Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 898: 瓮 中 炸 鳖!

To the east of Shangcheng District.

Da Jing and Style of 格 17 didn't bother to run, so it was tantamount to treating themselves as targets.

Under the guidance of the director, I saw Da Jing and the style fighting and retreating, rushing towards the depths of the city.

沐 Li Muqiu and the three followed closely behind, firmly biting each other.

However, although they have more individuals than each other, they are on the active pursuit side and have a natural disadvantage.

A few waves of guns came down, both sides were damaged.

"What about that guy?"

沐 Li Muqiu found Liu Zilang and couldn't help but whispered, "How can it be gone when it comes to the key."

As soon as the chanting voice fell, a roar of motorcycles came into my ears.

Takimi Sakami looked back and shouted in surprise, "It's wet!"

It turned out that after Liu Zilang had just mounted the motorcycle, he did not immediately chase after the 17th person, but first killed the last tinder of the brothers' team.

After all, I have a sentence to say, I must first ... wrong, it should be a family.

Buzz Buzz—!

With a blink of an eye, Liu Zilang, who was riding a motorcycle, passed the three Li Muqiu, and rushed towards the two 17 ahead.

Li Muqiu can't help but look at it!

He just wanted to talk about counseling, but at this time looking at Liu Zilang like a little Teddy rushed up, the counselling word couldn't be explained.

at the same time.

The 17 who ran in front saw the motorcycle behind them, and they were a little surprised for a while.

If you change time, change venue.

算 Even if the other motorcycle is fast, as long as they dare to rush their faces, they will have the confidence to beat them down face to face.

However, it is not right now. Although Liu Zilang rushed up by himself, he was not alone. There were three people behind him!

"Slum! Is it so reckless?" The style couldn't help it.

In this case, they obviously can't find a house or a building to squat in, or wait until the other four of them catch up, then they will become the one among them.

Dajing looked around, listening to the gunfire from the north of the city.

立刻 He immediately turned around in the city and said very quickly in his mouth, "Go, let's go north!"

With a strong tone, he quickly responded.

"what do you mean..."

Wu Dajing nodded silently.

The next moment, they saw the two turned around the corner and quickly ran towards the place where the gunfire came from north of Shangcheng District.

He hosted the commentary.

"This wave of Vic rides on a familiar motorcycle, but the speed of the motorcycle is a bit difficult to play in the complicated urban area."

"17 is also very resourceful. They have been winding around, and now they are heading north."

"Let's take a look, oh! There are three other teams fighting against each other on the north side of the city, LYG and LYB, huh, huoyuegou and Laoyinbi have come together, the remaining one is RNG team."

"Well? The 17 waves of knowing that there are tigers in the mountains tend to go to Hushan, I'm afraid you want to bring disaster to the east!"


In the game game, Liu Zilang saw 17 suddenly turn, but he did not immediately catch up, but stopped the motorcycle at the corner.

The reason why he just rushed up like an iron goblet just because of his teammate's back gun, did not dare to shoot him in the same place.

But now the opponent is around the corner, his teammates ca n’t hold the gun. If he still rushes up, he really takes himself as Iron Man.

Soon after, Li Muqiu three also followed.

Misaka Kotomi's little buttocks jumped into the back seat of the motorcycle and hugged Liu Zilang's waist.

"Wet wet with you!"

沐 Li Muqiu also wanted to get in the car, so he had no choice but to give up.

He couldn't help hearing the gunshots in the north of the city, he frowned, "17 What are the two guys wanting to do? The big Xiacheng district, so they run to crowded places."


Suddenly Liu Zilang said.

沐 Li Muqiu heard a sudden burst of heart, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong?"

"We didn't lick the bag just now!" Liu Zilang said with regret.

"..." Li Muqiu's old face turned black!

Liu Zilang did not have this consciousness.

He screamed in his mouth, and as soon as he pulled the throttle in his hand, he carried Misaka Koto up again.

Li Muqiu and Shen Zeyan immediately followed.

Riding on a motorcycle, the two just chased to the north of the city, and before they found 17 of them, they were suddenly hit by bullets and took a shower.

I shouldn't ... run so fast?

子 Liu Zilang stunned, but this time was not the time to think about it, he hurried to make a turn in the oblique ground, but just saw the door of the utility room next to a building closed.

Aya Misaka also found something wrong, and quickly raised her hand to point at the screen, "wet and wet, there they are!"

"Hey, want to play with us."

子 Liu Zi laughed vaguely.

Sumitaka Sakami suddenly felt wet and smiling a little insidiously, but she was worried for the two.

沐 Li Muqiu shouted after him, "Don't mess around, wait for us, we'll be right there!"

Liu Zilang ignored the stubble.

He glanced at the utility room, suddenly turned the throttle, and started the motorcycle again.

In the utility room.

At the beginning of, the two heard that Liu Zilang, who was chasing behind, was being hammered, and they couldn't help but be slightly proud of the success of their strategy.

But in a blink of an eye, the gunfire stopped and the sound of the motorcycle stopped.

"what happened?"

"It should have been avoided by the other party."

啧 "Well, these guys in the north of the city are weak."

"Let's leave them alone, let's go here for a while, let them fight first, and then enter the circle after the poison."

"Well, that's a good idea."

As soon as the two decided on the next battle plan, the sound of the familiar motorcycle outside came again.

"Discovered us across?"


Wu Dajing shook his head calmly. "When we entered the house, they were beaten on the road next door. It should not have been."

The style was right, and I was relieved.

However, what they didn't expect was ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Liu Zilang didn't see them enter the door.

But in order to avoid the enemy who did n’t know where to hit them in the north of the city, he just saw them close when he made a sharp turn in the lane.

But even if they saw it, Liu Zilang's wave did not go straight up.

He deliberately walked around the door of the utility room, and then slammed in front of the car.

"Throw thunder in that window!" Liu Zilang suddenly said.

"Oh!" Misaka Koto nodded quickly, and cut out a grenade nervously.

After all, the window in the utility room is so small.

It's easy to make mistakes when throwing, not to mention throwing thunder in the back seat of a motorcycle.

The tactics of this wave of Liu Zilang are very simple.

Misaka Komei poured a thunder into it, and the motorcycle on his side was pasted to seal the door, and he blew up!

However, simple tactics require excellent operations.

子 Liu Zilang's thunderbolt is perfect, but there is something wrong with Misaka Kotomi.

咣 当 —!

Sumitaka Sakami suddenly had a small white face, and her voice trembled, "wet ..."

Uh ...

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