Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 880: There will be no seven (below)

According to Se7en's performance in every previous game, there will be no lack of happiness where there is this team.

So during the development period before the game, the director's footage naturally took care of them.

As a result, when Liu Zilang landed on the floor as if he was picking up slabs, many audiences were shocked to see the situation!

"A thunderstorm? What the **** is this?"

"I have a hunch that Vic is starting to do things again."

"Life is endless and there is more to it, ah ah ah ah!"

"Well, there seems to be someone in the building next door!"

Of course there is someone in the building next door.

If there were no one, Liu Zilang would not get on a thunder.

铮 —!


Grenade insurance was pulled.

Raising his grenade, Liu Zilang stared at the sky next door, silently calculating time.

The corner of his mouth crooked the next moment.

Leave you!

After a brief moment, the grenade came out of his hand and quietly flew over the building next door!

In EDG's voice.

Love777 was calmly and sanely watching the surroundings, and spoke quickly to the team.

"There is a team that jumped into the city with us. There is a team in G port. There are two teams in the lower city ..."

Before he finished speaking, the voice of his teammate suddenly came from his voice.

"Be careful next door, you have someone next door!"

Hearing his teammate's reminder, Love777 was not too surprised. When he was just looking around, he naturally saw the person next door.

But he doesn't plan to settle here,

Just wait a little to the side and avoid, the well water on both sides will not violate the river water.

Just then, Love777 with a strange feeling in his heart suddenly looked subconsciously.


With a loud noise in my ear, there was a shocking fire and smoke in my eyes!

"Se7en2-Vic bombed EDG-Love777 with a grenade!"

The next moment, Love777 suddenly took off his umbrella in the air and suddenly landed on the top of the building.

When the audience in the live room saw this scene, they couldn't help but surprise them.

"Crack, Vic's possession of Thor again?"

"This guy's grenade really must be a girl!"

"What grenade, this is clearly a mortar!

"I feel sorry for my little seven, and I will fall as soon as the game starts. Is there no 7 after this game?"

"This sign is a bit wrong. If Xiao 7 falls, does it not mean that EDG's immortal golden body is broken?"


Fortunately, in the game, Love777 was not too high from the top of the building. After being blown down and forced to land, the blood bar waiting for rescue was dropped by less than one-third.

"Quick! I can save here!" Love777 hurried in his voice.

At the same time, he landed on the top of the puzzle building next door and quickly climbed behind the wall, avoiding Liu Zilang's gun line.

Next, even if Liu Zilang found the gun, it was impossible to hit him on the top of the building unless he went up to the building after climbing down.

But before that, the three teammates that EDG had landed in Shangcheng District, regardless of whether they had guns or not, had already rushed to support them.

The four rushed into the building without stopping on the first floor, but swarming upstairs.

The next moment, I saw a jiuyan holding an AK squatting at the entrance of the second floor.

Milkbaby, who couldn't find the gun on the ground, looked for the gun on the second floor. Jhin, who was holding UMP9 in his hand, rushed to the top of the building, came to the side of Love777 and crouched to save people.

On the commentary stage, when he saw the series of emergency responses from EDG, Rong couldn't help but sigh, "Pretty, EDG is very nice!"

"Yes, and the defense they chose at the entrance of the second floor is also very detailed." Msjoy nodded, and the interface continued to analyze. "Because of the puzzle building, there is a front door on the first floor and two rear doors on the back. If you want to Defensive at least three people. "

"But EDG's defense on the second floor is very spiritual. They only need one person to defend the corridor, so they can allocate more manpower to do other things."

"Yes, and in the puzzle building, Se7en2 wants to go upstairs. There is no other way than to pass the corridor."

Hearing the words of the two, Da Sima frowned suddenly, "Then the four EDGs are all in the same building, isn't it?"

Dasima hasn't finished speaking yet,

Msjoy and Rongye looked at each other a little differently, taking a sip of air conditioning!

"No, according to Mr. Ma, is it that Se7en2 is going to help out in this way and wipe out EDG?"

"Well ... reasonably, in a complex terrain and high-rise uptowns, it's really the most effective way to kill a team."

"But I think Vic had just picked up the mine, and it shouldn't have started so fast, right?"

Hearing Msjoy's words, Rongye and Da Sima nodded, because this is also their biggest doubt.

That is, the upstairs and Love777 appearing next to each other are accidental. It is obviously impossible for Liu Zilang to predict all of this before landing. What they said is probably just over-reading.

Unless, Liu Zilang developed this tactic very quickly when he bombed Love777 ...

Regarding this point, the explanation on the stage is not clear, and the audience on the court is also unclear. Perhaps only after the game has an opportunity to interview.

But what the four Se7en2 people did next ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is infinitely close to the speculation on the stage.

Big screen game picture.

I saw Se7en2 several people found the gun, they did not continue to search for development, but posted it very quickly.

Shen Zeyan and Li Muqiu each had a back door, while Misaka Kotomi and Liu Zilang were at the front door. Four people surrounded the building where EDG was located from the front and rear doors.


Liu Zilang ordered in a voice.

The next moment, the four broke into the door very quickly and rushed in from both sides.

"No one ahead!"

"Nothing behind!"

Suddenly, Li Muqiu said, "I'm going! These people are chicken thieves, they should all be on the second floor!"

Soon, the four met at the entrance of the stairs.

But looking at the corridor ahead, the atmosphere in the team was a little silent.

Who comes first?

Misaka Qinmei shrank back quietly, and Li Muqiu followed closely.

You know, the road upstairs is only the corridor. The other party only needs to hold two guns there. In theory, one will die.

It is not impossible to throw thunder, but it depends on the chance, because there are two rooms above the corridor, the other party has enough space to avoid.

Liu Zilang looked at the corridor and groaned for two seconds. He just wanted to speak, but found that besides Shen Zeyan, there was no one beside him ...

Hemp eggs!

Can't these guys be brave?

Looking at Shen Zeyan, Liu Zilang wanted to stop talking and stopped talking.

That sentence is still not open ...

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered something, turned and rushed towards the outside.

Koizumi Misaka and Li Muqiu can't help it!

"Wet where are you going?"

"Stay well! Go back for the teacher."


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