Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 632 The Knight Unaffected by Time (Second Update)

Odin raised the golden saber in his hand, and his figure disappeared again. With golden feathers flying, Odin appeared behind Nobuhiko, holding the saber and slashing down head-on.


Nobuhiko swung his sword back, and the golden saber collided with each other. Both sides did not move. Seeing this, Odin stretched out his left hand, and the second golden saber fell into his hand. He swung both swords together, aiming at Nobuhiko and slashed golden swords.

As the founder of the Knight system, Odin's data is at the absolute top of the Mirror Knight. The sword alone has reached a terrifying 4000 AP, which is almost the data of some Knights' final descent.

Not to mention the three survival cards brought by his contracted beast, the Golden Phoenix, each of which can create a strongest knight in the survival form.

However, it is precisely because of this that Odin felt incredible that this special knight in front of him was actually comparable to himself in the confrontation of weapons.

"What's wrong? You don't have only this much strength, do you?"

Nobuhiko waved his hand, and the sharp wolf claws rubbed against the blade, creating dazzling sparks, and then took the initiative to attack, alternating between the blade and the claws. Even Odin, who had two swords, was overwhelmed for a while.

Seeing this, Odin made a prompt decision and immediately drew the second card.

Advent (summoning advent)——!

Accompanied by the clear cry of the phoenix, the golden phoenix with golden flames all over its body descended here. It flapped its wings, and the wind and fire appeared at the same time, turning into a terrifying vortex and shooting towards Nobuhiko.

This attack alone could even catch up with the final arrival of the Survival Dragon Rider and the Survival Night Rider.

However, without seeing how Nobuhiko moved, Ziya took the initiative to block in front of Nobuhiko, and the shoulder cannon behind him fired instantly. At this moment, the purple thunder collided with the attack of the golden phoenix.


"Has the contracted beast changed too? This guy..."

Looking at the Blood Moon Wolf King who took the initiative to show up, Odin felt extremely difficult. For the first time, he felt at a loss.

Use Final Advent next?

No, the opponent still has Final Advent that has not been used. He may not be able to take advantage of the next hedge. It is better to reset.

Odin immediately drew a card with a clock pattern and inserted it into the golden summoning machine. Nobuhiko looked at this scene and his heart moved. He did not choose to continue attacking, but stood there and watched.

Time Vent (Time Vent)——!

In an instant, a terrifying force descended on the whole world, and then time retreated to the past as if the pause button was pressed.

This is one of the most buggy cards. Kanzaki Shirou relies on this card to continuously reopen the timeline and organize different knight battles in a cycle.

Except for the special existence of Shinji Shirodo, all knights have no power to fight back against this card, and Shinji Shirodo can only fight back.

Odin planned to turn back time to the moment when Nobuhiko got the blank card box, and let time get back on track.

However, when he finished all this, something unexpected happened.

"Huh? Why didn't you disappear? You shouldn't exist at this time!"

Odin looked at the purple knight in front of him and questioned.

Invisible fear began to attack Kanzaki Shiro's heart.

"The power of time? I have seen more than one king of time, and I have some countermeasures for this power."

Nobuhiko casually played a sword flower and said to Odin very easily.

Beside him, the Blood Moon Wolf King was also safe and sound.

After many evolutions, the nature of the Emperor Stone that is not afraid of historical changes has been played more and more vividly, and Odin's time coming obviously cannot change Nobuhiko.

Moreover, this time's time coming also made Nobuhiko feel something different-he did not forget what Black God said. If there is anything in the Dragon Knight world that Black God pays attention to, it may only be this special card of time coming.

"... Stop kidding!"

Odin immediately drew out the card that would eventually come, but Nobuhiko inserted the card into the summoner first.

Trial Vent——!

Instantly, Nobuhiko disappeared from the spot. Odin felt something was wrong and was about to teleport away, but the sharp blade hit his body at this moment.


The claws and blades attacked in succession, causing Odin's body to burst into dazzling sparks and knock him to the ground.

"This card is..."

Odin raised his head with difficulty. He was keenly aware that Nobuhiko's speed had increased countless times in the past.

"It seems that my new pet has good abilities."

Nobuhiko appeared in front of him and raised his left hand——Odin's card box had fallen into his hand at some point.



A flash of purple light, the sharp wolf-fang sword pierced his chest, and when the blade was pulled out, Odin had already collapsed to the ground, without a sound.

Nobuhiko pulled out a few cards from the card box. The cards of the Dragon Knights were considered semi-consumable in battle. The cards used in a battle would only be restored after the next transformation.

That is to say, the three cards of Time Advent, Summon Advent and Weapon Advent have been used up. The remaining cards are Final Advent, Shield Advent and Steal Advent. Strangely, there is no card for Survival Infinity - the three survival cards brought by the Golden Phoenix, Survival Gale is given to Night Rider, Survival Blaze is in the hands of Dragon Rider, and the remaining Infinity is kept by himself to maintain survival.

(Odin's remaining cards)

Where are they placed?

Xinyan looked up at the Golden Phoenix in the sky.

Or another contracted beast?

Just as Xinyan was thinking, the card box and the card in his hand suddenly showed a particle posture and quickly dissipated, and Odin on the ground and the Golden Phoenix in the sky suddenly disappeared.


Xinyan keenly noticed that just now, a very special force affected this place.

"The authority of the owner of the mirror world?"

Thinking of Odin as a mass-produced knight, Xinyan had some guesses.

"In a sense, this can also be considered as power... huh? Well, I actually forgot to change the time, what a mistake... Forget it, it's more interesting this way."

Seeing that the armor on his body had begun to dissipate, Nobuhiko shook his head and turned to walk in the direction he came from.

The knights of the mirror world will have a time limit in the mirror world. Once the limit is over, the armor will begin to decompose. If they are forced to stay in the mirror world, they will be completely decomposed, although Nobuhiko's current strength is not enough to be afraid of.


In the underground parking lot, Sano Mitsuru looked at the dazzling motorcycle in front of him with curiosity-his memory is very good, it seems that no one has ridden such a valuable motorcycle today?

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Are you not leaving yet?"

"Hey? Are you the owner of the motorcycle?"

Looking at Nobuhiko who appeared beside him at some point, Sano Mitsuru was stunned, and then smiled:

"Being able to ride such a valuable motorcycle, you can see that you are a big shot in the upper class. You are joking. It is my honor to work for you."

The little thoughts are obvious.

But Nobuhiko frowned slightly - this guy didn't seem to recognize him.

Wait, time has come... So, his money is gone?

Nobuhiko blinked, took out a Fukuzawa Yukichi from his pocket, and handed it to Sano Mitsuru:

"You did a good job."

"Thank you very much!"

Sano Mitsuru smiled happily, and diligently moved the roadblock for Nobuhiko to make way - although the roadblock did not affect the exit.

Looking at Sano Mitsuru's appearance, Nobuhiko's expression was a little strange - if this guy knew that he had lost tens of millions, what would his expression be.

ps: The setting of the new knight will be released after all the pictures are out.

Two updates tonight

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