Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 75 Identity Issues

"Sorry for the wait. Here are the grilled sushi, shrimp and taro cakes, and lemonade you ordered."

Nobuhiko, in uniform, carefully placed the food on the tray on the table.

At this moment, the uncle who was eating the pork chop set meal next to him said:

"Brother, give me an additional grilled rice ball."

"Okay, one grilled rice ball."

Nobuhiko nodded and wrote it down, with a smile on his face, but he still couldn't help but want to complain about this combination of carbon water and carbon water.

This kind of work lasted from 5 pm to 12 o'clock at night.

When the time rang at 12 o'clock, Nobuhiko walked out of the izakaya, rode the amazing locust and came to an apartment, which was the apartment he rented during this period.

After coming to this world, he quickly realized one thing-unlike the world of the supernova flash man, his identity certificate was not so useful here. On the one hand, the information network was popularized, and on the other hand, this was already the 21st century.

Fortunately, the Clesis computer on the Amazing Locust solved this problem perfectly. As a black technology of the Showa worldview, it is easy to hack into the Metropolitan Police Department's computer to change the date on your driver's license.

So, he found a job temporarily and settled down for the time being.

As usual, he bought a newspaper at the newsstand at the door of the apartment. He went upstairs and came to this single apartment of about 20 square meters. Although the Sawara family gave him a lot of money, he couldn't just sit there and eat.

"Is it the 35th this time? The speed is faster than I thought."

Looking at the Gurongi that he had no impression of in the newspaper, Nobuhiko said to himself.

In fact, this is normal. Due to the length limitation of the TV series Kuuga, there are less than 30 Gurongi that are actually filmed. Among them, many are naturally glossed over.

But in the real world, these things naturally cannot just pass like this. In the past few days, Kuuga and the police have dealt with the newly appeared No. 32 to No. 35, and the speed is faster than Nobuhiko imagined, which also resulted in Nobuhiko not having the opportunity to support the police.

"Now that we have settled down, we have to find a way to get in touch with the police. I don't know how the research on No. 31's body is going. If the neurotomy bullet comes out earlier, at least the Gurongi before No. 0 will not be much of a threat..."

Thinking of the famous scene in the original drama where Kaoru Ichijo severely injured the general with a neurotomy bullet, Nobuhiko put the newspaper on the bedside table and fell asleep

Time, it came to the morning.

Kaoru Ichijo walked hurriedly to the Scientific Police Research Institute and knocked on the door of the First Forensic Laboratory.

He had just received news that the research on No. 31 had made initial progress, so he couldn't wait to come here early in the morning. After hearing the voice of "Come in", he pushed open the door with some excitement.

"Ichijo-san, you're still the same, coming here so early."

The director of the First Forensic Research Laboratory, Hikaru Enoda, greeted her while drinking a can of coffee. Her hair was a little messy, and her eye bags were a little dark blue. Although she looked a little tired, it was hard to hide her delicate face.

Seeing this scene, Kaoru Ichijo frowned and subconsciously looked at the trash can under the table, where there were several cans of the same cans.

Kaoru Ichijo felt guilty instantly. The woman in front of her was a mother of a child, and she subconsciously said:


"Hui? Ah, why are you so polite all of a sudden? We are all the same."

Hikaru Enoda waved her hand nonchalantly, drank the coffee in one breath, threw the can into the trash can skillfully, and then came to the computer:

"Come on, this is the latest result."


Kaoru Ichijo quickly turned to work mode and went forward to check.

"I heard about it. It's all thanks to the mysterious Mr. Yingyue. Otherwise, there would be no chance to get such a complete corpse. Okay, back to the point. The blood test results of No. 31 are the same as the previous blood structure, which is very similar to human blood. However, thanks to the integrity of the corpse, we found their weaknesses."


Hearing this word, Kaoru Ichijo's heart was instantly shocked. He asked Hikaru Enoda eagerly:

"What is that?"

He seemed a little excited, but this was normal. So far, too many police officers have been killed by unconfirmed life forms because their own weapons cannot cause effective damage. In many cases, the police have to delay unconfirmed life forms at the cost of their lives to buy time for Kuga to arrive.

Now, suddenly hearing the word weakness, Kaoru Ichijo, who has always been calm, can't even suppress his emotions.

Hikaru Enoda was naturally aware of this, and she did not keep the secret, and simply explained:

"Although their body tissues have amazing recovery capabilities, they can be destroyed by causing a series of explosions in the nerve tissues that are the source of recovery capabilities. In order to manufacture this kind of ammunition, we are now studying the composition ratio of gunpowder based on experiments. This bullet is named the nerve-breaking bullet."

"Great, thank you very much, Miss Enoda!"

Kaoru Ichijo thanked excitedly. He knew that to achieve such outstanding results in such a short period of time, Hikaru Enoda must have led the team members to study day and night.

However, Hikaru Enoda showed a playful smile:

"You can't just thank me, your friends also helped us a lot."


Ichijo Kaoru was a little confused when he heard this. At this moment, the door opened.

A man in a white coat with messy hair walked in:

"Of course it's me."


A surprised expression appeared on Ichijo Kaoru's face. He didn't expect to see his acquaintance here - Tsubaki Shuichi, a forensic doctor at Kanto Medical University Hospital and his high school alumnus.

The relationship between the two has always been very good. Kaoru Ichijo even recommended him to Yusuke Godai, who was Kuuga, for a physical examination, which was enough to show Kaoru Ichijo's trust in him.

"I heard that there was a complete corpse, so I took the initiative to apply to study it. The body and mood of the victim always get worse after being dissected. Sure enough, after dissecting No. 31, the bad mood of being dumped because of you disappeared. ”

"You, when did I let you get dumped?"

"That girl dumped me last time because of you. Please remember my kindness."

Tsubaki Shuichi pretended to complain.

However, immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on his face:

"Now that you know their weaknesses, you will be able to relax a lot."

"Yes, but these will have to wait until the nerve-breaking bomb is developed."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Didn't Miss Enokida tell you?"

Tsubaki Shuichi looked at Hikaru Enokida in confusion.

The latter slapped his head:

"Sorry, I forgot this."

"Forget it, let me tell you directly, their other weakness is their waist."

Chun Shuichi said seriously.

ps: The computer has finally been repaired. It feels great to be able to type on it...

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