Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 588 The choice of the world's fate (end of the second update build)

Chapter 588 The Choice of the World's Fate (Second Update·End of Build)

After that party, Nobuhiko left the Earth. Bernaju was originally planning to leave, but was retained by Shinobu Katsuragi.

A few days later, at Shinobu Katsuragi's invitation, all those who had participated in the battle with Ebert returned to the basement of the cafe.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Kiryuu Sento scratched his head. He instinctively felt a little nervous, as if something big was going to happen.

Shinobu Katsuragi glanced at the people around him and said slowly:

"I actually want to tell you that there is a chance now to completely eliminate the disaster brought by the Sky Wall and to resurrect all those who died because of Ebert. Are you willing?"

"What? Really?!"

Saruwatari Kazumi stood up suddenly. He looked at Shinobu Katsuragi in a daze and asked in disbelief - in the previous war caused by Ebert, his partner, the Three Crows, died one by one. This was a pain that he would never forget in his heart.

Shinobu Katsuragi nodded, with a look of reminiscence on her face:

"You must have been curious about how I would deal with Ebert if Mr. Akizuki hadn't appeared. In fact, this is the final plan I have thought of."

"There is also the most mysterious white panel in Pandora's Box. That panel has the function of connecting parallel universes. If we rely on the power of the genius bottle and the energy of Ebert, we can promote the fusion of our earth with the earth in the parallel universe and create a new world without Ebert and the sky wall. All those who died because of Ebert will be resurrected."

This statement obviously shocked everyone, even Kiryu Battle Rabbit, who is also a physicist, could not believe it. Xin:

"Can this kind of thing be done?"

"Well, this is why I suggested to Mr. Akizuki that Ebert be made into an energy bottle. On the one hand, this can protect Manjo Ryuga, and on the other hand, this can maximize the use of Ebert's energy."

Shinobu Katsuragi nodded to confirm again, then turned around and moved Pandora's Box from the table, placed it on the round table in the middle of the crowd, then picked up the dangerous trigger and handed it to Manjo Ryuga:

"Put this in Pandora's Box."


Manjo Ryuga was a little confused, and subconsciously looked at Kiryu Battle Rabbit, and Kiryu Battle Rabbit was also stunned for a moment, then nodded, and then Manjo Ryuga hesitated for a moment, took the dangerous trigger, and put it in Pandora's Box.

The next second, dazzling light gushed out of Pandora's Box, and then a pure white new panel appeared in front of everyone.

"This is-"

Kiryu Battle Rabbit widened his eyes, which reminded him of the scene when Ebert created the new panel.

"That's right. Only by having the Ebert gene, Ryuga, can we get this panel by putting the dangerous trigger into Pandora's Box."

Shinobu Katsuragi picked up the white panel, felt the complex patterns on it, and said with a complicated expression on her face.

"In that case, just use it directly. This country has been divided for too long, hasn't it?"

Himero Gentoku wanted to agree at the first time.

The same is true for Utsumi beside him. One of them is worried about the division of the country, and the other wants to revive President Nanba, who is like a father.

However, at this moment, Saruwatari Ikkai spoke:

"Wait, the reason why you didn't choose to tell us at the first time means that this plan has side effects, right?"

"Well, that's right. In theory, if the new world is born, the history of Ebert and the Sky Wall will disappear. Similarly, everyone's memory of this will be automatically erased and replaced by the new history."

When this was said, everyone looked at each other.

Wanzhang Longwo suddenly stood up:

"In other words, will all the memories of our fighting side by side so far disappear?"

"In theory, that's right."

"How could that be..."

Wanzhang Longwo sat on the chair in a daze. Ebert's rampage not only brought the three crows, but also Wanzhang Longwo's girlfriend Kasumi.

At first, the factor that prompted Wanzhang Longwo to fight was revenge for his girlfriend. Now, he has to face the choice of resurrecting his girlfriend and losing the memory of fighting side by side with his partners.

The others were silent. This was undoubtedly a difficult choice.

After an unknown amount of time, Bernajiu spoke:

"If a new world is created, can the Martian civilization be restored?"

"In theory, it can, but to be honest, the power of Pandora's Box is too mysterious. Even I haven't fully understood it yet."

"Really? You decide. For me, it's all the same."

After hearing Shinobu Katsuragi's explanation, Bernajiu chose to return the problem to humans. Things returned to the starting point.

After an unknown amount of time, Saruwatari Ikkai spoke first, breaking the silence:

"Then let's continue like this."


Everyone looked at him with some surprise. In fact, in theory, Saruwatari Ikkai should be the one who is most willing to create a new world. Everyone knows that the death of the three crows is his eternal pain. Their relics were carefully collected by Saruwatari Ikkai, and they went to visit their graves every festival.

However, Saruwatari Ikkai spoke first.

"After creating a new world, everyone has become a stranger. Even after they are resurrected, they may not recognize me as their big brother. Isn't this a pity?"

Saruto Ikkai said very relaxedly.

But everyone knows that the truth is not what he said at all. After fighting side by side for a long time, everyone has formed an existence called a bond, and it is also extremely difficult to break up.

"Yes, maybe the situation in the new world is not as good as it is now."

"Yes, that's good now. Isn't Ebert also solved?"

Everyone agreed. Now is not the extremely critical situation in the original play. Ebert has been solved, the war has stopped, and there is still hope for everything.

Unless absolutely necessary, none of them is willing to abandon these precious memories.

Finally, Kiryu Sentu took the panel from his father and hung it on the wall:

"Then, let's build this world according to our own wishes. As for the white panels, let's put them here for now. I hope they won't be used in the future."

The original plan was shelved, and everyone walked out of the basement with different moods to welcome this somewhat painful but real future. Bernajiu also returned to Mars to accompany her destroyed hometown.

However, what they don't know is that somewhere in the universe, a consciousness of the same race as Ebelt has noticed the earth...

ps: The third update will be later

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