Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 987: Want to fight, not to fight!

Under the disturbance of various unstable factors, the situation in the finals is really too fast. Suimeng Novel Network ()

On the cliffs of the Cape of Good Hope, Liu Zilang has not had time to consider whether to go down to save people.

The one below helped him make a choice, and he was made up with two shots.

After a while, the surviving "5" flashing at the top right of the screen suddenly jumped to "3", and now there are really only three people left.

On the commentary stage, Joy looked at the game screen and frowned, "At present, there is only one minute left before the countdown to the last wave of poison, and the last lap is impossible to enter."

"Then there are only two options for the three players on the field." Fortunately, he took a breath and looked at the game screen and analyzed.

"Or they will kill the other two in the last minute. The winner is king!

This is martial arts. "

After hearing this, the joy on the side couldn't help but turn his head and said with a smile, "Oh? Then there's Wendou?"

"Well, but it can't be said to be a fight."

It was good to laugh, "But I think the other way is relatively gentle. After all, although the safe zone can't go in, in the last lap our players just need to be as close as possible to the safe zone."

Speaking of which, it was a little bit better, and continued to explain, "After all, everyone knows how much the last wave of poison hurts, so the closer you get to the safe zone, the later you will take the poison, as long as everyone else is dead."

Sjoy nodded when he heard it, and said with a smile, "If this is the case, it is indeed a more gentle way."

The dull **** the side looked at the game screen. "The nearest lion should be the little lion below. He just needs to swim through the water."

"But it's a bit far away, and he has to bypass vic if he wants to move closer to the safe zone."

"Yes, in fact, the position of vic is also very good. Just a few steps to jump is the safe area,"

Sjoy nodded, and then shook his head with a grin. "But the problem is back to the original, that is, unless you jump into the sea at this height, you will definitely be killed on the cliff."

"But the problem is here again, you don't want to climb up when you get to the sea." Speaking of this, I can't help shaking my head and said, "No solution, no solution, it seems that the finals of this game are really A test for our three players. "

The commentary and analysis on the stage jumped out of the sea after being filled with drinks by the seaside reef.

At this moment, the last wave of poisonous countdown on the field has less than half a minute left.

No way, the little lion has no initiative at all, even if he wants to fight, he can't find anyone.

Therefore, he can only adopt the method of "Wen Dou", as close as possible to the safety zone to take drugs later.

At the same time, the above Liu Zilang and Gucun were a little froze.

Now he just needs to go to the edge of the cliff, which is the closest to the safe area.

But the problem was that there was no cover at that position, and it was even more accurate to be alone. He was very dead-headed and stared at the place firmly.

And I don't give Liu Zilang a chance at guns at all. I don't want to get close to that if I don't enter the circle.

In this case, Liu Zilang could only watch the countdown of the shrinkage with great pain.

In a blink of an eye, half a minute passed quickly.

I saw the poisonous circle around him startling and the last wave of poisoning began to shrink.

At this time, Liu Zilang couldn't care about that much anymore. He just threw a smoke at the cliff, and then rushed out of the bunker holding 98k!

I just ran a few steps,

He turned abruptly and was shot out!


Bullets shriek and cut through the sky!

Gucun just wanted to stop Liu Zilang.

As soon as the body protruded out, it immediately retracted back at a faster speed than before, but it was dangerous to escape the instant shot of Liu Zilang!

"Wow! What a gun!"

"Victor is demonstrating power! This wave of cooing is a bit suppressed!"

"Your prodigal brother will always be your prodigal brother!"


Everyone on the field was amazed!

Gu Cun took a deep breath during the game!

At that moment, he seemed to be stared at by a beast, and the whole person seemed to be deterred.

But in the next moment, the perseverance of loneliness in his heart resurrected.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly a grenade slipped out of his hand, pulling the lead with a bang.

At this time, Liu Zilang had rushed into the smoke by the cliff.

On the other side, the radiation grid behind forced it relentlessly, and lonely ran out from behind the bunker without hesitation.

He counted these numbers silently in his heart, ran to half, threw his hand and threw the grenade into the smoke near the cliff.

In the smoke, Liu Zilang just wanted to lean forward and stand dead alone, and suddenly "slammed" in his ears!

It's a grenade!

He trembled in his mind, took two steps back quickly, and jumped off the cliff without hesitation.

A loud bang!

The moment Liu Zilang jumped down, the fire waves behind him suddenly turned up!

At the same time, Lonely also quickly rushed into the smoke from the cliff ahead.

Just then, under the lens of the director.

The moment Liu Zilang jumped off the cliff, he suddenly felt a grenade flashing in his hands, and then turned 180 degrees, and threw his grenade up.

The whole process is flowing in one go!

The solitary side went into the smoke, and because of the roar of the grenade explosion just now, he could not hear the thunder that Liu Zilang threw backhand.

Before he could react, the whole man was suddenly blown out.

Seeing the scene in the fire between the flashes of light, the audience in the audience burst into exclamation!

"Mistweed? Vic's thunder is too great!"

"Wow! I've taken it! This wave is really wit!"

"It hurts my cooing, don't mess with vic the big devil next time."


In the sea by the cliff.

Hearing the news floating above the sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I couldn't help but be grateful for my wise choice.

Hit it!

It ’s good to kill everyone!

He was praying in his heart, without any warning, a figure fell from his head.

He was pressed into the water for a moment, looked up, but found someone riding on his face.

Lying down!

What the hell?

But at this time it was too late to think about those.

Because the radiation grid behind has approached relentlessly from the sea!

At about the same time, the two hurriedly swam towards the cliff in front, and were finally forced to the corner of the cliff with only one person.

For a while, Liu Zilang and you stepped on me at once, and I stepped on you, and both of them went up and down, and from time to time someone was trapped in the water.

Seeing the "extremely fierce" battle, the audience can not help but be shocked!

Zhang Xiaotong, who was sitting in the front row of the auditorium, clasped his hands tightly, staring at the game screen with his eyes blinking!

Suddenly, Liu Zilang turned over and rode on a salty fish. Then he immediately took the initiative and firmly pressed himself into the sea water.

In the process of contending for the above initiative, oxygen in the lungs has long been left.

At this time, after being squeezed into the sea, he quickly entered the red lung state, and his blood volume suddenly fell.

The next moment, the radiation behind them annihilated the two at the same time, and the blood of the two began to plummet!

Immediately, a reminder was swiped out.

"Og- drowning myself!"

The game screen on the big screen freezes instantly, and a row of eye-catching yellow fonts jumps out!

Good luck eating chicken tonight!

The team ranked first se7en2!

Host the commentator.

sjoy's face twitched slightly, and his neck was a little stiff and he turned his head to look.

"Is this what you say?"


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