
Chapter 125 The method of collecting interest!

A young man with a sallow complexion sat cross-legged in the corridor, frowning and thinking hard. He was quite attractive in this place. Everyone who walked by him looked at Chen Mu in surprise. The card makers and card repairmen who appeared here were very powerful, so their social status was quite high. In such an atmosphere, when they suddenly saw a "bold" guy like Chen Mu, their eyes were naturally a bit strange.

Chen Muhun didn't care about such looks. Recalling that in the past, he could be treated as a beggar at Dongwei Academy, he was naturally accustomed to such looks. And he didn't have time to pay attention to the looks of these people now. He was thinking hard about what inspired him.

If you don't think of a sudden opportunity like this, the longer time passes, the less likely you will think of it again. So he didn't dare to move, didn't dare to move at all, and he wouldn't move until he figured it out.

What was he looking at at that time that made him feel this way?

Chen Mu carefully recalled every detail of that time.

Thinking about it, Marcovitt's spiral spines expanded and contracted rhythmically at that time, which felt like breathing.

Hey, breathe! Yes, that's it! Suddenly he remembered that it was this feeling that caught his attention.

But why does this attract my attention?

He kept recalling the scene at that time in his mind, recalling the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the energy thorns.


Rhythm... stretch...

What's this? A word suddenly popped out from the depths of my mind, vibration frequency!

Chen Mu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he knew what he was thinking of. The breath-containing method, which he had been unable to find a breakthrough for so long, suddenly gave him a glimmer of light. The spiral structure of energy thorns. Isn't this a structure that I thought about but didn't expect, a structure that has both rotation and vibration?

Some time ago, he was learning the Breath Condensation Technique, but he was blocked by this step and could not make any progress. He never found a suitable structural model.

This discovery made him overjoyed. He stood up and quickly returned to his room. He needs to think carefully about whether this is feasible.

At two o'clock in the evening, Chen Mu sat at the table. There was a lot of paper with drawings on the table. He carefully analyzed the spiral spring structure and finally determined that it was very close to his spindle-shaped sensory vortex structure, and he only needed to make some minor changes. There would be no danger in such a degree of change. This was the conclusion he came to after repeated deliberation.

To do, or not to do?

Chen Mu finally decided to do it! He knew that Marcovitt taught him the skills of melee card repair without any secret, but it was impossible to rely on this to leave the base. It will take about a few years for him to become a qualified or excellent melee card repairman. In other words, he still needs to stay here for a few years. As for how many years, he was not sure.

But the problem is, as long as time goes on, learning melee card repair will definitely not be covered.

It attracted the attention of the Ning family. Even if he could become an excellent melee card repairman in a few years, he would never be able to escape from this base. He was sure that if the Ning family wanted to keep anyone, even a strong man like Marcovitt would have little chance of successfully escaping, let alone himself. Although Marcovitt said again and again that Chen Mu could grow into a better melee card repairman than him. But Chen Mu didn't quite believe that Marcovitt's strength was half that of his, and he was already very good.

More powerful than him, well, wait until I am forty years old, if I am still alive at that time.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to escape from the base with this beginner's level of melee card repair skills. What Chen Mu really regarded as a secret weapon was the breath-containing method that once gave him hope. But later, he was hampered by the problem of fusiform perception of the vortex structure, so he had to put it down temporarily and look for other methods.

Unexpectedly, learning the skills of melee card repair suddenly brought him inspiration.

Is there anything more wonderful than this in this world?

It took Chen Mu a lot of effort to adjust his perception. Fortunately, his perception control ability was much improved than before. It took Chen Mu two full hours to adjust the fusiform perception vortex. For two hours, he was completely focused on adjusting the structure of his perception.

This was the first time that he actively adjusted the perception in his body. Although the main structure of perception did not change much, he was still cautious, lest he make any mistakes.

The whole process was quite smooth, the fusiform sensory vortex was extremely docile, and he was able to make every adjustment with ease. However, in order to make the structure more perfect, Chen Mu made very fine adjustments, not missing every ounce of perception.

Two hours later, the fusiform sensory vortex in his body had been completely replaced by a coiled spring structure.

To his surprise, the coil spring began to operate spontaneously as soon as the sensation was formed. It rotates horizontally at high speed, while the coil spring vibrates rhythmically up and down at the same time.

This made Chen Mu feel very excited and did not feel tired at all.

At that moment, he struck while the iron was hot and began to practice the breathing method. Whether the coil spring perception is successful or not depends on whether he can practice the breath concentration method. This is his original goal.

The practice of breath concentration is very simple, it is to keep the perception at a specific vibration frequency. Its requirements are quite demanding. It needs to maintain an absolutely stable and absolutely constant frequency during the vibration process.

This is an extremely difficult requirement.

And not only that, the vibration frequency of the breath gathering method is quite weird, which always makes Chen Mu feel very uncomfortable. Every time the frequency touched that value, Chen Mu felt a very strange feeling. But the subsequent fluctuations will immediately make this feeling disappear, as if it was just an illusion. From this, Chen Mu also determined that the breath convergence method has very strict requirements on the accuracy of the vibration frequency.

This thing is really hard to practice!

Suddenly, Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was shaken!

After countless adjustments to the frequency, this time the vibration frequency perceived in his body finally completely matched this strange value.

The extremely fine perception on the first floor was suddenly generated from his coil spring perception center. It quickly followed the spine and penetrated into the back of Chen Mu's head. A chill suddenly spread to Chen Mu's entire brain.

Dark and cold, Chen Mu felt like he had suddenly stripped away all his emotions. He opened his eyes and slowly glanced around, every corner was clearly visible in his eyes, and the darkness did not have any impact on him. According to common sense, he should be surprised that although he constantly tried to adapt himself to the darkness, he had never been so completely integrated into the darkness.

No, it's like he was born for darkness.

However, he was not surprised or surprised. He felt like a cold machine, or like an irrelevant person, looking at himself coldly from the side.

His heartbeat began to slow down, his body temperature began to drop, and his body's vital signs continued to weaken. He could feel every change in his body in an extremely subtle way. He discovered the green thread in his body, which lay dormant quietly in the flesh and blood of his body. This thread could be seen in every muscle from his hands to his feet. A green line as thin as a hair. The only thing that hasn't changed is the frequency of vibration felt by his coil spring structure.

Slow... steady... like the gears turning in a clock, with incomparable precision.

He understood that he had entered a very strange state. Although his physical characteristics were constantly declining, he did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt that his strength and explosive power had improved to a certain extent.

He stepped lightly over the scattered raw materials on the ground, and every step was extremely precise, giving the impression that every step had been extremely carefully calculated. His control over his body was astonishing, and he seemed to know the condition of every muscle.

However, before his feet landed on the ground, the scene in front of him suddenly shook.

The last thought in his mind was: 12 seconds!

Endless darkness overwhelmed him.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Mu finally woke up leisurely. But before he could get up, a strong feeling of vomiting rose from his chest. He couldn't hold it back and vomited. This vomiting lasted for more than ten minutes, and Chen Mu almost vomited out his bile.

What a powerful side effect! Before he could sigh, he couldn't help but vomit again.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mu finally stopped vomiting. He stood up with a wry smile. The room was in a mess, and an unpleasant smell filled the air. In his memory, he had not vomited for a long, long time.

Horrible breath-holding method! When he thought about those 12 seconds, when he was like a machine and emotionless, Chen Mu felt a chill to his bones.

It doesn't take much effort to carefully recall every detail of what just happened. He didn't know if it was due to the breath-holding technique, but every detail in those fifteen seconds was extremely clear in his mind. He did not expect that when the frequency of perception was adjusted to this point, such an astonishing change would occur. This was completely beyond his expectation.

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I finally finished writing it, and I’m exhausted. Haha, I don’t know how many friends are waiting for it. It’s been a long time!

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