Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 640 The Mirror World on the Brink of Destruction (Second Update)

"Gathering such a large number of mirror beasts has surpassed Odin's power. In this way, I should be able to test your power."

In a corner of the mirror world, Kanzaki Shirou watched the battle quietly.

Those mirror beasts were naturally his tricks. Only he, the master of the mirror world, could find such a number of mirror beasts and use the madness of the king snake to achieve this final plan.

For now, the effect is reliable.

"Let me see your power, Wolf King!"

Looking at this scene, Odin said indifferently.

However, what happened next was beyond his expectations-the Survival Beast Emperor himself was a forcible fusion existence that Odin forced to merge with the fusion of the king snake. Although there was the blessing of the wind card, it did not mean that the mirror beasts would not resist.

Although the three contracted beasts, the venomous snake king, the metal horned rhino and the evil ray, jointly suppressed the resistance of the contracted beasts, but this also made the Survival Beast Emperor full of destructive desire at this moment.


Under Xinyan's gaze, the Survival Beast Emperor howled to the sky and let out a thunderous roar. This power simply surpassed all mirror beasts, even Odin's contracted beast, the Golden Phoenix, was completely incomparable, and even exceeded the upper limit of the mirror world. The blood moon field summoned by Ziya was broken, and the Survival Beast Emperor strode forward and attacked Ziya and Xinyan. The right hand composed of volcanic crabs suddenly opened, and the sharp pincers suddenly cut towards Xinyan and Ziya.

The sharp attack forced Xinyan and Ziya to temporarily avoid the edge, but this could not stop the Survival Beast Emperor at all. At this moment, the Survival Beast Emperor perfectly fulfilled the king snake's wish-destroy everything!

The dark dragon's breath scorched the sky, and the venom spit out by the venomous snake dissolved the earth. The surroundings suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

The destructive power of the mirror beasts that merged into the Survival Beast Emperor shook the mirror world heavily, causing cracks in the space.

This incident even affected the real world.


On the street, Lingzi, who was investigating Kanzaki Shirou, heard a crisp sound. She subconsciously looked up and then saw an unusual scene - all the glass products around, whether ordinary glass doors or the magic outer walls of skyscrapers, all burst layer by layer.

"What happened...?"

Lingzi subconsciously covered her ears until the sound gradually subsided and she stood up and looked around - as if it was an attack specifically targeting mirrors, all the glass products within sight were broken, and Lingzi even clearly saw that the central control screen glass in the cab of the car next to her was broken layer by layer.

Terrorist attack?

Lingzi subconsciously had such an idea, but what she didn't know was that the degree of damage this time was far more terrifying than she imagined - even the computers in the room could not escape the disaster.

These are all phenomena caused by the extraordinary situation in the mirror world, which developed into strange things in the suburbs of Tokyo where mirrors and glass were cracked one after another.


"Not good, the mirror world has reached its limit."

Kanzaki Shirou frowned, feeling the current state of the mirror world, secretly thinking it was not good.

Not only him, even King Snake could not hide his shaken look at the crisis of the collapse of the mirror world.

"Hey, hey, hey, it seems that this world is a bit fragile now, forget it, I'll finish you with the last blow——"

King Snake immediately drew the final advent card.

And Nobuhiko was extremely surprised when he saw that card——cards used for battle usually have values ​​on them, representing the power of the card.

Generally speaking, the final advent values ​​of most knights are between 4000AP and 6000AP. The values ​​of Iron Soldier and King Snake after using Fusion Advent are the highest, reaching 8000AP, catching up with the final advent of Survival Dragon Knight and Wind Night Knight, and Odin, as the contractor of the survival card contract beast, his final advent is 10000AP.

However, King Snake's final advent is a terrifying 15000AP, which is completely incomparable even to Odin's final advent.

Once the opponent uses it successfully, the entire mirror world will be destroyed.

However, it is obvious that this decision is just a matter of thinking for King Snake.

He inserted the card into the summoning machine without hesitation.

Final Vent (Final Vent)——!

The prompt sounded, but——it was not King Snake who launched the skill, but Xinyan who launched the attack——in the previous battle, he had already inserted the card of Final Vent into the wolf claw summoning machine.

The next second, time seemed to slow down——Xinyan and Ziya seemed to have stepped into the mysterious realm called time. Then, a blood moon appeared, and the two moved at a speed that exceeded the knight's reaction.

Beside Ziya, countless mirror wolves appeared around it, gathered together from all directions, biting the bodies of the Survival Beast Emperor and King Snake fiercely, and firmly controlled each other.

Then, before the opponent had time, Xinyan had already ridden on Ziya, holding the wolf tooth sword and rushed towards the opponent head-on.


The purple blades flashed across each other, and the attack with 10,000 AP perfectly landed on the bodies of the Survival Beast Emperor and the Wind King Snake.


This is the final coming of the Wolf King, and his value is——10,000 AP.

Time returned to normal.


The card in the hand of the Gale King Snake fell to the ground. He looked at his body with difficulty, and then turned his head to look at the Survival Beast Emperor beside him. The fused mirror beast had fallen apart and suffered heavy damage. They all collapsed on the ground and turned into the purest life energy.

The three contracted beasts, the Venomous Snake King, the Metal Horned Rhino and the Evil Submarine, were the first to perish.

The King Snake was forced to cancel the survival state, and even the armor on his body turned gray. He had lost all his contracted beasts and had become a blank state. His strength reached the lowest point in history.

"This is... Hahahaha, hahahaha, interesting, you are much more interesting than Shinji, Wolf King!!!!!!"

The King Snake turned his head and looked at Nobuhiko in front of him. The corners of his mouth under the mask were already stained with blood. However, he did not hesitate and used the sword again.

The gray-white saber fell into his hand. In this state, he could not even break the defense of the mirror beast.

However, even so, the King Snake roared and rushed towards Nobuhiko, like the last blow of the venomous snake before death.

One step, two steps, three steps.


Nobuhiko took a step forward and raised his sword to slash.

The saber of King Snake and his body were all shattered, and Asakura Takeshi fell to the ground with blood all over his face. Until the last moment, he stared at Nobuhiko crazily.

"What a troublesome guy."

Nobuhiko reached out and picked up King Snake's card box, and then looked at the place where the Survival Beast Emperor was - Ziya was devouring the life energy left by the mirror beasts.

But at this moment, Nobuhiko seemed to have discovered something, raised his hand to signal Ziya to stop and then went forward to check - the dying Dark Batwing and Dark Wushuang Dragon were lying on the ground, their breath was extremely weak.

"Hmm? Interesting."

PS: The final arrival does not mean that it takes such a strong force to destroy the mirror beasts. In the sic novel, the Survival Beast Emperor was solved by the final arrival of the Iron Soldier when Wushuang Dragon resisted. There is also an example of Dragon Fang killing the Beast Emperor·Gene Destroyer in the drama.

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