Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Little story in the rain

Next, as expected.

Zhang Xiaotong wasn't afraid of these when she was a little loli who was seven or eight years old, and naturally it was even more impossible to be afraid.

The four walked around the haunted house while driving live. In addition to Sawai Kuroko being frightened, Zhang Xiaotong, who had already developed immunity, and Kosaka Misaka, who was nervous, laughed all the way.

Liu Zilang's eyes, nose, nose, and heart are in a state of immovable movement.

This not only disappointed those unhappy hostesses, but even the staff who played ghosts around the haunted house inexplicably raised a sense of frustration, but fortunately, there was also a Sawai Kuroko to let them talk to comfort. ..

After coming out of the haunted house without fear, Liu Zilang found that the sky outside gradually darkened.

When I came in the morning, it was sunny and clear, but now it was drowsy, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

No way, the weather in coastal cities like Jianghai has always been elusive.

Misaka Ginmi leaned her head and scratched her head. "Wet ... it won't rain, right?"

Hearing the words of Misaka Kotomi, Liu Zilang drew his lips, slightly scolded, "Don't crow mouth, we don't have an umbrella today."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a hint of coolness suddenly appeared on his cheek. Liu Zilang looked up subconsciously, only to find the rain silk already floating in the air.

Misaka Komaki apparently found out this too, she couldn't help shrinking her neck and hesitantly grinning.

There was a twist in Liu Zilang's heart.

What did you say ... This special meow is not a koi, this is clearly a crow's mouth!

However, compared to Liu Zilang's speechlessness, Zhang Xiaotong was still interested, and even seemed a little excited.

She held up the selfie stick and made two laps, and said to the water friends in the live broadcast with a smile, "It's raining! It's raining! Come home and collect clothes!"

Liu Zilang rarely saw her so happy, and looked at her for a moment with a difference.

Perceived Liu Zilang's gaze, the smile on Zhang Xiaotong's face couldn't help but quickly converge, turning his head to look at him expressionlessly.

Liu Zilang: ...

What a shame this little girl didn't learn to change her face!

Liu Zilang's heart was funny, but he didn't care about it. He thought about it and said to the water friends in the live broadcast, "It's raining, I don't know if it will get worse, we may have to find a place to hide from the rain first."

Hearing Liu Zilang's words, the water friends in the live broadcast had not had time to protest.

Zhang Xiaotong and the three of them seemed to be frowning, apparently, it was a bit frustrated that Wan Xing was dispelled immediately.

"It's wet ... Wo doesn't think it's raining." Misaka Ginmi looked up in the air stupidly, squinting her eyes with open arms, "It's so romantic to rain."


Liu Zilang knocked on her forehead, bluffing her face and saying, "It won't be romantic to wait for you to become a chicken."


Misaka Koto vomited her tongue.

Sawai Kuroko on the side saw Liu Zilang's movement, his face suddenly showed an angry expression, and the small fists hanging on both sides were clenched tightly.

Damn it!

Actually violated in front of her!

It's intolerable!

But just when she wanted to take action to defend her sovereignty, Liu Zilang suddenly proposed, "This way ... otherwise we would go to the Ferris wheel first, even if it suddenly rains, we are not afraid."

"Ferris wheel?"

Sawai Kuroko froze slightly.

Although Zhang Xiaotong and Misaka Kotomi watched the ferris wheel screaming the most when they were waiting in line outside, she was actually looking forward to her with no words.

At this point when Liu Zilang proposed to ride the Ferris wheel, the small fist clenched by Sakai Kuroko could not help but loosen his gaze, between Zhang Xiaotong and Misaka Kotomi.

Zhang Xiaotong and Misaka Kotomi had never wanted to hide from the rain, and they immediately agreed to the proposal.

So next, a group of four went towards the Ferris wheel.


Human minds are always connected.

Seeing that it was going to rain, there was a long line immediately outside the closed play such as a haunted house or a ferris wheel.

The Liu Zilang and the four waited in line for a while before finally turning to them. At this time, the raindrops falling from the sky had become raindrops.

Liu Zilang noticed that the three men were more or less covered with rain, but the rising mood was not affected, and they remained cheerful.

Soon, the four walked into a red box.

"Right, do you have any fear of heights?" Liu Zilang asked suddenly before the Ferris wheel started.

Zhang Xiaotong was chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast. He heard that he just glanced at him and didn't speak. Sakai Kuroko also smiled politely but elegantly.

Sitting at his side, Misaka Ginmi twisted her little **** proudly and crackled her breasts. "Wet and rest assured, you are not afraid of the nest!"

"Okay, when I didn't ask."

Liu Zilang shrugged.

At this moment, Sawai Kuroko didn't know what he saw, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Langjun, are you afraid of high?"

"Joke." Liu Zilang chuckled, "I have a person who is not afraid of heights all day, will he be afraid of heights?"

After hearing Sawai Kuroko's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was hi!

"Langjun? This seems to have something!"

"Vic is higher than absolute fear. He just pretended to ask others, apparently trying to find excuses for himself."

"Well ... think about it, it doesn't seem to make sense."

"Well, the dog thief is devious!"


Liu Zilang glanced down at the barrage between live broadcasts and was about to say something.

At this time, just listen to the sound of "哐".

The door was closed.

Next, with a squeaking noise, the small box quickly left the ground and the height gradually started to rise.

The sky outside the window was still overcast, and the raindrops did not know what started to grow, and was blown against the glass of the box by the wind.

Zhang Xiaotong, Misaka Kotomi and Sawai Kuroko looked at the window with interest at first, instead of turning their heads to chat with the audience.

However, when things on the ground gradually turned into small black spots, in addition to Zhang Xiaotong still looking at the window wandering, the words of Misaka Kotomi and Sawai Kuroko were getting less and less, and their heads shrank involuntarily .

Obviously, they are a bit square.

In fact, this can not blame the two.

After all, the weather outside is so gloomy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Raindrops and cold winds continue, and the sun and blue sky can no longer be seen. It is as dark as the end of the world.

And the higher the height, the more obvious the feeling, and the tightness and depression of the small box, no doubt deepens this fear.

In this case, even if you are not afraid of heights, you may be scared out of heights.

However, at this time, Liu Zilang seemed to be an old monk, and from the moment the Ferris wheel turned, he didn't look out of the window, so the look on his face remained calm and normal.

Seeing the two in a panic, Liu Zilang couldn't help but smile, "Don't panic, don't panic, Ony sauce comes to tell you a little story in the rain."


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