Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 662 Xin Yan: There is no such thing as being out if you haven’t entered the game (second upd

Inside the DGP base, because it was halftime, there were only Jinghe, Daiji, Ikki and Weiss, and even Ukiyo Hidetoshi was nowhere to be seen.

Jinghe was shocked by the news he had heard before - he had never thought that DGP would become a battle between knights.

Seeing his silence, Daiji was about to speak, but at this moment, Mirage took the initiative to switch, controlled the body's right of action, and stepped forward and said:

"What's wrong? Are you afraid of fighting with knights?"

"That's natural. I participated in DGP for world peace and to revive all the retired people. Now I have to fight a life-and-death duel with other knights..."

"Ah~ Didn't you beat that white guy smoothly before? Why don't you dare to do it suddenly?"

Mirage became interested. Jinghe's performance before and after seemed very disconnected in the eyes of this demon.

However, Jing He shook his head:

"It's different. One is forced to fight back, and the other is to take the initiative to kill others. Moreover, I never thought of taking his life."

"Emm, I always feel that you are twisted somewhere..."

Suddenly, Mirage suddenly stepped forward and gently tapped his forehead in Jing He's surprised eyes:

"Let me see the devil in your heart."


In an instant, the power of the devil descended on Jing He at this moment. Before Jing He could react, a certain consciousness hidden in the deepest part woke up in advance under the power of the devil.

Mirage frowned - a Jing He in black appeared in his field of vision. The black-clothed Jing He turned his back to Jing He with an indifferent expression.

"Who are you?"

"Just a person who wants to save others."

The black-clothed Jing He just left such a sentence and then disappeared in front of Mirage.


Mirage regained consciousness, and faced Jinghe's puzzled eyes with an interested smile on his face:

"It's really interesting, your demon is more interesting than I thought."

"Don't talk about this for now, Mirage, now we should think about how to defeat the Kamen Rider named Lu Tan!"

Da Er took over the command by force.

Who would have thought that after they reached the finish line, it was not the end, but just the beginning - the game administrator named Kras stated his purpose, to create a battle royale game that surpassed DGP, and directly assigned a new Kamen Rider as a seed player to participate, that is - Kamen Rider Lu Tan.

With the blessing of the new buckle, they were defeated without surprise. However, the official game has not started yet, it is only halftime, and Jihu has disappeared at this time.

This made them feel very irritated.

Jinghe looked at the twin command buckles in his hand, silently lost in thought.

However, unknown to them, Ukiyo Hidetoshi had already found the imprisoned Kiroly by himself, and started a conversation with him:

"If you want me to save you, tell me everything..."

"It just so happens that I want to hear it too."

At this moment, Nobuhiko's figure also walked out of the mirror and said to Kiroly.

Seeing this scene, Ukiyo Hidetoshi was a little surprised:

"You are quite fast, and you actually found this place."

"Looking for traces is not the patent of foxes, but also the same for wolves."

Nobuhiko smiled, then turned his head to look at Kiroly in front of him.

And Kiroly seemed to understand the current situation and said:

"I know, I will tell you everything."

In fact, Kiroly didn't know much. He only knew that Kras was the creator of Desire Battle Royale and the former game administrator of DGP. This time he came to regain the identity of the game administrator and then change the world as he pleased.

As for how this game works, he didn't know.

Hearing his words, Nobuhiko suddenly spoke:

"Did those knights in the mirror world join because of him?"

"Well, in fact, DGP's audience has more than just DGP as an option. The battle between knights always attracts people's attention. That's all I can say."

Kirori did not reveal too much, just explained it this way.

But this is enough. Nobuhiko has already made some guesses. Combined with previous experience, he can restore a terrible fact-the world of dragon riders he experienced is likely to be just a show watched by people in the future.

Everything is for ratings, and it seems that this theater version is also the same.

"Next, I'll ask you to deal with Lu Tan."

Nobuhiko said to Ukiyo Hidetoshi without looking back.

The latter frowned slightly:

"Don't you want to join us?"

"I still have something to do. Don't worry, I won't miss the final battle. The rest is up to you. I haven't received an invitation."

Nobuhiko said, suddenly raised his hand, and the bloody Satan Sword fell into his hand. With a sword light, the device that imprisoned Kirori was completely destroyed.

After doing all this, he turned back to the mirror world.

Looking at the direction where Nobuhiko left, Kirori seemed to suddenly think of something, and his face changed.

"Let's go. At present, we still have a few combat forces on our side."

The voice of Ukiyo Hidetoshi sounded, disrupting Kirori's thoughts, and then the two walked out of the room and walked towards the DGP base.


In an office, Klass was sitting here, chatting and laughing with the owner of this office.

Hong Rongyi, a famous politician in the country, holds an important position in the head of the government. His children are all outstanding, but his youngest son Hong Jiezhen does not live the way he expects. He thinks that he is "different from his brothers, and is a lazy and last-place brother."

However, all this soon changed. A game administrator named Klass found him and cooperated with him. Hong Jiezhen participated in the competition where Klass was the administrator and won repeatedly.

Now, Klass, who wants to regain the qualification of game administrator, found him again, and in exchange for realizing Hong Rongyi's world as a dictator, let Hong Jiezhen participate in the competition as Kamen Rider Lu Tan again.

Everything went smoothly. With his deliberate help, even the Arctic Fox, who had served as the God of Wishes many times before, was defeated.

Next, as long as they win the real game, both sides will get a satisfactory result.

However, just as they were talking happily, a figure walked out of the mirror and came to them in front of the two people's surprised eyes:

"Hey, you are having a good chat, can you tell me? What plan are you making?"

Nobuhiko looked at Kras and Hong Rongyi and asked with a smile.

Kras frowned and immediately took out the game administrator's belt:

"The game hasn't started yet, and you will be eliminated if you disturb the game administrator like this, Akizuki Nobuhiko, Kamen Rider Wolf King!"

"I didn't enter the game, so how can I be eliminated?"

As he said, Nobuhiko also took out his card box.

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