Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 85: Gurongi changes his tactics

In the dim room that looked like a big stage, Rose was reading a newspaper carefully. There was no expression on her delicate face. However, when she read a paragraph, her eyes changed subtly.

That was the police deliberately explaining the role of the police's new weapons in order to appease the mood of the citizens. In addition, the news from the referee in Gurongi confirmed the matter.

"·······Go-Buuro-Gu was hindered by Lindo? Lindo has also changed."

Her voice echoed in the empty room.

Go-Buuro-Gu is the real name of No. 37. In fact, No. 37's death this time was beyond Gurongi's expectations. The strength of the previous 3 Group, but in the end, it was only the members of the me Group. However, who would have thought that No. 37, as a go, would have no power to resist human weapons.

Such a change was really beyond her expectations.

You know, whether in the ancient times or in modern battles, Lindo's weapons have never played a big role in the Gurongi. At most, he injured a few members with low strength, so Rose was surprised.

At this time, the figure with a resolute expression appeared in her mind again.

"Next time we meet, you will be different."

At this point, Rose even raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly, at this moment, the lights in the room suddenly flickered, and combined with the already dim room, it had a bit of a ghost movie atmosphere.

Rose frowned, but then stretched out her eyebrows. She felt a familiar power, so she turned around calmly, and sure enough, a young man in white with a blurred face appeared behind him.

Yes, this is not an adjective - his face seemed to have a layer of filter added, and the other party's real face could not be seen at all, but the white tattoo on his head could be vaguely seen - it was very similar to the words representing Kuuga, but there were two more corners.

Rose knew that this was a manifestation of the opponent's power - even if the power was leaked unintentionally, it could distort reality and even cause strange phenomena in the world.

"The game between Jijiru and Gurongi has not yet been decided. You came too early."

She spoke, and her attitude towards this king was as indifferent as when she faced other Gurongi.

The game between Jijiru and Gurongi has not yet entered the finals, and this king has come here, which is very abnormal.

"Is he the new Kuuga?"

The white-clothed boy took the newspaper from Rose at some point and looked at the photo on it carefully.

He spoke fluent Japanese, just like a real human.

"Lindo calls him 'Shadow Moon'."

"Things have become more interesting. In this case, the decisive battle will also come faster. I am looking forward to fighting him."

After the white-clothed boy said this, the newspaper in his hand spontaneously combusted without fire and turned into ashes.

However, just as he was leaving, Rose suddenly spoke:

"Although Lindo has changed, Go-Bemiu-Gi seems very confident."

"She is not qualified to enter the finals."

The white-clothed boy said, and left quietly. For him, there was only one person who was qualified to fight with him, and now, there was one more.

At the same time, Go-Bemiu-Gi, mentioned by Rose, also started a fight with the police.

In the Mizusawa Water Park, there was already chaos.

The police who arrived here in time had a fierce battle with the sea snake Gurongi named Go-Bemiu-Gi, that is, No. 38.

The police equipped with muscle relaxant bullets fired repeatedly. They thought they could defeat No. 37 as easily, but the facts gave them a slap in the face.


A long whip shot out of the water at a speed comparable to that of a bullet, accurately hitting a policeman's chest. Instantly, a layer of frost covered the policeman's chest - the whip's low temperature below minus 100 degrees instantly stopped his heart and he lost his life.


The gunshots rang densely, and the water splashed only ripples, which had no effect on No. 38.

The water in the water park became her natural cover. She shuttled back and forth in the water like a real water snake, dodging the police's bullets at a very fast speed.

For a while, the police almost had no way to deal with it.

There was no way. The gap in hardware was too big. After learning about the information of muscle relaxant bullets, No. 38 used his advantages to perfectly avoid all bullets.

Whoosh - whoosh!

The whips popped out from the water one after another, and each hit took the life of a policeman. In this way, the police's encirclement also revealed a gap.

No. 38 did not choose to continue killing. She wasted too much time here and had to finish the game as soon as possible.

At this moment, No. 38 showed her speed comparable to that of the Blue Sky God. She rushed out of the pool and ran straight to the door. The police had no time to react. They were broken through the encirclement. No. 38 rushed straight out of the gate of the water park.

However, when she rushed out, a police car happened to meet her.


No. 38 jumped over the police car and planned to continue evacuating, but at this moment, a gunshot suddenly rang out, and No. 38's body stopped in mid-air and fell heavily to the ground.


No. 38 used all his strength to support his body and turned around to look - in the police car just now, a Lindo man leaned out, with a revolver in his hand still filled with smoke - it was Kaoru Ichijo, a reliable sharpshooter at the most critical moment. He made a decision at the moment and launched a fatal blow.

After seeing No. 38 fall to the ground, Kaoru Ichijo emptied the magazine without hesitation. A total of six rounds of muscle relaxant bullets completely incapacitated No. 38.


Just as No. 38 was struggling, the roar of motorcycles sounded from far to near - the blue Kuuga, holding a green dragon stick, rode a new motorcycle straight towards her, and Shadow Moon drove the Amazing Locust to keep pace.


Kuuga jumped up, and the Blue Dragon Stick in his hand suddenly came out and stabbed No. 38 hard on the back. The terrifying impact was transmitted to No. 38, and even the concrete floor cracked layer by layer.

This is the sure kill of Kuuga's Blue Dragon form - Blue Dragon Splash!

However, the seal text left behind by Kuuga's all-powerful killing force slowly disappeared amidst No. 38's struggle.


"Fist of Shadow——!"

Just as Kuuga was surprised, Shadow Moon aimed a fatal blow at No. 38's head, which cost her her life.

When everything was settled, Shadow Moon and Godai released their transformations.

"Didn't I tell you? We can no longer solve the basic attack of Go Group. It is better to use golden power at the beginning."

"Sorry, I'm just worried that the destructive power of the golden power is too strong, and it may affect the police gentlemen."

Godai said a little embarrassed.

He did think so. During the last battle against No. 37, he had a premonition of the destructive nature of the sublimated form, so he specifically told Kaoru Ichijo to take the people out of the alley before taking action.

This time Ichijo Kaoru and others were nearby, so he was a little worried.

"There's no need to worry about us, Godai. At least as a police officer, we won't be a drag on you."

Ichijo Kaoru rubbed his waist and walked out of the police car. The emergency shooting of No. 38 just now caused his whole body to hit the window frame, which caused his back to hurt.

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