Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Cape of Good Hope!

Diving into the night with the wind, the fetus was silent.

Seeing Liu Zilang knock out three tires with his bare hands, the barrage in the live room suddenly exploded!

"What the hell? I hit my baby?"

"Isn't Vic going to drive?"

"I didn't understand. I just left without driving. Why did I come back to give birth?"

"Let's find out? That's his hobby, don't mix Sen Lanshou one day!"

"How did I feel a conspiracy?"


There are heated discussions among water users.

In the game.

After Liu Zilang had finished his fetus, he called on the same aggressive face, Misaka Komi, who turned around and ran away.

When the two walked, SSS and OMG were still hammering each other downhill.

OMG obviously does not want to give up the fat that eats his mouth, and a poisonous one will also kill the opponent's posture.

In fact, the SSS two have a choice of retreat, which is to walk around from the mountains behind.

However, the performance of SSS at this time was also abnormal, and it seemed that they did not worry about their situation at all.

From time to time, the NB211 holding the M24 looks for opportunities to lean in and sniper over OMG, but it also knocked the other two heads apart, but did not have the opportunity to make up.

However, seeing the continuous loss of time, the two of them still looked fearless.

Host the commentator.

"Time passes quickly, and now it is only half a minute before the next wave of poison."

"This wave of poison will shrink in forty seconds. We can see that the second team and 4AM on the top of the observation station have entered the lap."

"Then there are only OMG and SSS behind. Are these two teams still playing?"

"In fact, if the OMG pushes them in the past, it is very likely that they will completely destroy SSS, but they have not done so so far."

"I guess OMG may be afraid of downsizing. There are currently seven teams left on the field. They must save their team strength as much as possible before entering the finals."

"Oh, this is like trying to steal a chicken, but also afraid of being beaten. It seems that OMG is also very entangled."

"Yes, after all, they already know that the other party is SSS. The name of Gaming Lubu 211 can still scare people. If OMG is reckless, it is conservatively estimated that it will be replaced by one or two."

"But what's going on here with SSS? Their position is at the most poisonous side. When they shrink, they must take poison first. Why don't they seem panicked at all?"

"Oh! SSS is moving! Do they finally not want to continue consuming with OMG?"

"Well? Wait, why does the SSS run over the observation station?"


Under the director's camera, the two men from SSS saw a burst of snakeskin in the OMG's sweep, and they quickly descended from the hillside to the back of the observation station.

This is coming ... mention the car?

Seeing here, where can the audience still fail to respond?

For a moment, everyone could not help but mourn for SSS ...

as expected.

I saw the SSS two men rushing towards the little yellow car when they came to the back door of the observation station.

Before the two approached, NB211 noticed sharply that one of the tires had been knocked out.

He couldn't help but said, "Why does it look like someone blew a tire, can it drive?"

On the one hand vvovo froze, "Who is so lacking in morals, forget it, it should barely be able to drive without a baby."

But after moving closer, looked at the two tires on the other side.

vvovo could not help but widen his eyes suddenly, and found that something more insidious came.

It's not like this was hit ...

But there is only one left!

It's a bit of a mess!

After a short absence, looking at the poisonous circle that has begun to shrink behind them, the two suddenly frantically filled up with drinks!

no way! Now that they do n’t have a car, they naturally run out of energy.

On the commentary stage, the three commentaries also looked at each other.

"Looking at this situation ... SSS should have known that there was a car stored here, plus that I hadn't heard the sound of the car, so I was so impatient with OMG?"

"It should be right, oh, but they underestimated the shamelessness of this guy, Vic."

"Oh, who would have thought that Vic would come back and beat his tires even if he wasn't driving, and killed three in a dozen ... it's simply outrageous!"

"Now the SSS is already poisoned. Without a car, they can't make a detour at all. Even if they can run into the circle, they may be intercepted by the second team and 4AM on the circle!"

"That said, Vic seems to have expected this hand, which is a bit scary."

"Let's take a look at OMG again. They don't have a car, but they are in a forward position, and the straight line into the circle is separated from the second team and the 4AM side by bunkers. This wave of circle should not be a problem."


In the voice of the analysis, the poisonous circle has been shrinking. At this time, all teams except OMG and SSS have entered the circle.

Next, when the poison circle and the safety zone coincide, and the next circle is brushed, the OMG side just enters the circle.

The two of SSS were miserable.

Hurrying all the way, and finally the safety zone ahead was in sight, but the two accidentally hit the muzzle of the second team and 4AM.

Two team vs two full formation.

And the former is still dissatisfied in the poison, while the latter is at ease in the safe zone.

In this case, miracles are not enough to change anything, unless miracles occur to turn things around.

The reality is clearly cruel.

"Se7en2-Menhera knocked down SSS-vvovo with Mini14!"

"4 AM-Gucun killed SSS-NB211 with Kar98k!"

Two heads bloom!

But whether it is Liu Zilang or 4AM, they are not very satisfied with this, they feel that the other party has snatched their own heads ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If it is normal, the two sides have to talk to each other a few waves, but now it is not time .

Because the next circle is still a chamfered circle, but also cut to the "Cape of Good Hope" in the southeast.

The thought of what might happen in the next circle is even more painful!

Host the commentator.

"Well, I didn't expect the airport circle in this game to be like this."

"At present we only have six teams and 20 people on the field. In addition to 4AM, second team and OMG, there are three teams that are IDS and RNG and FPX. These are currently stronger teams."

"It seems that everyone didn't expect this lap. The countdown of the lap is one and a half, and now it is almost a third."

"In fact, this is fine. After all, the distance is not too far. I am worried that if the final finals are also halfway in the sea, it will be difficult to play."

"But to be honest, I have explained so many games. It is the first time I have seen this kind of circle in the Cape of Good Hope in the southeast, but it is not very easy to predict."

"Huh? Vic, they seem to have found a car on the airport highway."

"Ah! Another tricycle!"


After hearing the commentary, the audience in the audience and the studio immediately became interested and stared at the big screen.

But to everyone's disappointment, not only did Liu Zilang not ride three rounds, he didn't even get on the car.

Under the screen of the big screen.

Li Muqiu took three jumpers to carry Shen Zeyan and Misaka Kotomi, and he went to the Cape of Good Hope without going back ...

Behind him, only Liu Zilang was left secretly walking towards the 4AM side.


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