Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 834: Sexy sexy, online ...

At the southwest corner of Port G are three warehouses.

At this time, the VTA's four were in the warehouse near the roadside. The sniper NOT77 in the team just wanted to get out of the warehouse to surprise the three RNGs hiding between the workshops.

Unexpectedly at this time,

He was blocked by Shen Zeyan and Misaka Koto who came over riding three jumpers.

Misaka Kotomi was talking to Liu Zilang, and suddenly saw a man appear in the back door of the warehouse in front.

You know, she can be sitting on the three jumpers "Taijunzao."

In a short time, I saw a look on her bun's face, and immediately raised her muzzle, facing the NOT77 behind it was a wave of "DaDaDa" shots!

Doraemon Doraemon Doraemon!

Although NOT77 just heard the sound of cars getting closer, but did not expect the other party to be so fierce.

In the case of being hit by the first hand, NOT77 did not dare to return the gun, and saw that he turned quickly and wanted to withdraw from the back.

Unexpectedly, this wave of moving shots by Misaka Kotomi was surprisingly precise, and the man's blood fell all the way to the back door.

As soon as the front foot stepped in, the whole person "thumped" and fell to the ground.

"Se7en2-Menhera knocked down VTA-NOT77 with UMP9!"

The killing prompts on the screen were swept out, and there was an exclaiming sound immediately!


Msjoy on the commentary stage slammed his hand. "This wave of Menhera sauce's moving target firing pressure gun is very stable. As soon as he entered the field, he destroyed a VTA player."

"That's right." The commenter nodded as well, and then analyzed very quickly.

"Then I think this is good news for both RNG and Se7en2."

"Well, the RNG side is to avoid a wave of late entry, and SVic supports Qiu Shen, then they will become the only one of the three teams on the field to be a full four team."

Hearing good analysis, PDD and Msjoy both nodded.

"It's true, but now the first wave of poison has been sent to Xiacheng District, and the team on the field is running out of time. They will either have to fight fast."

"If you don't fight, then you need to get out of combat as soon as possible. RNG has a car at the back door of the middle warehouse."

"Well, if they don't want to fight, then they can just take advantage of VTA when they have fallen alone. Vic is still on the side of Fuqiu God to go directly into the middle warehouse, and then get in the car from the back door and leave."

"Wait! It seems like a fight on the field!"

"No no no! It's Ze Shao, my God! Ze Shao is giving birth!"

Immediately after the commentary on the commentary stage, the director's footage gave Shen Zeyan very quickly.

In the picture, I saw that Shen Zeyan was supporting his double SKS. In his field of vision, it was a tire of a car at the back door of the warehouse.

"嘭 ——! 嘭 ——! 嘭 ——!"

The sound of SKS's prolonged gunfire kept ringing, and one after another the bullets hit the tires one after another!

The tires quickly overwhelmed the tyres, and they suddenly burst.

I have to say that even when she was trying to give birth, Shen Zeyan's expression on his face seemed extremely focused.

The continuous spot shooting of SKS in the hand sounded full of an inexplicable sense of rhythm, giving people the feeling of precision mechanical operation.

At this moment, the female fans of Shen Zeyan's "wife group" have all been unable to move their legs together.

"Wow! Ze Shao's marksmanship is good!"

"That is, Ze Shao even hits his tires so hard. Serious men are the sexiest!"

"Less sexy, hit the tires online."

"I am new here, may I go through the procedure or just call my husband?"

"Ze Shao, I love you! May I have a baby with you?"

"Black powder, please take care of yourself, how could my husband go to have a baby with you."


Compared to Ji Dongxuan, the female fan of the live studio, the RNG handsome three who just came to the middle warehouse in the game are all bad!

Shuai Shui roared, and roared indignantly, "I'm going, the one who just came is better than hitting us!"

"Can the car still drive?"

Captain JiyunX still had a glimmer of hope.

Emperor, who was near the back door, glanced at the car that had been hit on both sides of the four tires. He couldn't help smashing his mouth and shaking his head.

In fact, the most annoying part of Jedi ’s survival is this kind of full-bodied puncture. You might as well blow all four.

And to be honest, Emperor, who has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder at this time, has an urge to burst the remaining two babies.

Hearing Emperor's words, the captain JiyunX knew it, and knew that it seemed impossible to drive, so now there is only one road left.

"Ready to fight, dry!"



After Liu Zilang raised Li Muqiu, he threw him a first aid kit on the ground.

Li Muqiu picked up the medication while watching Liu Zilang's equipment with a stunned look.

However, there was only one M4 in the crotch-cat's box, and Liu Zilang had just replaced it with Uz on his body.

At this time, M4 and 98K in one hand, although the equipment was formed, but there were no extra things to share with Li Muqiu.

Well, although the second and first heads can be divided,

But it is not necessary.

After taking the medicine, Liu Zilang divided his drink and bandage, and glanced at Sancang. "Let's meet with Ze Shao."

Li Muqiu took the opportunity to protest, "I strongly demand a change of team, and labor and capital must be in the same team as Ze!"

"That nest is wet and wet!" Misaka Koto immediately squinted at a crescent-like smile.

Liu Zilang heard his words squint and squinted, and raised his corner of his mouth to Li Muqiu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can speak alive. "

Li Muqiu immediately warned, "I have no armor and no head. Don't think I'll sell it again in this wave."

"Rest assured, this wave is ahead of me." Liu Zilang smiled, immediately holding the M4 first.

Li Muqiu looked at his back, gritted his teeth, and quickly followed.

At this moment, the filming of the director is from a God's perspective, and the three teams on the side of Port G immediately see the view.




Near the roadside, the explosion sounded one after another, and the ceiling shook.

"Ze Shao and Menhera Sauce are pouring mines from above into the warehouse, but there are too many debris and bunkers in the warehouse. At present, the effect is not satisfactory."

"The NOT77 that was just knocked down is about to be helped, but Ze Shao and Menhera Sauce are a bit weak and cannot rush in to stop it."

"Vic and Qiu Shen under the elevated have touched them, but if they want to go to the VTA to support Ze Shao, they must go through the middle three RNG."

"Yes, but with the fetal revenge in front, I don't think RNG will release it easily."

"Now it seems that the wave of Ze Shao's abortion is a little bit later, and I think it might as well let them go."

"Oh? Wait, Vic and Qiu Shen don't seem to plan to charge, they want to eat RNG first!"

With this exclaim, there was an uproar immediately.

I saw Liu Zilang first!

Holding a thunder in his hand, he waved his hand toward the gap above the warehouse, and threw in a high jump.

Harden that monkey!


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