Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Conclusion and thanks at the end of the article (by the way, I recommend the new book

It’s finally over. It’s been exactly one year since the release of the new book in April last year.

Frankly speaking, this book is my best overall. Thank you very much for your support.

I actually don’t like Kamen Rider as much as Odo. When I was writing it, I also considered writing about other worlds, but I gave up later. Sure enough, if it’s the world of knights from the beginning, then it’s best to follow the path of the world of knights. Go on, the horror movie extra is also included in the extra for this reason.

As many people have said, this book does not have a main line. In fact, it is true. I may prefer to write something similar to the style of Infinite Flow. The difference is that there is no system, so connecting different worlds each time is a waste of time. I ran out of brain cells, which is why I had no scruples when writing extras.

Black is one of the first special films I watched when I was a kid. The pirated translation of the disc at that time was "Ultraman Jace". It is my childhood memory. Some of the plots can also be regarded as childhood shadows. When I grow up, I understand more things, and I understood the sadness of Shadow Moon, so I thought of writing this novel. Although I was worried that not many people would read it, it turned out that everyone still resonated with some regrets.

Xiao Ye at the end was originally the heroine I had conceived, but after thinking about it, I didn’t want to write a romantic scene, so I just left an open ending at the end. Maybe Xiao Ye came to stay for a while and travel with the protagonist, or maybe it was Xiaoye plans to confess her love, who knows.

I also considered writing a side story about Black God, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. It would be enough to write a side story about a few people.

In short, Shadow Moon's journey is not over yet, but the story has ended - I really can't write the ending.

Let's talk about future plans. The new book "I, Geed, Grandson of the Kingdom of Light" has just been released. The data can be said to be very bad, but after all, it is the planned second part, and it can also be regarded as a book for Nao. Si's story will be explained one by one, and after finishing Geed, I plan to write a story with Lao Mai as the protagonist in a new world view. The story is not limited to Austria TV, and I even plan to set it in other worlds at the beginning.

There are also two ideas for books on knights recently. One is a previous proposal from a book friend to use a biological knight like Showa Knight Shin as the protagonist to describe the story of the universe, and the other is my own shallow idea—— The main character is a Holy Blade knight. Although I haven't read Holy Blade yet, I understand that the setting of the storybook seems to be very suitable for writing a fan novel.

It's roughly like this. I failed in the postgraduate entrance examination on 24th, but I tried my best to take the postgraduate entrance examination on 25th. If it didn't work, I found a job. I am also very grateful to you. Because of your support, I have the confidence to take the postgraduate entrance examination without spending my family's money.

Finally, I wish everyone better and better.

In addition, I attach the list of rewards, thank you all book friends for your help.

After noon on October 29, 23:

Thanks to Shadow Side for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Zhaiwo Mouse for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Frozen V for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Xingkong Hui for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Li Meng, the God of Death, for the 100-point reward! ! !

November 23:

Thanks to Infinite Dragon Ball Legend for the 1500 point reward! ! ! !

Thanks to Mo Mingqimiao for the 2 points reward! ! !

Thanks to Qingzhi Youming for the 2 points reward! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20220822072126615 for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to Sheng Ge for the 300 point reward! ! !

December 23:

Thanks to Xiaowei 125 for the 4-point reward! ! !

Thanks to those born in the 90s who watched Ultraman Knight for the 10,000 point reward! ! ! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20170531202758739 for the 100-point reward! ! !

Thanks to the God of Death Li Meng for the 1200 point reward! ! ! !

Thanks to gdhhdd for the 2 points tip! ! !

Thanks to Rhythm of the Sea for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Infinite Dragon Ball Legend for the 14,500 point reward! ! ! ! !

Thanks to those born in the 90s who watched Ultraman Knight for the 10,000 point reward! ! ! ! !

January 24:

Thanks to the God of Death Li Meng for the 2100 points reward! ! ! !

Thanks to Infinite Dragon Ball Legend for the 30,000 point reward! ! ! ! ! !

Thanks to those born in the 90s who watched Ultraman Knight for the 10,000 point reward! ! ! ! ! !

Thanks for the 500decade point reward for doing bad things! ! !

February 24:

Thanks to the God of Death Li Meng for the 3500 point reward! ! ! !

Thanks to Feng Shenyu for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to the book friend 202103011064905291924 points for the reward! ! !

Thanks to those born in the 90s who watched Ultraman Knight for the 40,000 point reward! ! ! ! ! !

March 24:

Thanks to Madman of Light for the 100 point reward! ! !

Thanks to Infinite Dragon Ball Legend for the 5000 point reward! ! ! ! !

Thanks to the God of Death Li Meng for the 300-point reward! ! !

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the above book friends for their support, thank you very much! ! ! ! (End of chapter)

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