Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 95 Sublimation of Omnipotence: So there is no role for me, right?

The first time I drove the Amazing Locust, I had a strange feeling.

But fortunately, his superb driving skills can perfectly adapt to even a new car in the first place.

"500, 600, 700! So fast!"

Looking at the soaring numbers on the dashboard, Kuuga couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the moment when the speed exceeded 700km/h, a cyan plasma shield rose from the ground and enveloped Kuuga's whole body. Seeing this scene, Kuuga was very surprised:

"Is this a protective shield?"

Immediately, he looked at No. 41, who was getting closer and closer, and immediately turned the accelerator. The speed of the Surprised Locust increased again, and it rushed forward at a speed far beyond the imagination of Kuaga and No. 41.


At this speed, No. 41 had no time to react. The Surprised Locust turned into a blue light and suddenly hit his motorcycle without any hindrance at all. Just like a bullet hitting an apple, the game machine that brought death to mankind was hit. of crushing.


After doing all this, Kuuga made an emergency brake and stopped the motorcycle. He turned around and looked around - No. 41 staggered to his feet. The reflex nerves of Locust Gurungi saved his life, but that was all. The speed of the flash impact was so fast that he couldn't completely dodge it.

At this moment, No. 41 was lying on the ground. His right leg was bloody and bloody. He had lost the ability to resist after suffering such heavy injuries.

However, even so, No. 41 still stood up from the ground and looked directly at Kuuga who got out of the car and walked towards this direction.

He knew that his death had come.

However, he did not panic, but said to me with some emotion:

"She's right, even Sora has changed."


"The new horses are great."

No. 41 turned his last words into praise for Sora.

And Kuuga did not hesitate. Under the gaze of No. 41, Kuuga's body was wrapped in golden thunder and lightning.

He kept in mind the information given by Nobuhiko - the ultimate kill against the Go Group's basic form was no longer effective, but he did not transform into the sublimated almighty form at this moment -

——Golden thunder and lightning filled his body, and the red color representing the Warrior of Fire turned into a deep black. At the same time, two armors engraved with ultra-ancient inscriptions appeared on his two calves.

Amazing almighty form!

The leader of the Thunder Warriors, who once made a surprise appearance in the original work, now appears in front of No. 41 in advance.

As if to set off its appearance, there was a rumble of thunder in the clear sky at this moment.

Seeing this black and gold warrior, No. 41 showed a visibly surprised look. It was a posture he had never seen before - a form that even the super-ancient Kuuga never had.

However, no matter how frightened and uncertain he was, Kuuga had already begun to take action.

The leader of the Thunder Warrior took steps, and blazing flames emerged from the soles of his feet. He ran with all his strength, then jumped up and unleashed a sure-kill move on No. 41.

Not one leg as before, but both legs!



At the moment of the collision, No. 41's body was shot out like a cannonball, crossing the coast and falling to the sea in the distance.

But for a moment, light flashed in the sky.

A terrifying explosion rose from the ground. It was a brilliance that even the sun could not cover up. The radius of the terrifying explosion even exceeded three kilometers!

Kuuga seemed to be shocked by this force. He just stood there without any movement, just staring blankly at the approaching air wave, and then, his figure was also swallowed up.

When Shadow Moon drove the motorcycle to the scene, everything had settled.

In the smoke that filled the sky, Wu Dai stood there, staring at the sea in front of him in a daze.

Shadow Moon released his transformation, got out of the car, and walked quietly towards Godai. He didn't say anything, he just looked at Godai - at this moment, Godai had an indescribable sadness on his face and... ·Determined!

"Mr. Qiuyue, I succeeded."

Suddenly, Godai spoke, with a smile on his face as always and a signature thumbs up. However, although he tried hard to make his smile look genuine, Nobuhiko could still clearly feel that, The sad heart hidden in the smile.

"It will be over soon."

Nobuhiko was silent for a while and comforted him.

He knew that even if he was determined, Godai really hated fighting.

But fortunately, judging from the news from Yiyi Xun, the clarion call for counterattack is about to sound, and the countdown to Gurungi's defeat is about to begin.

"Mr. Qiuyue, after the battle is over, you will leave too, right?"

Suddenly, Wu Dai suddenly spoke:

"Your fight will certainly never stop."

"Well, although I haven't decided yet, it is obvious that there will be no shortage of fighting in my future."

Nobuhiko said nonchalantly.

After hearing this, Godai asked in confusion:

"From now on...why will you fight?"

"This is what you told me, because I am a Kamen Rider. I will continue to travel through time and space to see the scenery of different worlds. If possible, I will reach out to help the people I can reach. For me and for him, Finally... find your destination with a smile."

Nobuhiko's voice was still a little uncertain at the end, but the confusion in his words was gone.

At this point, Nobuhiko smiled and looked at Godai:

"You made me understand."

"That's great. As expected, I'm not suitable for fighting..."

Godai smiled self-deprecatingly and looked down at his right hand.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in his field of vision - Nobuhiko gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing this scene, the bitterness on Godai's face disappeared, and he burst into laughter. He took a deep breath and restored his sad mood due to killing.

"Let's go, let's go see Mr. Ichijo."

"Hey? What happened to Mr. Ichijo?"


Opening his eyes in confusion, Kaoru Ichijo looked at the white ceiling with a confused look.

Just then, a voice sounded:

"You finally woke up."

"Sister Enoda?"

Kaoru Ichijo sat up immediately and looked at Hikaru Enoda next to him - she was wearing casual clothes and holding a briefcase in her hand, obviously just off work.

"It was Yingyue who saved you. Everyone was scared. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the examination. Do you still have the previous impression now?"

Enoda Hikaru poured a glass of water for Ichijo Kaoru and continued to ask.

After hearing this, Ichijo Kaoru subconsciously remembered what happened before he fell into a coma-after realizing that Yingyue or Wudai was fighting a powerful enemy, he immediately evacuated and came to a commanding height far away from the battlefield to support his comrades with a sniper rifle.

However, the moment he saw the two warring parties clearly through the scope, his body was overwhelmed by a huge sense of oppression.


Thinking of this, Ichijo Kaoru subconsciously covered his chest and gasped heavily.

ps: The second update will be later, something happened.

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