Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 64 Celebration Picnic

Looking at Shana's appearance, Nobuhiko sighed.

When he saw the Flash Man in his childhood, he felt a deep sadness, and when he saw this scene with his own eyes, Nobuhiko couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

The ending of Flash Man can be regarded as a Bad End in a sense. The five people who tried their best to eliminate the Mace Empire were forced to return to the Flash Star. In the end, they did not find their parents. The only one they found was Yellow Flash, and even their parents were not found. There is no chance of recognition.

Nobuhiko also began to think about how he could restore the other party's body.

Use imperial stone?

However, the Imperial Stone has not shown the power to treat other people, which means that the antibody production of the Biochemical Knight has nothing to do with it. What's more, it is not clear whether the rejection phenomenon of the Shining Star is considered a disease.

How about giving it a try?

Maybe you can bet on the incredible power of the Emperor Stone?

While Nobuhiko was thinking, Mag suddenly said:

"Actually, rejection can also be recovered, but you must return to the Flash Star regularly for training."

"Back to the Flash Star?"

Gene said to himself, but then he shook his head and refused:

"No, Mace's invasion of the earth is becoming more and more frequent. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for us to return."

"But once rejection occurs, your lives will be in danger soon."

Mag's tone became anxious:

"You have been fighting on the earth for too long. I am afraid that the time when rejection will occur is not far away."

It would be okay if he didn't know, but when he learned about it from Nobuhiko, as a partner of the Flash Man, he couldn't accept it.

However, Shana's next words silenced him:

"Mag, how long can we hold on after ostracism occurs?"


Looking at Shana's determined look, Mag hesitated for a while and said:

"According to Earth time, it's only about twenty days."


Jean stood up and looked at everyone with firm eyes. At this moment, his eyes were full of determination:

"Regardless of whether we can find our parents or not, we must overthrow the Mace Empire before rejection occurs! For children who have lost their parents, we alone are enough!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him.

At this moment, Nobuhiko, as an outsider, felt that in the hearts of the five Shining People present, a common belief was burning - the determination not to let the tragedy that happened to him happen to others again, was also the determination of the five Shining People. Something I’ve been doing all along.

"That's right!"

Peng An also nodded and said. At this moment, the collapse in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by a look of determination.

It's not just him, but all the Flash people are like this. Even if they know their final fate, even if they know that there is no danger to their lives if they take a step back, they still resolutely choose to stay on Earth for the sake of their hometown.

Nobuhiko looked at these childhood heroes and felt a sense of admiration in his heart.

However, Nobuhiko was even more surprised by what he said next.

"Everyone, let's come to the party to thank Nobuhiko for helping Shana find her family!"

Gene suggested.

The originally heavy meeting suddenly turned into a cheerful celebration meeting, which made Nobuhiko's mind a little confused for a while.

However, this proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, but Shana seemed a little shy and did not speak.

Just like that, on the second day, on the outskirts of Tokyo.

At the warm invitation of the flash people, Nobuhiko rode the Amazing Locust to the scene. When he arrived, the five people had arrived. Jean was leading the male team members to make a fire and process the ingredients. Louis, the female warrior, was placing tableware.

Seeing Nobuhiko's arrival, the four people waved and greeted him quickly. Jean put down the work at hand and stepped forward to greet him:

"Nobuhiko, you're here, you can eat it in a moment."

"Well, by the way, where is Miss Shana?"

Nobuhiko looked around, but did not see Luna's figure, and asked with some confusion.

Gene explained:

"She just contacted us and said she was going to buy some things in the city and would come back later."

"I see, okay, let me help."

Looking at Dayi who was making a fire, Nobuhiko was about to step forward, but Jean hurriedly pulled him and said:

"This is a banquet to thank you. How can I let you do it? According to the etiquette of the earth, it is too rude."

"Actually, it doesn't have to be like this..."

Nobuhiko opened his mouth to defend, but Jean did not agree. Instead, he pressed him directly onto the chair, and then hurriedly turned around and got busy with his friends.

Seeing them busy, Nobuhiko shook his head helplessly, turned to look at Lui who was wiping the dining table, and asked:

"Have they always been like this?"

"Well, don't worry. We grew up on Glitter Star. We can do all the cooking and other things ourselves. This won't be a problem for them."

"But what can I say, I feel a little embarrassed to just look at it like this... By the way, I'll go over there and take a look."


Nobuhiko, who was a little embarrassed, turned around and walked towards the woods not far away after saying something. In any case, he felt a little uneasy watching others busy working in full swing.

The sun was shining brightly today, and the fallen branches made a squeaking sound under their feet.

Nobuhiko strolled through it, enjoying the rare tranquility.

Suddenly, a somewhat unreal feeling arose in his heart. From the moment he became Shadow Moon, to the defeat of the Chrysis Empire, to the current supernova Flashman, everything seemed like a dream.

However, maybe it was really a dream.

Huang Liang Yi Meng?

Just when Nobuhiko was distracted and thinking wildly, suddenly, the sensor organ in his body conveyed a message.

"It is indeed true."

Nobuhiko murmured, and then turned around to look - under the tree not far away, Shana was leaning on the trunk with her hands and knees, seemingly lost in thought, with confusion on her face, and there were people beside her. There are several paper bags.

Why is she here?

Nobuhiko was a little surprised, but he didn't think much and said hello:

"Miss Shana."

"Mr. Nobuhiko?"

"Didn't I say, just call me by my name? Why are you here?"

Nobuhiko looked at Shana and asked with some confusion.

Then, his eyes looked at the paper bag:

"Did you forget to buy something?"

"No, no, it's just..."

Shana was a little hesitant, but after looking at Nobuhiko, she seemed to have made up her mind and said:

"Actually, I don't know how to face everyone."


"The five of us have grown up together and fought for the same goal. But now, only I have found my family. Not only that, everyone may have to return to Flashing Star soon. I'm okay, at least I know. Who are their parents, but Jean, Dayi, Peng An, and Lui may really not be able to find them..."

ps: I saw many people in the comments saying that the emperor stone can be used to relieve flash sickness, but after thinking about it, I still feel that it is not good. On the one hand, the emperor stone does not actually show the power to heal others in the whole drama. It has something to do with locking the host's blood and creating antibodies with Bio Knight. During the RX period, Kotaro never used it when he faced the seriously injured Kasumi no Kyo. Therefore, it is speculated that the phone will most likely not be able to treat others.

On the other hand, although everyone ridicules the incredible power of the Emperor Stone, if it is really omnipotent to this extent, the deus ex machina can be said to be surrendered at will, and it will not be suitable for future plot development. I have experienced this before, and when writing In Yalang's book, the power of words was too buggy when carefully studied. In many plots, the power of words can be used to mechanically conjure gods...

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