went on a tour under the leadership of Silina and Zelena.

Thanks to the nature of a utopian memory, this base integrates almost all the places modern humans dream of, at least enough for relaxation and entertainment.

After arranging the others, Nobuhiko took Kiryu Zhantu to the special laboratory.

"This is a laboratory specially prepared for destructive experiments. You can act as you like here without any problems."

"Thank you!"

Kiryu Zhantu glanced gratefully, then took out the driver and inserted the energy bottle into it.

Rabbit\u0026Rabbit! Build Up! (Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!)*n

Are you ready?


Over Flow!

Red Speedy jumper! Rabbit Rabbit! How bad! so fast!

The moment he transformed into the twin rabbit form, Nobuhiko also transformed immediately and turned into a ball of red liquid and submerged into the Kiryu War Rabbit's body.

Later, Kiryu Zhantu took out a very special prop - it looked like a square brick, which looked very eye-catching compared with the exquisite energy bottle. Its material looked very similar to Pandora's Box.

"This is made using the panels of Pandora's Box - a box-shaped device that increases the ability of Kamen Rider Build to the limit. However, for humans, this improvement is very dangerous. However, with the help of Mr. Akizuki, perhaps can achieve the desired effect.”

Danger, in a sense, is death.

Pushing limits is inherently dangerous.

"Are you forcibly raising the danger level? I understand. Your body is maintained by my power, which at least ensures basic safety. Come on, Kiryu Sento."

Nobuhiko's voice sounded in Kiryu Sento's mind. Kiryu Sento took a deep breath, then took out the device, took a deep breath, directly inserted the box-shaped device into his belt, and turned the handle of the belt.

The next second, the terrifying power spread around the box-shaped device. Countless lightning spread to his body, and exploded to other places. Suddenly, the laboratory was enveloped by the explosion at this moment.


Kiryu Zhantu couldn't help crying out in pain. Now he felt severe pain all over his body, as if every cell was being pricked by needles.

And Shadow Moon, who was possessed by him, also felt the same way:

"I see, is this the power of evolution?"

Feeling the constant influx of power in her body, Shadow Moon carefully felt this power. Because of the relationship of one mind and one body, the bodies of both parties were enveloped by this power.

Although it is painful, after experiencing pain for a long time, I have become somewhat accustomed to it. At the same time, the Emperor Stone in my body came into play at this moment, and the power of the box-shaped device was also attracted by the Emperor Stone at this moment...

After an unknown amount of time, Kiryu Zhantu suddenly pulled out the box-shaped device from his waist, and after releasing the transformation, he lay directly on the ground, sweat soaking all his clothes.

The red liquid came out of his body and fell to the ground, condensing into Nobuhiko's figure.

"The burden is indeed heavy, but from the look of you, you should have succeeded?"

"Well, the danger level is 7. Next, you can use this to complete the ultimate power of the build."

Kiryuu Sento showed a happy smile on his face.

Nobuhiko understood that the so-called ultimate power should be the final form of Build, and he didn't know how Kiryuu Sento passed the dangerous level in the original play.

Kiryuu Sento stood up vigorously, and at this moment, the sound of the mobile phone suddenly rang. Kiryuu Sento picked up the phone and his face changed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Ebert."

As he spoke, Kiryu Battle Rabbit answered the phone, and a familiar voice came from the other end:

"Hey, where did you go?"

"Ebert, what do you want to do!"

"Don't be so fierce, I originally planned to invite the Kamen Riders of the parallel universe to taste the specialties of the earth, but I didn't expect that you were all not here. I'm really sad."

In the coffee shop, Ebert skillfully brewed a cup of coffee and stretched out his tongue to taste it:

"Hiss, a little bitter... Anyway, don't always hide from people. Although I don't plan to destroy the earth now, you also have people who can't be transferred..."

"Don't attack the store manager!"

"Hey, the real murderer, if you want to stop me, show up quickly, and bring Pandora's Box by the way, ciao~"

After that, Ebert hung up the phone and continued to enjoy his coffee.

Inside the Fortress of Cressis, Kiryu Sento looked very unhappy. He turned to Nobuhiko and asked:

"Mr. Akizuki, can I borrow the equipment here? Time is tight, and I'm afraid it can only be done here."

"Of course."

Nobuhiko nodded slightly.

At the same time, the phone of Himuro Gentoku, who was also in the Fortress of Cressis, rang:


"Can you help us?"


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