Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 981: 0 miles to cooperate!

? Liu Zilang is not moving at this time.

You know, now the countdown to the next wave of poison has begun, but he is still in the last wave of poison.

Although the medicine on his body is still sufficient at present, the problem is that if he continues to squat in the poison, the final situation is likely that his medicine has not been hit and the person is gone ...

With this in mind, Liu Zilang must decisively begin to take action.

哐 当 —!

The smoke flew on the grass, releasing a large amount of smoke in a whisper.

Immediately afterwards, the "snoring" sound in the ears soon continued.

Liu Zilang actually throws out seven or eight smoke bombs added to his body and in Weishen's box.

For a while, the audience in the field and between the live broadcast all looked dumbfounded!

"Mistweed! Is this a graphics card attack?"

"I'm convinced! The effect of this smoke bomb is almost catching up with the flash bomb, and it is probably dumbfounded at 4AM."

"But Vic always has to get out of the smoke and get beaten."

"Wait! Ze Shao has begun to act on the edge of the mountain too. It seems that he wants to meet Vic."

"But the two of FPX seem to be following Ze Shao. They thought Ze Shao was a lone wolf! Want to eat him!"


Under the director's camera, Shen Zeyan saw his 98K bent over like a lone wolf and quickly ran across the cliff of the Cape of Good Hope.

Right now, the FPX side is chasing him, but Shen Zeyan's muzzle is always locked on the 4AM side.

When running and transferring, every time he found a loophole on the 4AM side, he raised his hand and shot.

After playing, Shen Zeyan couldn't even look at the quick change of position at a glance, and then found another opportunity to continue harassment.

For a moment, he seemed to dance on the tip of a knife, the key is that he had not even noticed the danger under his feet.

Instead, he stayed out of the way like an irrelevant person, as if the FPX was not playing him.

In this case, 4AM stared at by Shen Zeyan is a bit unlucky.

Unless they don't come out after the bunker, they won't be able to find a chance to shoot at all. It seems that Shen Zeyan can beat them no matter where they are.

Liu Zilang took advantage of this opportunity and the cover of the smoke bomb to quickly move towards the safe area.

"I still don't believe this evil!" Aruka raised an eyebrow suddenly.

At this point he had merged with his teammates and stopped pulling out the SKS behind him.

However, his goal was not Liu Zilang, which appeared in the smoke, but Shen Zeyan, who had been harassing them.

"Be careful!" The lonely, who had been silent, suddenly reminded.

Aruka found the time for Shen Zeyan to pull the bolt and change the bullet. He was about to show a wave of "two seconds and seventeen shots" to suppress the arrogance of the other side, but he did not expect that the crisp gunshot sounded in his ear!



A flash of blood burst out of Aruka's head between the arcs of fire.

At the same time, the director's footage.

I saw that Liu Zilang was shooting at the same time, a very smooth squatting body to avoid the lonely shot, and then did not look exactly the same as Shen Zeyan, and quickly rushed into the smoke diagonally ahead.

"Se7en2-Vic knocked out 4 AM-Aluka with Kar98K!"

Killing and brushing out on the screen, there was an exclamation sound at the scene!

So fast gun!

Host the commentator.

"Aruka has fallen! He should have been shot by Ze Shao just now. Although Vic had no headshot, he was just enough to clear his blood."

"Yes, to be honest, this wave of Aruka is a little bit up."

"Actually, I don't think you can blame Aruka. If you don't get on top, we can explain it clearly on the stage. But everyone should know that when we are usually in the fierce finals, we have a lot of fire in our ears and we are very nervous. Under any circumstances, any choice is understandable. "

"The 4AM side is definitely going to help people now. It looks like Vic might have a chance to go out."

"Wait a minute! Why is there so much blood on Ze Shao's side?"

"Oh! He was hit by the FPX side, and now he can only lie there."


Big screen game picture.

I saw that Shen Zeyan's blood was almost empty, and the only trace of red blood seemed to be completely "locked" by character.

Lying under a rock, his head was riddled with rocks, and dense bullets prevented him from showing up.

In fact, the speculation of the explanation is not accurate.

Because they saw that Shen Zeyan had been continuously fired by FPX, they subconsciously thought that this situation was also caused by Shen Zeyan.

But in fact, the reason why Shen Zeyan is still blood is because OMG just transferred the fire force uncontrollably, and gave Shen Zeyan a lethal shot from behind!

The reason why OMG shifted the gun line was because all three of the IDS side who had been held by them all jumped off the cliffs of the Cape of Good Hope and chose to enter the circle from below.

So OMG, who lost the target, quickly aimed his muzzle at Shen Zeyan ...

It can be seen from this that the different teams in the finals seem to have no connection, but in fact they are all closely related.

As long as there is a change, a series of chain reactions will soon occur.

At this moment, the exclaimed stage exclaimed again!

"Oh! The FPX side seems to realize that Ze Shao is in a bad situation. They want to throw thunder!"

"Ah! Shao Ze is playing with the first aid kit, and the reading is still half, and the most important thing is that he has no other party's vision."

"It's cold! FPX knows Ze Shao's location. As long as this mine does not make mistakes, Ze Shao must have been blown up."

"We can see that the mine in Tide's hand is almost warmed up, he is about to throw it!"

On the host's commentary stage, Msjoy's voice suddenly abruptly raised, and countless fans of the "Mrs. Mission" off the court also nervously raised their hearts.

However, the moment Tide raised his hand, a crisp gunshot came from the field!

The countless spectators off the court did not respond, and saw Tide's head suddenly burst into a blood flower, his body was instantly out of balance, and he threw himself on his knees.

"Se7en2-Vic knocked down the FPX-Tide with a Kar98K headshot!"

At this point, Tide's grenade was still in his hand.

The Vice of FPX saw that this scene was suddenly struck by lightning, and the scalp was numb all of a sudden!

Mist hastily!


No accident at the end ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the poisonous mist, Liu Zilang's magical shot made Tide "explode" and took away his teammates.

The team suddenly changed from six teams to five teams, with only 17 remaining players.

However, at this moment, the number of survivors in the upper right corner suddenly flashed-this means that someone was knocked down, but not yet replaced.

Sure enough, the next moment, a kill prompt appeared on the screen again.

"4 AM-GuCun knocked Se7en2-olves down with Kar98K!"

The commentary heard Msjoy's voice.

"Oh! It's lonely!"

"Lonely here pulled away, he hit Ze Shao with this shot"


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