Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Flammable and explosive!

at the same time.

Just as the three Liu Zilang circled around to support him, the ifty four had already jumped off the roof and surrounded the place where Misaka Koto parked.

With a gun in his hand, a + watched with vigilance forward, "Let's do both together, be careful of being stolen."

under these circumstances,

The other party is already in the middle of it.

But the problem is if one is stolen and the other steals one, and then the person fights against their firepower.

That way, even if they eat the order, it will be more than worth the whole game.

So at this time, two people in a group, pushing from two directions, is undoubtedly the most secure way.

However, when they came over with their guns, they saw that there was only one car left in the direction of the sound, but people were missing.

For a time, the four could not help but fall into meditation.

"Will it run across the city across the road." Tk suddenly couldn't help asking.

Tk shook his head. "No way. I just stared at it. No one crossed the road."

At this time, vk had cleared the gas station with a +, and he was a little bit surprised when he heard the words, "That's strange. Did the guy stop the car and ran to the wild.

"It shouldn't be that fast."

a + looked around, frowning slightly, "We came here as soon as the man came in. If he is out of town, we can definitely see him."

a + analysis is correct.

Picardo is on the east side of the hillside, and you can see the past at a glance, unless you climb on the gentle **** and lie down.

They rushed over as soon as the other party entered the city, and they kept staring around.

It is impossible for the opponent to run out of town without their awareness.

Then there is only one truth, the opponent must still be hiding somewhere here.

But at this moment, there was a roar of engine noise outside the city.

itfy four could not help but look around,

Soon, they saw motorcycles, sports cars, and desert jeep on the hillside east of Picardo.

Apparently, Liu Zilang and the three men came around.

Seeing this, the ifty four quickly spread apart to find a bunker.

Host the commentator.

"Wow! The wave of menhera sauce has been incredibly elusive of ifty's search."

"Hehe, I think they are in a certain mindset, that is, there is definitely no one in the container."

"Actually, it's right to think about it. It's not a wise choice to enter the container. After being discovered, throwing a thunder into it will be cold. No one would choose this place except Mengxin Xiaobai.

"Oh, but this wave of menhera sauce is unusual. It just happened to avoid the first wave of search by the older brother and got time for the support of teammates."

"Yes, but if they have heard the sound of the car and found that the other side has come around, now they have all found a shelter. The three of the vic want to rush in to save people. It is not easy."

"Well, and the first wave of poison continues to shrink, the two sides cannot drag for too long, otherwise they will have to take poison."

"It looks like this wave hit ..."

The three commentaries, you and me, have a thorough analysis of the situation on the field.

However, in game games,

Liu Zilang's eyes suddenly lighted up!

The next moment, I saw that he suddenly lifted up the sks in his hand, two shots in the direction of the container!

Because he just saw it clearly,

After itfy showed up, two of them were panicking, but it was a squat hiding behind the desert jeep of Misaka Kotomi.

What kind of car does Misaka Koto drive?

Of course not Wuling Hongguang!

It's a flame chariot!

Behind the desert jeep.

Soso and tk actually felt a bit wrong after squatting.


Why is this car catching fire? !!

The next moment, a shocking spirit in the two hearts suddenly responded.

Ruler should not stay long!

But with their legs kicked, they just got up and tried to slip away, and the crisp gunfire on the opposite side came over.

Huh! Huh!

Almost as soon as the gunfire sounded, two bullets in a row seemed as if Mars had fallen into an explosive barrel!


A violent explosion on the jeep suddenly sounded!

The flames swelled and the waves rolled!

The whole car was directly blown up like a rabbit, and after twirling for a week at 360 degrees in the air, it hit the ground with a bang.

on the ground.

Soso and tk, kneeling on the knees of the blood that had just been hit by the fire waves, looked at the dark shadow falling from the top of the head, and instantly felt like the unbearable weight of life!

"Se7en2-vic killed the ifty-tkzhun with a sks detonation vehicle!"

"Se7en2-vic killed the ifty-soso with a sks detonation vehicle!"


These two kills and the head of the military base immediately made Liu Zilang's kills come to four kills!

On the stage, the three commentators who were beaten by the face were hot!

The audience at the scene saw this sudden scene, and they couldn't help but widen their mouths with amazement.

"What about a good long battle? Can you kill two in such a quick time?"

"This car ... how do I feel like menhera sauce intentionally stopped here."

"Wow! Isn't menhera sauce the boss behind this explosion?"

"Wait! This is a lot of information, let me digest it first."


Picardo gas station.

The a + and vk hiding behind the gas station wall looked at their teammates who "suddenly passed away", and they were too speechless to speak.

It doesn't make much sense to blame teammates at this time.

And to be honest, they did not expect that the car was so "flammable and explosive", and it turned from bunker to explosive package ...

Think about how special the egg hurts!

But now is not the time for the eggs to hurt.

The teammates were cold for two at a time. Facing the three on the other side of the **** and the opponent who did not know where to ambush, both a + and vk had retreat.

If it is said that before they know who this team is, with the a + temper, they are not holding on to the gas station and forcing the impulse of two enemies and four.

However the name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

After knowing that the opponent is the second team from the killing hint just now, a + and vk know that if they are ready to work hard,

They replaced at most one or two, after all, they couldn't escape being killed by the regiment.

After a brief silence ...

vk couldn't help asking, "brother, what do we say in this wave?"

"Let's go."

a + tone is a bit low.

"Staying in Qingshan is not afraid that there is no wood burning, let's go to the city to hide first. Now the poison is being brushed, and the other party will definitely not consume us in the city.

In fact, a + guessed right.

Liu Zilang really didn't intend to consume them with them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just two shots detonated the jeep, and the screen jumped out of the moment of killing!

Liu Zilang rode on the motorcycle very quickly, pulled the front of the vehicle, and rushed towards the gas station at a rapid speed along the slope.

Meanwhile, inside the container.

Like a small king eight, Misaka Ginami lying there motionlessly heard the sound of motorcycles from far to near her ears, and a pair of big eyes with watery pieces.

The wetness of the nest is a great man!

Wo knew that he would ride a motorcycle to save the nest!


iced midnight says

Ask for tickets at the end of the month

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