Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 88 I am still alive, that is enough

"Where should I start? Let's not talk about the artificial parts in the body. The body tissue alone has undergone fundamental changes. How can I put it... It's as if it has been reshaped. Although it still retains the appearance of a human organization, the fundamental structure has completely changed.”

Chun Xiuyi's voice revealed disbelief, and he had doubts about what he had learned throughout his life.

Do humans really have this kind of technology today?

However, such doubts were suppressed by Chun Shuichi. From Nobuhiko's light film, he also noticed another problem, an incident that made his hair stand on end.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Nobuhiko:

"The implantation of the parts is very simple and delicate, which proves that the implanter must have performed this kind of surgery many times. However, humans cannot bear this level of transformation. Mr. Qiuyue? Is it because of the Emperor Stone?"


Nobuhiko nodded.

Gorgom has existed since ancient times and has dominated the earth before the birth of human beings. The emperor stone implantation surgery is performed countless times every 50,000 years.

Even though it is not mentioned in the play, it is foreseeable that Golgom's technology was built on countless lives.

What's more, Shadow Moon experienced a resurrection from the dead, which was brought back to life by the three priests using their own energy. This is probably the reason for the change in body tissue - he has the posture of a locust monster, and maybe his muscles Organizations have become like locusts.

However, Chun Shuichi didn't know what he was thinking. He was talking about his findings:

"According to your statement, this blank space is where the Emperor Stone is located. Its power blocks the CT scan. However, you also have strengthened nerves in your body that are similar to those of the fifth generation. It seems that the source is also the Emperor Stone. If it is true, , it must have been strengthened within a short period of time after implantation, otherwise it would not be able to support such a large-scale operation. But if that were the case, the human body would suffer tremendous pain. This would simply transform a person into a living being. Combat weapons—even the brain is not spared..."

Chun Shuichi almost forced himself to finish his conclusion.

Not to mention the quality of doctors, even the moral quality of ordinary people cannot accept all this.

After hearing this, Godai and Kaoru Ichijo looked at Nobuhiko.

They couldn't believe that this seemingly ordinary man had suffered such inhuman torture.

"Mr. Qiuyue..."

Godai opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

However, seeing their looks, Nobuhiko smiled:

"Why are you all looking like this? Am I not living a good life?"

Indeed, no matter how painful the operation was at the time, in the final analysis, it was the experience of the original Nobuhiko and had nothing to do with the current Nobuhiko.

Although I occasionally shudder when I think back to the experience in Hara Nobuhiko's remaining memory, but to be honest, it was like a first-person horror movie, and it was holographic.

However, such a response did not make the three of them relaxed. Chun Shuichi said seriously:

"You should know what this means, right? Your body can even be said to be completely different from a human being. Whether it can be called a human being cannot even be defined."

"Are people who have received artificial organ transplants not human beings? Are people who have been transplanted artificial blood vessels no longer human beings?"

Nobuhiko was not affected by this incident. Although he didn't watch Showa TV much, he still understood the sorrow of transforming people, and he was very open-minded about it.

"Anyway, it's enough that I'm still alive now. Do you think you will alienate me after knowing my identity? No?"

"of course not."

Seeing such an open-minded Nobuhiko, Godai's heart relaxed.

Tsubaki Shuichi and Ichijo Kaoru looked at each other, and unconsciously, the serious atmosphere calmed down instantly.

"That's true, but you have to be careful. Once others discover your physical condition, it may cause unexpected trouble. Human beings always reject things that are different from themselves."

As Tsubaki Shuichi spoke, he took off the film from the exposure panel and handed it to Nobuhiko:

"Don't worry, there is no backup at the hospital."


Nobuhiko took the film and looked at it carefully.

This time, he saw many familiar parts from above, including the V-shaped antenna on the forehead and three sensing devices. At a glance, it was even reminiscent of the Terminator.

"Quite handsome."

Nobuhiko complained, then folded the film and put it in his pocket.

After the chaos of transforming people, things went smoothly afterwards. Chun Shuichi carefully analyzed the situation of the fifth generation. In the end, he did not find many details. He only told the fifth generation that the recent strengthening might put a huge burden on the body.

Nobuhiko and others are studying the physical changes of Godai.

On the Gurungi side, members of the go group gathered together at this moment.

Compared with the non-mainstream group of people at the bottom who dress up in ridiculous styles, except for tattoos and lip gloss, the members of the go group can be said to have perfectly integrated into human society.

Among them, there is even a woman wearing an OL uniform and carrying a laptop. From the appearance, she looks like an urban white-collar worker, with no trace of Gurungi at all.

These fighting races stood together but did not make any noise, because they were waiting for someone.


Pieces of rose petals fell like rain, and the rose girl appeared in the petals.

She was wearing a white dress, with a cool temperament different from Gurongi.

"Is it my turn?"

A man wearing a black lining and overalls, with a hat, said, with a turtle tattoo on his body.

"Yes, but Go-Bemiu-Gi and Go-Buuro-Gu are both hindered by Lindo."

The rose girl said lightly.

However, this remark did not attract the attention of the other party. The man smiled slightly, and instantly showed the true form of the turtle Gurongi, and said confidently:

"Lindo's weapon can't break through Go-Gamego-Re's defense."

Whether it is a strong body or a turtle shell behind him, it all reflects the strength of his defense.

However, Rose Girl said bluntly:

"Your defense can't stop Lindo's attack."


"Lindo has changed, and with the new warriors, you are very passive."

"I will let you see my power with your own eyes."

The turtle Gurongi changed back to human form.

Seeing this, Rose Girl stopped talking, but glanced at everyone around and conveyed the order from the king:

"The rules have changed, kill the new Kuuga, top 27, this is Daguba's order."

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