
Chapter 127 Confrontation Training

For a week, Chen Mu practiced the breath concentration method with all his strength. During the seven days of practice, he endured the severe side effects. Due to continuous vomiting, his physiological functions continued to decline, and he looked completely thinner. He was not physically strong originally, but now that he has lost weight, he looks somewhat weak. Seeing that Chen Mu's "illness" was still going on, Marcovitt comforted him a few words and accepted a commission. It would probably take another three days for him to come back.

During this week, Chen Mu had to vomit on average more than seven times every day, sometimes to the point of losing strength, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. Time is too important to him. The longer it takes, the less likely it is to succeed.

Chen Mu squinted his eyes, thinking about the inhuman pain these days, and sighed in his heart that he finally managed to survive. While his body quickly lost weight, his temperament also began to quietly change. The originally clear eyes seemed to be covered with a faint layer of black. He was getting used to the darkness at an alarming rate. The darkness no longer felt strange to him. On the contrary, he now liked to be in the darkness more and more, which made him feel more comfortable. Probably even the devil woman didn't expect that he would make such rapid progress in this area.

Darkness is an atmosphere, and he has gradually begun to like this atmosphere.

The price paid was huge, but the rewards were equally huge. He could now control the time it took to enter the breath-holding state within three minutes. In other words, as long as you give him three minutes, he can enter the state of breath concentration. At this time, he was quite satisfied.

And after seven days of continuous use of breath concentration, the longest time he could maintain the breath concentration state was three minutes. Generally speaking, two and a half minutes is absolutely fine.

Two and a half minutes, one hundred and fifty seconds, in the eyes of ordinary people, is an extremely short time. But in Chen Mu's opinion, he can do many things. One hundred and fifty seconds of breath holding, when used on the blade, is enough to change the situation. He tried to use the techniques he learned from Marcovitt while holding his breath. No matter which one, the power was unprecedented. This gave Chen Mu great confidence.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the side effects.

In the remaining three days, Chen Mu did not practice the breath concentration method because it had too strong a negative effect on the body. Even though its power was astonishing, Chen Mu still maintained restraint. If he practiced unscrupulously, he suspected that he might die before leaving the base. What he needed was to get out safely, not die in training. During these three days, he allowed his physiological functions to gradually recover.

And there is one more thing in his hand, a card for Bowen. He already has a rough idea for this card, and it will be almost completed after Marcovitt completes the confrontation training.

This time also happened to be perfect, and he planned to leave quietly during that time. Before leaving the base, switching to the "weak water" pen set was naturally quite exciting for him. So he simply spent three days making cards. Time cannot be wasted. In addition, he also has a small wish. If you leave the base by yourself, there will be very few chances of meeting Marcovitt again in the future. And that promise of mine is far away, and the possibility of it being realized is almost zero.

Chen Mu was filled with gratitude and respect for Marcovitt. He taught himself the skills he knew without any reservation and put a lot of effort into it. Chen Mu, who is used to the warmth and coldness of the world, can't help but feel a sense of warmth in his heart every time he thinks of this. Therefore, he hoped that he could give Marcovitt a small "gift" before leaving.

Three days passed, and Marcovitt's commission was successfully completed, which also meant that Chen Mu's confrontation training officially began.

In the training room, two figures were flying around the field as fast as lightning.

Marcovitt's speed is not too fast, but he is extremely slippery and can change directions superbly. Chen Mu couldn't catch up at all. On the first day of the confrontation, he was disheartened. Not to mention hitting the opponent, he didn't even touch a corner of Marcovitt's clothes.

Fortunately, Chen Mu is extremely resilient and becomes more courageous when encountering setbacks. His mentality is also very peaceful, and failure is a normal thing for him. Since it's normal, I won't be discouraged.

Since the beginning of the confrontation training, Marcovitt has never given any advice to Chen Mu. His request to Chen Mu is that you find a way by yourself.

Chen Mu had to use his own brain. He believed that Marcovitt must have his own intentions in doing this. Therefore, Chen Mu fought during the day and recalled carefully at night, summed up his experience, and then tried to see if there were other ways to go further. The next day, he will experiment with the method he thought of the night before to verify whether it is feasible and what room for improvement there is. If there was still time, he would continue to complete the card given to Bowen.

This was the fourth day, and he had begun to get used to Marcovitt's superb rhythm of changing directions. His performance in small-scale dodge was also quite good. Once he adapted to Marcovitt's rhythm, the battlefield pattern immediately began to change. Of course, Chen Mu still has no chance of defeating Marcovitt, but he can already keep up with his opponent. Unlike at the beginning, the opponent could easily get rid of him with just a few changes of direction.

He took full advantage of the "Big Loach"'s excellent steering performance, and he became more and more familiar with this flying method. By the sixth day, he was like a shadow, clinging to Marcovitt's back.

This is not the first time that Marcovitt sighed: "You are simply a natural melee card maker. I really don't know why you became a card maker in the first place?"

Since Chen Mu couldn't get rid of him, the content of the confrontation between the two sides immediately changed. Chen Mu also began to appreciate Marcovitt's powerful attacks. In order to prevent him from dying in the confrontation, Marcovitt only dared to maintain the power of the spiral thorn at about 30%, but even so, Chen Mu was in a panic.

The timing of dodging, the timing of taking action, and the judgment of the situation are all very different between the two sides. After a few days, Chen Mu felt like he was completely transformed, and his movements finally gave off the flavor of a professional card repairman. There was not a trace of unnecessary movement in his hand, it was forced out of him. Marcovitt's spiral thorns were too powerful. Not only is its attack power powerful, its flexibility is terrifying. If there is any pause or hesitation, it will be like a python that smells fishy smell and will surely seize this gap with incomparable accuracy. You don't have to expect it to be missed.

Chen Mu's nerves remained highly tense at all times and he did not dare to relax for any moment. In front of a master like Marcovitt, any relaxation would be extremely dangerous.

Compared with Chen Mu's embarrassment, Marcovitt was naturally relaxed and relaxed. But underneath his seemingly calm expression, he was extremely surprised.

Under his oppressive training, Chen Mu showed unprecedented potential. He saw in Chen Mu, what does it mean to be a genius! The so-called young geniuses he met in the past could only be counted as shoddy and shoddy products. Apart from his talent, what Marcovitt admires most about Chen Mu is his calmness and perseverance. He can run or fly tirelessly all day long like an iron man. And every time at the most critical moment, he can always make the most correct reaction. He couldn't imagine that this kind of calmness would appear in a novice who had only learned close combat for twenty or thirty days.

However, what really surprised Marcovitt was Chen Mu's melee card - the Bipolar Thunderball card. The five small thunder balls are like living creatures, full of spirituality. When he first saw them, Marcovitt didn't think much of them. But the following confrontation training really surprised him! Every time his energy spike approached Chen Mu, these five thunder balls were like five little elves, arriving suddenly. A perfect pentagonal light shield appeared in front of the energy spine out of thin air, blocking it abruptly.

Marcovitt immediately increased the frequency of his attacks, but what he didn't expect was that the five elves also increased their speed.

I saw thorns flying like rain, and light shields also appeared one after another, one after another, and the dense pinging sounds only left a cloud of broken light rain formed by the annihilation of energy in mid-air.

This was the first time he encountered such a weird melee card, and the more he fought, the more frightened he became. If he wants to break through the defensive circle composed of these five small thunder balls, he must increase his attack to about 60% of his maximum strength before he can break this perfect pentagonal energy light shield and cause damage to Chen Mu. .

It was obvious that Chen Mu was unfamiliar with using this card. He believed that as time moved forward and Chen Mu became more and more familiar with this card and its energy structure, the power of this card would definitely increase significantly.

A talented young man possesses a magical melee card. This combination makes Marcovitt full of expectations.

He is extremely looking forward to Chen Mu's first battle, looking forward to Chen Mu's brilliant future, looking forward to him conquering everyone with his amazing talent and strength in front of the world!

He firmly believed that this young man with a sallow face was worthy of such expectations.

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The writer's class starts today. I'm having a drink and dinner with my friends tonight. I'm a little late. Please forgive me for being a little late.

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