Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 613 Return Aguilera! (3rd update)


The sophomore opened the door and walked out aggressively, not even paying attention to Nobuhiko and the other three who were at the door.

"...Is this guy really considered a second rider?"

Nobuhiko shook his head helplessly and led the two of them inside.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was a little solemn. Ikki, who was distracted by the departure of his sophomore year, quickly came up to him after seeing Nobuhiko's arrival, showing a friendly smile:

"Welcome, is this your first time here?"

"Well, I heard that this bathhouse is very good, so I came to try it."

"Yes, the male soup is over here and the female soup is over there."

Ikki quickly led the way for Nobuhiko and the others, and was amazed by the looks of Silina and Zelena.

At this moment, Nobuhiko suddenly spoke:

"The Kamen Rider has been defeated. Now many people are inoculating demon seals to drive out demons. Does it mean that humans can only follow Keefu's arrangements like Akaashi said?"

As soon as these words came out, Igarashi Kazuki and others were stunned, and the atmosphere became gloomy again.

However, Igarashi Ikki quickly adjusted his mentality and said to Nobuhiko:

"No, it won't happen. As long as you don't give up, you will definitely find a way!"

"Really, come on, I will always support Kamen Rider."

Seeing Ikki so determined, Nobuhiko smiled and then entered the bathhouse with his clothes.

A smile appeared on Ikki's face at this moment. It is always happy to hear people's support in times of adversity.

However, at this moment, Weiss's voice sounded in Ikki's mind:

"Ikki, I feel familiar with those two women."


"Do you want me to come over and take a look? Beautiful girls bathing together, just thinking about it makes me -"

"Shut up, absolutely not, you will go to jail for this kind of behavior!"

Ikki resolutely stopped this illegal behavior, and then asked:

"You said it looks familiar. Have you seen it somewhere?"

"Well, they were the two people who took Akilela away last time. Although they were not human beings, they were not demons either. Their power was so special that they impressed me deeply."


The bathroom was filled with water vapor.

After cleaning his whole body, Nobuhiko sat in the bathtub and enjoyed the bath.

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed it like this. Although I was from the north before time travel, I rarely went to the bathhouse after junior high school. Solar energy was installed at that time. The last time I went to the bathhouse seemed to be when I was in college.

Nobuhiko wiped his forehead subconsciously, and a long-lost sense of satisfaction swept through his body. He looked up at the ceiling covered with water drops and sighed:

"So far, Ikki's will is quite strong. Sophomore surrendered. Sakura Industrial Sweetener, the only two of the four knights who co-wrote are reliable right now?"

Yes, the previous question to Nobuhiko was to confirm Ikki's will. After all, the sophomore said those words, and he really doubted Ikki's current state.

As for whether you have doubts, there is no need to think about it. Almost everyone knows Igarashi Kazuki's identity as a Kamen Rider, and it happened at the press conference. It is normal for a customer to ask about this kind of thing.

Next, we should consider how to deal with Akaashi Hero and Keefu. I don’t know how far Kadota can use that drive...

After an unknown amount of time, Nobuhiko suddenly heard a series of faint quarrels coming from the bathhouse. Curious, he immediately activated his sensing ability and listened carefully to the quarrels.

"Don't stop me, I must ask them clearly!"

It was Sakura's voice.

"Hey, Sakura, don't be reckless, they are guests!"

It was Ikki's voice.

"I can't allow them to take Akileira away like this!"


Nobuhiko stood up from the pool, wiped his face and walked towards the locker room.

In the lobby, Sakura was still arguing with Ikki:

"I made an appointment to save her, and I must do what I said!"

"But not now."

At this moment, Nobuhiko opened the door curtain of the bathhouse and walked out. His hair was still wet. The moment he saw him, the quarrel in the lobby stopped instantly.

Ikki quickly bowed and apologized:

"I'm very sorry, guest, for disturbing your bath."

"No, it's okay. I think if I don't come out, your sister will probably go in to find me."

Nobuhiko said, turning to look at Sakura who was glaring at him:

"Miss Igarashi, are you looking for me?"

"You were the one who asked those two people to take Akilela away, right? What did you do to her?"

Seemingly finding an outlet, Sakura immediately stepped forward to question Nobuhiko.

However, seeing Sakura's righteous words, Nobuhiko couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing this, Sakura asked:

"what do you mean?"

"As a Kamen Rider, you care so much about a leader of the Outlaws. Miss Igarashi, if I remember correctly, you are a Kamen Rider."

Nobuhiko took a can of milk from the freezer, pulled up a chair and sat down, drank it all by himself, and then continued:

"In this situation, instead of thinking about how to deal with Keefe, do you care about an abandoned leg pendant?"

"Shut up, you are not allowed to say that about Akileira, Akileira, she also needs to be saved! Give Akileira back!"

Sakura shouted at the top of her lungs, and at this moment, Tamaki Go, who had just returned from outside, happened to hear this. He pushed the door open and entered the room. Looking at the situation at the scene, he instantly locked onto Nobuhiko:

"Is that you? Did you take Aguilera away?"

"Another cadre, do they all like Aguilera so much? Just because she looks good?"

Looking at Tamaki Go in front of him, Nobuhiko sighed and frowned.

However, this attitude angered Tamaki Go, and he rushed towards Nobuhiko regardless of everything, shouting:

"Give Aguilera back!"


The next second, he was knocked out——Silina and Zelena had already put on their clothes and came to Nobuhiko.

"Oh, it looks like they're all done soaking."

Nobuhiko stood up, patted the two on the shoulders, and motioned them to leave.

Looking at Sakura who was already in a karate fighting stance, Nobuhiko was already a little annoyed. In front of everyone, he slowly spoke:

"Since you want Aguilera to come back so much, I'll give you a chance."


"Defeat me and Aguilera will come back to you. Just consider it a prize, provided you can do it."

"What a joke, I'm invincible!"


As soon as the voice fell, Sakura felt a huge force suddenly hit her chest, followed by the sound of glass breaking, followed by the feeling of falling heavily to the ground.

In an instant, all the sounds seemed to disappear.

Her vision became blurred, and then gradually became clear. After a long time, she realized that she had been lying outside the bathhouse without knowing when, and the door of the bathhouse had been shattered.

"Invincible? I've heard you say it too many times. Although you have braids, you are still far from this word."

In the bathhouse, Nobuhiko slowly withdrew his hand and said indifferently, then turned to look at Igarashi Kazuki next to him:

"Do you want to avenge your sister?"

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