Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 68 Yingyue: I gave you face, didn’t I?


Under Discon's control, the Amazing Locust raised its plasma shield and rushed straight towards the five Flashmen at a maximum speed of 980km/h. The terrifying impact and speed put the five Flashmen into a bitter fight.

"Prism Shooter!"

After hearing Shadow Moon's words, the five people no longer hesitated and drew their guns and fired, but all the lasers were blocked by the plasma shield of the Amazing Locust. Then, the five people were knocked to the ground again.

"No, if we don't break through the shield head-on, we can't hurt it at all."

Everyone managed to stand up, and Pink Flash covered his sore chest and said, the technology of the Chrysis Empire is still guaranteed, at least the conventional weapons of the five people cannot break through the defense, and the energy output must be increased. .

Therefore, Huang Flash suggested;

"Everyone, let's try using the rotating Vulcan cannon."

"It was going too fast to lock on."

Red Flash shook his head and looked at the surprised locusts that turned around and rushed towards them again. His thoughts were racing in his mind, and he immediately came up with an idea:

"Yes, use the cross attack to attack from the front. Everyone, help me get a chance and use the Vulcan Cannon!"


Without any hesitation, after escaping the impact of the Amazing Locusts again, the five Flashmen instantly transformed their respective prism shooters into sword and shield mode.

Then, the daggers of the five people combined together and turned into a shining spear.


The Surprised Locust, which had hit the air, turned around again and charged at the Flash Man with full power. But this time it was different. The Flash Man, who had determined their tactics, took action together.

Except for Red Flash, the four Flashmen summoned their own Vulcan Cannons and fired at the Amazing Locust with all their strength.


The uncombined Vulcan Cannon cannot break through the shield, but the scattered gunfire effectively weakens the mobility of the Amazing Locust. Under constant attacks, the Amazing Locust's superb speed has a flaw.

"That's it!"

With the support of his teammates, Red Flash was keenly aware of Amazing Locust's flaw, and then he no longer hesitated and jumped into the air. The auxiliary system in the Flashman suit and the experience of hard training on the Flash Star allowed him to accurately Locked onto the body of the Surprised Locust.

"Cross attack!"

The dazzling light spear came out of his hand and turned into a sharp arrow and went straight towards the Amazing Locust. Under the cross fire, the Amazing Locust was unable to avoid it and was hit head-on.


The attack focused on one point broke through the plasma shield, and with Flash Red's precise throw, it accurately hit the internal power transmission system.


There was no explosion, but the Surprised Locust was paralyzed by electric sparks and lost its energy supply. The Chrysis computer on the locomotive was forced to shut down, and Diskan, who was possessed by the computer, was also forced out.


The light spear turned into five daggers and returned to the hands of the five people.

This also means that Flash Man's counterattack has officially begun.

"Wake up, orc warrior!"

Red Flash roared, and immediately, the prism crystal on his forehead bloomed with red light, condensed in his hands, and turned into his exclusive weapon - the Prism Holy Sword!

Not only him, but the other four people also used their full strength to deal with the orc warriors as soon as possible and support Shadow Moon.

On the other side, Shadow Moon was one against six. Although they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, they were not at a disadvantage at all.

The sharp Satan Sword suddenly swung out, and the six people's weapons could not withstand a few attacks before they were completely at a disadvantage.

"Shadow's Ray!"

Shadow Moon's right hand burst into light, and the power of the Emperor Stone moved at a rapid speed, accurately hitting the weapons in the hands of the three alien hunters with terrifying power.


The pistols, bows, arrows, and boomerangs were all interrupted, and the violent explosion knocked the three alien hunters to the ground.

But at this moment, Neferra suddenly took action, and the strange power was instantly released from her eyes, covering Shadow Moon, who had just eliminated the enemy.

"Magic Phantom!"

Along with Neferra's voice, Shadow Moon's body stagnated, as if it was affected. Seeing this scene, Gardan and Sa Kulezi took action.

Gardan's short stick crossed his chest, and a series of destructive light bullets were fired from the intersection, while Sa Kule swung his light whip and suddenly hit Shadow Moon's body.


The explosion sounded, and Shadow Moon was knocked to the ground by the terrifying force. At this time, he seemed to wake up:

"That was just now..."

"Those who are illuminated by my magical phantom will see the most terrifying thing about themselves. Kamen Rider, you have no chance at all - the magical phantom!"

Neferra yelled and fired light at Shadow Moon again.

Shadow Moon's body stagnated again, and Gardan and Sa Kule took the opportunity to step forward, waving their weapons. They wanted to kill Shadow Moon and avenge their comrades.

"Shadow Moon!"

The flash people who were fighting the orc warriors screamed in surprise.

In the Messe base, Kefren looked at this scene and frowned:

"Is this guy going to kill Shadow Moon? Forget it, as long as there is a corpse...what?!"

Before he finished speaking, Kefren's eyes widened - Shadow Moon, who was originally controlled, seemed to suddenly wake up. His fists suddenly crossed, and the cyan shadow flash was released instantly, instantly killing Sa Kule, Gardan and Neferra has them all.

Under this terrifying power, the light of the magical phantom was completely defeated, and even the attacks of General Galdan and Kule were completely interrupted.

"Satan Sword——!"

The bloody sword blade was swung instantly, and the blazing sword light came out of his hand, knocking the three people to the ground instantly before they could react.

"Flashman, don't worry about me, deal with the orc warriors!"

"OK, rotate the Vulcan Cannon!"

Immediately, the five flashers used their unique moves to severely damage Diskan, and then the rotating Vulcan cannon was assembled instantly.

On the other side, Shadow Moon suddenly raised her hand, and the cyan lightning was like a light cord, instantly locking Neferla's neck.


Neferra struggled, but to no avail. Neferra, who had been seriously injured, could no longer bear it and transformed back into Ray Neferra.

"Is it something I'm afraid of? Thanks to you, I did see some of it. In that case, I'll give it back to you."

Shadow Moon's words at this moment were full of coldness. His emerald eyes stared at Nefel. The power of the Imperial Stone surged instantly. The terrifying power was manipulated by Shadow Moon and sank straight into Ray Nefel's head. .

In an instant, the originally painful Leigh Nefill seemed to be under control. Her beautiful face became dull and her eyes were dull. Shadow Moon let go of her hand, and she fell heavily to the ground, unconscious.

After doing this, Shadow Moon turned to look at Gardan and Sa Kule, and said in a low voice:

"Next, it's you."

"Nefer! Ray Winda, you take Carat to support them, and be sure to bring Nefer back!"

Seeing this scene, Kefren couldn't sit still anymore, turned around and ordered to another of his subordinates.

Lei Wenda, who had a silver-gray body and a pair of wings on his back, turned around and headed towards the different space with Kara without hesitation.

Because the Surprised Locust has escaped control, in this case, Lei Wenda can only open the door to the different space again.

ps: In the original play, Shadow Moon has the power of hypnosis, but this principle is used here to use illusion.

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