Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Bright gun!

Host the commentator.

"His! The second team is in a bad situation now!"

"Let's take a look. At present, more than half of the teams on the field are around the top of the observation station. In addition to the poisonous north, the second team has people in all directions."

"If you look at it this way, the second team will be a little lost in this wave. If it is am, it will be fine, but if you only take the girl's control, the risk will not be proportional to the report."

"Cough, I think it's a scorer. If other players got this gun, I'm afraid that's true, but don't forget, now it's vi that got this gun!"

Hearing msjoy's meaningful words.

The nerdy **** the side was okay, but immediately responded.

Not only that, many spectators off the field also remembered the last life and death of the California World Championship!

At that time, Liu Zilang, who was still at 4am, used a fifteen-times sister-controlled gun to shoot and kill SKK, almost holding the championship trophy from SKK in his hands.

Thinking of this, look at the man on the stage holding the girl.

All of a sudden, the audience's eyes suddenly became eager again.

But wait!

Someone suddenly reacted.

Liu Zilang's sister seems to be a red dot, not a 15x lens? !!

Game match.

At this time, Liu Zilang and Misaka Kotomi, who were holding the red dot sister, were holding their bodies, turning over the rocks little by little along the mountain road, and carefully touching them towards the south.

At the same time, Li Muqiu and Shen Zeyan took the jeep and went straight down the mountain road on the west side.

Engine engine growl!

On this quiet hill, the violent roar quickly passed in all directions, and the surrounding teams heard the sound of a stun!

Good guy!

Want to leave after taking the airdrop?

The first shot was of course the nearest 4am on the west **** of the observation station.

I saw them raising their muzzles in unison, and shooting at Jeep speeding down the slope.

All of a sudden, the fire light emitted by the four muzzles suddenly interweaved into a fiercely dancing fire dragon, and flew towards the jeep on the **** with his teeth and paws.

Jingle bells jingle bells!

The jeep suddenly seemed to be hung on a telephone pole, and Mars galloped along with lightning.

The person hadn't been beaten down, the car hadn't been smoked yet, and the two tires on Jeep's side had all been blown up.

Li Muqiu's eyes twitched, and he quickly found a bunker in the mountainside in front of the mountain and stopped. The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly saw a barrage.

"Now that professional players are hitting tires ?!"

"Oh! There are things like this at 4am!"

"This wave of autumn **** He Ze is held up. I feel like I can't leave."

"So why didn't this wave of vi and menhera sauce get on the bus?"


When the audience in the live room was a little puzzled, the director's footage was given to Liu Zilang and Misaka Kotomi, who were south of the Peak Observation Station. They saw the two crawling on the ground like caterpillars.

Seeing this picture, everyone in the field could not help twitching

What the **** is going on?

On the commentary stage, it is better to rub your chin and watch the game screen. "If the second team wants to enter the lap and shift, why don't they go together? They have to split the two paths?"

"Do you want to put the eggs in two baskets? To ensure the continuation of the team's tinder?"

One side msjoy raised his hand and pushed the eyes on the lower bridge of his nose. "But in a word, this wave is fortunate that vi and menhera sauce have not kept up, otherwise it feels like the whole team will be put on the mountainside."

"But Qiu Shen and Shao Ze are not in a good situation right now. Although they have a bunker and they still have a certain vision advantage at a high place, they will make up at 4:30, but the teams in other directions are moving towards the sound of guns. Moving in the direction. "

"Yes, once the gun lines from other directions come over, Qiu Shen and Shao Shao, who lost their cover, will be exposed to the muzzle of 4am. I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to handle."

"Now the first person to come is ifty and so on! Why are they behind the rocks under ifty? And it seems that ifty has not been found yet!"

"Does the hiss say that the second team is to make Qiu Shen and Ze Ze attract attention, and vi and menhera sauce ambush those teams that come from all around?"

"Do you want to fight back at this time? Is this a bit impossible?"

"Well, I think there is nothing impossible for the second team!"

"Then the first one to come up now is how to say ifty?"

With the rush of commentary, the hearts of everyone staring at the big screen under the field also tightened!

Game match.

Following the gunfire, the ifty four quickly discovered that Li Muqiu and Shen Zeyan, who were hiding stones and jeep behind the west slope, were facing away from them.

The four of ifty could not help but feel a joy!

Facing the two heads falling from the sky, they were thinking about shooting each other with a perfect back.

Unexpectedly, the sniper gun in the hands of the sniper vk had just been lifted up, and he opened the mirror to aim at Shen Zeyan.

The other person seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, suddenly turned around, squatted, and shot!

Three actions in one go!



The sound of two sniper guns rang through the empty sky over the top of the mountain. I saw a sudden burst of blood on Vk's head, and the whole person's blood volume became red instantly!

However, compared to the plummeting blood strip ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time vk was even more shocked or how did the other party suddenly find him?

vk has heard that the world's top snipers have a more metaphysical "dangerous sense of smell", but just now Shen Zeyan's backhand shot is not so much a sense of smell as a counterattack that the cheetah lurks for a long time!

and many more!

Have we been found?

Suddenly, the ear only heard a "铮".

This sound fell familiar to several people's ears. It was the sound of a grenade.

If it is in a single row solo competition, no matter who hears this voice, I am afraid that it will immediately reflect some people around.

But this is a team four-row game. If the four of them are together, then no matter how fast they can communicate, they can't confirm where the grenade came from when they heard the string.

"Who's Ray?"

"not me!"

"I didn't throw it!"

"No! Someone around us!"

a + over there reflected the first time.

Beside the rock below, Liu Zilang didn't expect a thunder to be able to deal with a professional team, let alone hope that the reaction of the opponent would be slow enough to allow him to fully warm up.

So this Thunder Gang pulled the string less than two seconds, and Liu Zilang suddenly got up and threw it up.

The next moment, he squatted suddenly!

When he got up again, Liu Zilang already had a red dot girl in his hand!

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, even if he is reckless, he will not dare to output against the muzzle of the other four.

That's because I think I have a long life!

However, at the moment, Liu Zilang was hitting the mountain with a grenade. The four ifty on the rock were busy avoiding the grenade explosion, and no one aimed the muzzle at him for the first time.

At this moment, mk14 this fully automatic company suddenly revealed its sharp fangs!

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