Before the system was upgraded, Wei Xing was provided with a "tail line" skill, although the name was not very good, but the effect was very powerful, allowing him to track, sneak, and hide without being discovered.

The undetected here is not only ordinary people, even knights and bosses cannot find him hiding.

After spending 10E system points to upgrade, the system now has a new function called "TV truck".

What does this feature do? Quite simply, Wei Xing can broadcast some of the content he wants to broadcast across the world through the so-called TV broadcast truck.

For example, Wei Xing is now in the lost ace world of the theatrical version of the Ji Lao Sword, then he can leave a TV broadcast truck in this world, and when he returns to the new decade world, he can broadcast video to this world through the TV broadcast truck that remained in this world in the new decade world.

Wei Xing: So tram = TV truck!? System: You TM is really a ghost!

Wei Xing is very speechless, his own broken system, the name has been completely helpless, the normal name of the TV broadcast truck can be abbreviated to "tram" with special ambiguity, the psychological quality is not good enough, it is really easy to be angry.

But aside from the name of the system daddy, this feature is indeed useful, because it means that Wei Xing can expand his real leek field.

There is no doubt that Wei Xing's base camp is the New Decade World, and this time he came to this world through the Knight World Pass, and he originally planned to harvest leeks at once.

That's why he did the thing of using illegal power to control satellites and signal transmission towers to broadcast live all over the world.

And he proved to be very successful in doing so, harvesting 10E+ system points in one go.

Originally, according to the normal situation, Wei Xing basically will no longer have any intersection and entanglement with this world, who would have thought that the system upgrade will have the function of a TV broadcast truck.

Well, Wei Xing prefers to call it the "Otherworld Broadcast" feature.

With this function, wouldn't the world, which was originally a disposable leek field, be transformed into a continuous leek field?

At that time, Wei Xing will do a show such as "Kamen Rider Watch Weekly" and "Kamen Rider Eats a Melon" to be broadcast in this world, and the energy will continue to obtain system points from this world.

Perhaps for a long time, this will not be able to return the 10E system points of the upgrade system, but you must know that this otherworld broadcast function has no limits.

Guards wake up and use the Knight's World Pass to travel to other knights' worlds, and they can also leave TV broadcast trucks in that world!

As long as there are enough TV trucks, the number of system points he earns will only increase, or even multiply!

"Very good, very good, this 10E system points are finally not in vain."

After figuring out the real role of the otherworld broadcast, Wei Xing was in a very good mood, and even the unhappiness caused by the name of the system was too pit daddy disappeared.

Wei Xing: As long as you can earn system points, the name pit daddy is not chilling at all.

In addition, although this function is called "TV broadcast truck", in fact, its form does not necessarily have to be a car, for reasons of concealment, safety and other reasons, Wei Xing set the "broadcast truck" to the appearance of a satellite, directly leaving it outside the earth's atmosphere.

Anyway, even if it is, there is a signal guaranteed.

After all, the signals have already crossed the world, and they can't cross the distance from the ground to the atmosphere?

Wei Xing: So why did the system choose this name? Just for the abbreviation followed by "tram"? What about deliberately pit daddy!?

There was still a week left before the one-month cooldown of the Knight World Pass, and during this week, Wei Xing was not idle, making various preparations for his future broadcast, and even tried to produce a show called "Kamen Rider Eats a Melon".

The program is broadcast on the Internet, and Wei Xing has produced a related website himself, which can also publish text news.

And the format of the program is very simple, somewhat similar to news programs, he does not show his face to carry out various reports about knights.

In this first episode, he didn't spend any work, just to give the audience a look at Undead, how Kamen Rider was born, and the truth about 10,000 years of Battle-Fight.

Because the influence of the battle between Guards and Fourteen has not completely dissipated in half a month, this show immediately received considerable attention and praise from many people as soon as it was broadcast, bringing Wei Xing a small amount of system points.

It is worth mentioning that in this process, some forces do not want these news to spread widely, and try to close the website established by Wei Xing, and even find his traces.

However, this website was built by Wei Xing with illegal forces, and it is impossible for anyone to shut down.

As for trying to find his whereabouts, it is even more impossible.

"The cooldown period for the pass will be over tomorrow, let's treat yourself tonight!"

In the hotel room, Wei Xing glanced at his remaining system points, and finally couldn't help but want to draw a lottery.

Although the previous system upgrade consumed most of the system points earned this time, a full 10E, but the remaining points at that time plus the points accumulated over the past few days, Wei Xing's points at this time can also exceed 1E.

What does 1E system points have enough to do with Weixing?

He is now level 4, and the draw requires 10W for one draw, which is enough for him to carry out a hundred consecutive draws, and if he upgrades, he can also be upgraded to level 7.

Wei Xing is not in a hurry to upgrade himself, because the number of system points required for the lottery will also increase after the upgrade, and Wei Xing always feels that the increased lottery multiplier is completely incomparable to the system points that have increased tenfold.

"System, lottery!"

[Please select the lottery mode: single shot into the soul, ten consecutive guarantees]

"Ten consecutive guarantees!"


Get a common deck of playing cards] [Get a deck of ordinary playing cards] [Get

a deck of ordinary playing cards]


[Get the same Blay-Buckle of Kenzaki] Blay-Buckle

, that is, Blade's belt, was quite satisfied with his first ten consecutive draws, Wei Xing was still quite satisfied, so he continued to work hard and continued to draw ten consecutive draws.

[Get a normal deck

of playing cards] [Get a deck of ordinary playing cards]


[Get the Awakening Card Spades 2]


[Get a deck of ordinary playing cards]


[Get Awakening Card Hearts 10]


After spending 5000W system points and fifty consecutive draws, it can also be said that it was five hundred consecutive draws, Wei Xing finally collected the four belts in the Ji Yan sword, a whole pair of awakening cards, and the awakening fusion device.

Don't ask Wei Xing why he has to collect the four belts and 54 awakening cards, ask is rich and strong, ask is like to collect, ask is obsessive-compulsive disorder...

After fifty consecutive draws, Wei Xing finally stopped the lottery with satisfaction, and looking at his remaining 5000W system points, he began to choose to upgrade himself.

Although these system points were still enough for Wei Xing to upgrade to level 7, after much consideration, he only chose to upgrade to level 5, that is, spending 10W points to upgrade himself to level 5.

At this point, Wei Xing's physical fitness has increased from six times that of ordinary people to eight times.

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