Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Entered Guizi Village!

Li Muqiu naturally scoffed at Liu Zilang's intuition.

But anyway, the box on the sea is real. After licking the box, Li Muqiu quickly jumped down again.

Liu Zilang hesitated for a moment, but finally found the trouble not to lick the bag.

But then again, although there are many boxes cut off from this bridge, there are not many useful things inside.

After licking the bag, Liu Zilang was fully equipped with an assault rifle and a rifle. The ump9 picked up at the beginning was still equipped.

No way, these people's bags are all rifles and submachine guns, or assaulters with sprays.

Not to mention the 98k pull bolt, there isn't even one like this.

Li Muqiu, who had just entered the sea, hadn't picked up a gun that could be changed, except for picking up an eight-fold mirror.

I have to say that there are really a lot of people in this game.

But Liu Zilang was not discouraged.

Now that it's been a wave, maybe there will be another chance later.

They did not clean up the battlefield on the bridge surface. With the new routine of blocking the bridge by Liu Zilang, now they have made up their minds and waited for the sound of the car to seal the smoke. After all, they just licked the smoke bombs in the box.

Host the commentator.

"Well, se7en2 this is really a wave of fat, this happiness came too suddenly."

"Yes, in fact, although educating and searching things is also very important in the survival of the Jedi, the reality has proven many times that horses have no nightgrass and are not fat. In the competition, you have to do it to get fat.

"Unfortunately, the two teams destroyed by the se7en2 are from Xiacheng District. They don't seem to find any good things. Although the vic equipment looks ok, it is still a little bit worse."

"Well, I think at this point in time, the value and practicality of the ump9 assault rifle is not high. If it is not a sniper, the effect of sniper plus rifle is better."


Next, over time.

The first wave of poison on the court slowly contracted from all around. Liu Zilang and the four waited calmly at the bridgehead.

But they waited until the poison brush came across the bridge, and they did not wait for the second team to cross the bridge.

In fact, if in general,

Entering the circle from the long bridge in the upper and lower urban areas in the south is a relatively good transfer route.

But the problem is that the start of the game is in the upper and lower urban areas. When the team from the south chooses a route, many people will think of this for the first time.

In this case, if it is not forced, how can they enter the circle from this route to find excitement? Most teams will choose to cross the Inner River 6 from two small bridges east of Port G.

This is why the four Liu Zilang squatted here for a long time, but did not even see a shadow.

Of course, everything is absolute.

Just when the four were already squatting impatiently, there was a sound of boats on the sea.

"Well? It seems that a team is coming from the sea." Liu Zilang heard the voice first.

The other three were also refreshed!

The Xunjia gun opened the mirror and searched for the target on the sea covered by the radiation grid.

After a while ...

A speedboat rushing out from the blue radiant sky suddenly jumped into the sight of several people.

"A guest came."

Li Muqiu said with excitement.

"Calm down, don't shoot."

Liu Zilang said calmly, "Let's not be too warm, don't scare people away."

"Uh-huh." Misaka Komi nodded quickly.

Next ...

I saw four people lay down on the bridge, crawling little by little like four caterpillars.

When the director's footage was given, the audience in the audience and between the live broadcast could not help but speechless.

"Let me go! This is too insignificant!"

"Well, how can it be the same as a ghost entering a village."

"I don't think the devil entered the village, but the 4am side is going to enter the devil's village.

"2333 entered the starfish in Guizi Village ..."


On the sea.

At 4am, some of them finally got out of the poison and looked at the radiation grid behind them. They could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jing couldn't help but said, "Fortunately, I survived. This ship almost ran out of oil."

If there is no oil anchored in the poisoned sea, then they will probably have to swim into the circle or swim ashore.

But even so at this time, the four people who had just emerged from the poison behind them looked at the empty fuel tank of the speed boat, and their hearts were also worried ...

"Well, what about Weijia?" Aruka asked.

"What else can we do?" Wei Shen said unhappyly, "you swim."

Immediately after he finished speaking, he turned over from the boat, "plopped" and jumped out of the water, and hurled towards the dog on the shore.

The three remaining men on the boat looked at Wei Shen and stared at each other, and then they only heard the three sounds of "push thump", and the three jumped into the water together.

It doesn't matter if they "plop" here,

But the four people on the shore of Liu Zilang stopped, and subconsciously stopped crawling.

"Wet, why is it fat? They stopped." Misaka Ginmi asked awkwardly.

Li Muqiu said vigilantly, "All poisons are coming to the shore. At this time, the ship will be launched into the sea. Shouldn't it be us now? Should not ..."

Liu Zilang glanced at the other side and chose to board 6 o'clock. He shook his head, "I can't see it, we should not be seen."

"Why did the other side suddenly stop the ship and go to sea?" Li Muqiu muttered quietly, "is it for safety, is this too careful?"

"I guess ..." Liu Zilang paused with a smile on his lips, "I guess they may be out of oil."

"Well, you ..." Li Muqiu hesitated for a moment, and just wanted to say something, and suddenly looked strange, "Well ... how do I feel it is really possible."

"Regardless of why he came down, as long as we didn't show it up."

Liu Zilang watched a few people getting closer and closer to the coast, his eyes were slightly fixed,

"The place where they went ashore was not far from us. After they all came ashore, don't shoot at random, let Ze Shao snipe one of us before we go on."

"Success, no problem." Li Muqiu said.

"Um." Shen Zeyan nodded.

In the next blink of an eye, a few people at 4am went ashore in succession.

"You said ... there won't be an ambush for us in Shangcheng District, right?" Xiao looked around a little bit, and said a little uneasily in his heart.

"Don't think about it, there's an ambush that hits us early." Aruka said uncritically, "Let's go to the city and find a house for supplies."

"What if it's all over?" Suddenly kept silent.

"What's gone?" Aruka rushed forward.

"Take us all at once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Answering and answering carefully.

"Crow's mouth!" Aruka couldn't help laughing and cursing, "Don't get ink, let's hurry ..."


Aruka's voice had just fallen, and a crisp gunshot came from not far away!



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