
Chapter 130 The Strongest Breathing (1)

Cheng Ying has a commission today and needs to leave the base. Few women would go out so late, but for Cheng Ying, this is not a problem. She is not a weak woman. She is an excellent card repairer and has enough self-protection ability. So when she saw this commission, she accepted it without hesitation.

During this period of time, she had been training extremely hard and had become somewhat famous in the base, but she was not satisfied. She hopes that she can become stronger and be able to fulfill her seemingly far-fetched wish.

The reason why she joined the Ning family base was entirely because of the excellent training facilities here. Facts also proved that her choice was correct. There are many masters in the base, such as Marcovitt, Bowen, and even Will now cannot be underestimated. Every time she thinks of this, she encourages herself in her heart. How can she be distanced by these people?

She held back her energy and trained hard. During this time, her level increased rapidly.

If she needs to maintain such training, she must continue to complete commissions to obtain enough contribution points. The commissions in the base are completely different from those outside. Not only are there many types, but the difficulty is also several levels higher. Completing these commissions is in itself a test of one's own strength.

Cheng Ying goes all out for every commission.

This commission was no exception. She needed to rush to the designated location at around two o'clock in the morning. There is still half an hour before the appointed time, which is more than enough at her speed.

As usual, she walked into aisle No. 5, which was her favorite number.

Suddenly, she seemed to notice something behind her. Slightly startled, she turned around suddenly, but there was nothing behind her. The exit route is clear and there is no place to hide.

Maybe it was because he had accepted too many commissions during this period and his nerves were sensitive. Cheng Ying couldn't help but laugh at himself.

She took out her room card and was about to swipe it when she suddenly heard someone running towards her quickly. The sound of rapid footsteps reached her ears, and her hand immediately stopped in mid-air.

Chen Mu, who was glued to the ceiling, stared coldly at Cheng Ying below. He had long forgotten this woman who had once had a relationship with him. All his attention was focused on the room card in Cheng Ying's hand. Since it was attached to the ceiling, he could hear the footsteps coming from outside more clearly.

There was no trace of life in the indifferent eyes, and the eyes were covered with a faint layer of black, which seemed to indicate that there was a black world inside.

Ten seconds.

His timing was extremely precise, and he could only maintain his breath-holding state for one hundred and fifty seconds. Although he can maintain his breath concentration state for up to three minutes, which is one hundred and eighty seconds, this data cannot be used in the plan.

One hundred and fifty seconds, every second is extremely precious. If he doesn't finish within one hundred and fifty seconds, what will be the fate waiting for him? One can imagine.

Before formulating this plan, he also thought about whether it was worth it. He thought about it for a long time and finally decided that it was worth it. After experiencing the incident with Lei Zi and the incident with the Devil Woman, his desire for freedom has become stronger. It's not that he can't lower his head temporarily in a worldly manner in the face of power. However, this does not mean that he is willing to continue like this forever.

He longs for freedom!

Chen Mu's brain has always been running at a high speed. This is one of the characteristics of the breath-holding state, and it is also one of his strengths.

He clung to the ceiling like a gecko, expressionless, focusing on the room card in Cheng Ying's hand.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it can be heard that the other party is running in this direction. There is only one entrance and exit in this direction, and that is entrance number five.

In less than a second, he made a judgment. Once that person enters the entrance and exit passage, he will have no way to hide and will immediately fall into passivity. There was no trace of anxiety or worry on Chen Mu's expression. He was like a bystander watching an ordinary thing, indifferent and calm.

Compared with his mentality, his reaction was explosive. The waist and abdomen sank slightly inward, and then pushed outwards with force. At the same time, the limbs attached to the ceiling suddenly exerted force, like a shadow, and rushed towards Cheng Ying.

Almost as soon as Chen Muguang made a move, Cheng Ying noticed something unusual. There's someone above you! Her expression changed drastically. It was so scary that she didn't notice anything at such a close distance. In the flash of lightning, many thoughts passed through her mind, and uncontrollably, a chill emerged from the deepest part of her heart.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Cheng Ying still showed the profound strength of a professional card repairman. Quickly, his back fell backwards, and the moment he hit the ground, he rolled backwards.

And in this short period of time, the meter on her wrist had been activated.

She had calculated that the moment she stood up, she would be able to launch the first wave of attacks. She believed that as long as this attack could be launched, it would definitely force the opponent to retreat. With such a short distance, there was no time to dodge. And if the other party retreats, it will be more beneficial to her. By establishing distance, she could regain this passive situation and take the initiative.

But before she could get up, a strong force came from the key card that she was holding tightly in her hand. She suddenly couldn't hold it and her hand was empty.

She was immediately shocked!

The slender and charming waist and abdomen quickly exerted force and rolled to the side. The expected attack did not appear, which made her a little surprised. She quickly took the opportunity to roll away and stay as far away from the opponent as possible. Until she got up, the other party's attack did not appear. Cheng Ying, who had calmed down from the shock, slightly bent her legs so that she could exert force at any time and assume a defensive posture. There was no color on her face. The other party had snatched the room card from her hand so easily just now. If the other party wanted to kill her, he only needed a dagger, no, maybe a nail.

It had been a long time since she had encountered a similar danger, her life was directly threatened, and the pressure caused by death was far beyond what those commissions could compare to. She had completed many commissions, but none had left her so frightened.

The other party was silent and completely suppressing her. The opponent's strength is far greater than his own! She immediately realized clearly that she had no chance to resist in front of such a master.

This feeling is really terrible!

She looked up stubbornly and horrified at the person who had taken away her room card. She couldn't figure it out. What was so valuable about the room card? A person with such terrifying skills would actually come to grab a room card, and it was the most ordinary room card.

When Cheng Ying saw the attacker's appearance clearly, her expression suddenly changed again and again, and she almost shouted in shock.

It's him! It was the sallow-skinned boy I met outside the training ground that day, and it turned out to be him! She suddenly thought of what she saw in her training ground, about the terrifying scores of small-scale dodge training. This also made her more and more convinced that this boy was a terrifying melee card cultivator.

She didn't know how terrifying Chen Mu's strength was, but she knew that the other party was not someone she could disobey. When will the other party come to your head? How long have you been up there? She felt nothing. And judging from the attack just now, the level of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

"Who are you?" Cheng Ying looked at Chen Mu warily with a bit of fear.

This incident is quite long to talk about, but in fact it only happened in just five seconds.

Fifteen seconds had passed since he was in a breath-holding state. Chen Mu calculated in his mind and ignored Cheng Ying.

There is no need and no time.

As quickly as possible, he swiped Cheng Ying's room card at the entrance of the passage. At the same time, he was calculating in his mind that it would take five seconds for the entrance of the passage to open, which meant that when he went out, he would only have one hundred and thirty seconds left in the breath-holding state.

When she saw Chen Mu swiping the room card on the side of the exit door, Cheng Ying suddenly understood Chen Mu's intention. This boy must not have a room card or have no access rights! He wants to use his card to open the passage. Her face suddenly turned pale. She didn't know what the relationship between Chen Mu and the Ning family was, but one thing she knew very well was that if he was allowed to leave like this, she would definitely be miserable in the future.

The Ning family's style has always been about results, not the process.

"It's useless for you to do this. There are detection cards here. If they detect you, the entrance and exit cannot be opened." Cheng Ying bit her lip and said with a pale face. She didn't want to die, because if she died, she wouldn't be able to fulfill her wish. But at the same time, she didn't want to lose her foothold in the Ning family base because of this incident. If you can't become strong enough, then your wish is just a mirror.

Chen Mu ignored her and listened attentively. The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, only twenty meters away from here, and he quickly determined the exact location of the other party.

Seeing that Chen Mu was unmoved, Cheng Ying didn't know what to do. Once the card detection device detects that the information in the room card is different from the person at the entrance of the passage, the passage door will definitely not be opened. During the day, only one person can enter or exit the passage at a time, and no two people can enter or exit at the same time. This is to prevent this situation.

She is not afraid of the other party escaping from the base now, but is afraid that the other party will be angry with her. She also heard footsteps, and now she desperately hoped that someone would come here quickly to stop this madman.

Five seconds pass.

Zhi! The exit door of the passage suddenly opened!

How, how is it possible? Cheng Ying opened her eyes wide and looked at the opened door in disbelief! impossible! The passage door can never be opened when there are two people in the passage. This has been tried countless times, but never succeeded.

Why is this passage door open? Cheng Ying fell into a very brief trance.

The footsteps stopped at the entrance of the passage, and the visitor had already arrived at the entrance.

"Chen Mu!" The visitor's words were full of surprise and surprise, waking Cheng Ying up from his daze. Her eyes fell on Bowen at the entrance of the passage.

"Stop." Bowen's voice was not loud, but it was filled with a bone-chilling chill. He stared at Chen Mu coldly.

Bowen looked at the young man who was about to leave with a gloomy expression. It was the first time that Cheng Ying saw such a gloomy and livid expression on his face. In her impression, Bowen always had a charming and gentle smile on his face. Although she also knew that Bowen's true personality was not as gentle as he showed, she could not help but be infected every time she saw his friendly smile.

Bowen has a grudge against this young man? This was the first thought that flashed through Cheng Ying's mind.

Chen Mu also noticed that Bowen, unlike Cheng Ying, had no change in his expression at all, still looking neither sad nor happy. He glanced at Bowen indifferently. In Chen Mu's mind, Bowen's appearance was judged as an unknown factor. Since it was unknown, he didn't think much about it.

Right now, time is of the highest value.

Without hesitation, Chen Mu jumped out from the entrance of the passage. Bowen's appearance will cause the passage to be closed, so he only has a very short time.

Chen Mu's decisiveness was beyond everyone's expectation, even Bowen didn't expect it. However, he reacted very quickly. He snorted coldly, kicked his feet hard on the ground, and jumped forward. He knew very well that as long as he hesitated for a moment, Chen Mu would disappear from his sight. This disappearance is very likely to disappear forever. The best thing Ka Xiu of Cross Night is hiding is hiding.

Didi's alarm suddenly sounded, and the jamming detection device had discovered an abnormality.

Seeing that the entrance to the passage was about to close, Bowen rushed to the entrance without hesitation and jumped sideways, risking being caught in the middle by the passage door and rushed out.

As soon as he jumped out of the passage, Bowen quickly fell to the ground, but he saw Chen Mu. Chen Mu had activated the airflow card and was flying north about a hundred meters away from him. What a speed! Bowen was secretly shocked. Chen Mu was only one second ahead of him, but he had already activated the speed meter, stopped his fall, and also adjusted his direction.

What kind of precise calculation and control capabilities this requires!

Bowen's expression changed slightly, but he became more and more certain of Chen Mu Shishiye's identity. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cheng Ying coming out too, which surprised him. But he quickly withdrew his attention. In front of Cardiff on Cross Night, if you can't stay focused, let alone revenge, your life may be taken away at any time.

Bowen finally showed his abilities without reservation at this time! The speed meter on his wrist was activated at some point, and his figure paused in mid-air, followed by a sudden acceleration.

His airflow card was obviously not a low-grade product, and it flew extremely fast, even faster than the high-speed airflow card that Chen Mushou bought specially this time. The whole person was like a cannonball, roaring in the direction of Chen Mu's flight.

He had just confirmed Chen Mu's identity and rushed to Chen Mu's room, but found that there was no one there. He immediately realized that Chen Mu was likely to take action. He didn't know how Chen Mu came to the base, but he subconsciously thought that Chen Mu had an agenda.

Ning Peng and Ning Yan are not at the base, and the temporary person in charge here does not know his identity. He planned to rush to Amening's house overnight to find the owner of Amening's family. Unexpectedly, I met Chen Mu at Exit 5.

Chen Mu never ignored Bowen who was following closely. The opponent was an unknown factor and his strength exceeded his expectations. The airflow card in Bowen's hand must be a four-star airflow card. Only a four-star airflow card can have such amazing acceleration capabilities. The most important thing is that Bowen showed hostility towards Chen Mu, and he was immediately classified as an enemy by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's mood was still without any turmoil, and he was as objective and calm as ever.

If you don't react, the opponent will catch up with you in five seconds. And if the other party plans to launch an attack, it will be at least one point and two seconds later.

This judgment data is quite objective. In the initial acceleration stage of flight, during the period of maximum acceleration, the main functions of the body need to withstand the high load caused by acceleration, and they also need to adjust the flight balance. Therefore, at this stage, it is basically difficult for Kashu to launch an attack. . Although the four-star airflow card used by Bowen accelerates more rapidly, it also puts a greater load on the body during the acceleration phase. In such a state, if you want to attack, it requires extremely terrifying strength.

Although Bowen is strong, he is still far from this level.

After making a judgment, Chen Mu immediately made adjustments, and the perception inside the instrument changed rapidly. In less than 0.6 seconds, he had completed switching cards. In the state of concentrating his breath, Chen Mu's level can be maximized, even to an extraordinary level. In normal conditions, under this situation, it takes one point and two seconds for him to complete the card switching. This value is already quite outstanding among intermediate card repairmen. But in 0.6 seconds, he suddenly reached a new level. The power of the breath gathering method can be seen clearly.

High-velocity airflow card switches to Big Loach. Competing for speed with a four-star airflow card is a very stupid thing. Although the four-star air flow card is fast, how could Chen Mu, a card maker, not understand its weaknesses? The faster you go, the harder it will be to turn. What's more, Chen Mu is still a melee card cultivator, although he is still a novice. But don't forget, Chen Mu's performance in small-scale dodge training is an extremely scary score.

Chen Mu's perception came into contact with the big loach airflow card again. There was no need to think, as Chen Mu suddenly dropped in height and flew towards the houses below at an alarming speed.

Bowen reacted immediately and pressed the flight direction downward slightly. His reaction was very agile. If Chen Mu's direction did not change, Bowen could also intercept Chen Mu in two seconds. Moreover, the direction he chooses now can suppress a considerable range. No matter which direction Chen Mu flies, he cannot escape from his control.

Not only that, a blood-red moon-shaped wave blade appeared on his palm and could be launched at any time. It's Xue Ruika! Since he was flying, Bowen chose the three-star card so that he could control it more accurately. At this time, there was no need to pursue lethality, but accuracy, so he chose the Blood Rui Ka.

Probably even Chen Mu didn't expect that the card he just made would be used to hit him immediately. This world is really strange.

Twenty-three seconds! Twenty-three seconds have passed since the breath-holding state. So far, the entire operation has been perfect. The only surprise is the appearance of Bowen.

It has been less than three seconds since the passage door opened. But in less than three seconds, both Chen Mu and Bowen performed amazingly. In comparison, Cheng Ying, who was chasing after him, was much inferior. She doesn't have the amazing control ability like Chen Mu, nor does she have the four-star card that Bowen is using. Although she was quite powerful, she was naturally eclipsed in front of these two strong men.

She gritted her teeth and chased after him, but she didn't dare to get too close. The reason why she risked her life and chased him out was because she had her own considerations. In any case, the key card that opened the access door was hers. Although this young man was outstanding in strength, she did not believe that anyone could escape from the Ning family's territory. The power of the Ning family has long been deeply implanted in the mind of Cheng Ying, who was born in Ame City. If the young man is caught in the end, even though his room card has been stolen, it will always be very troublesome for the Ning family to pursue him.

If, if she really couldn't stay in the base because of this incident, it would be unbearable for her. The Ning family base is the only way she can think of now to make herself stronger. She came from an ordinary background and knew how hard-won such opportunities were, so she cherished them even more.

No one knows how much she desires power beneath her cheerfulness and boldness.

She didn't want to give up, so she risked her life and chased him out. Maybe she can't play any role, but she hopes to express her attitude in a way to gain more favor from the Ning family.

But witnessing the three-second confrontation between the two, all the thoughts in her mind were thrown out of her mind, except for the wonderful response between the two just now.

so amazing!

In just three seconds, the skills and adaptability displayed by the two people are definitely as classic as textbooks. In three seconds, the two of them fought for several rounds. These seemed inconspicuous, and there were no dazzling changes. The technical content revealed by each item was enough to make the so-called masters in the base die of shame.

In her review, Chen Mu's judgment of timing was terrifyingly accurate, and his card switching speed was absolutely terrifying. As for Bowen, his reaction was as fast as lightning, and his adaptability was equally impeccable.

She looked at the two people in front of her with envy. Only with such strength could one be considered powerful! They are much stronger than themselves. The three-second confrontation between the two would end in failure no matter which side she was on.

She became more and more afraid to get closer. After all, a contest of this level was not something she could intervene in. But she will not stay away either. This level of competition is not something you can see just by looking at it. There was so much she could learn from witnessing such a contest.

When she saw Chen Mu swooping down, with residential buildings below, she was confused at first. But suddenly, she remembered a series of extremely abnormal scores about small-scale dodge training on the light screen in the training ground.

Her expression changed slightly!

Exactly what Cheng Ying thought, Chen Mu was ready to take advantage of this. But before that, he needs to be able to safely enter the complex terrain on the ground.

In the state of concentrating his breath, his mind was extremely calm, and he took every factor into consideration. In this state, he can exert all his power to the extreme. For example, one of the skills he is good at is aerial tactical movements. If Chen Mu can evaluate it himself, aerial tactical movements are not a skill he is good at. Because in his opinion, the difficulty level of the aerial tactical movements he learned was only 70.

If 80 points is considered excellent, then 70 points cannot be considered high, Chen Mu thought.

In the state of concentrating his breath, Chen Mu's thinking was extremely focused and he would naturally not think about these irrelevant things. The reason why he chose this skill was because his calculation was that he needed to use this skill to avoid the opponent's attack before he landed on the ground. He judged that during this period, Bowen would definitely attack him.

In mid-air, Chen Mu suddenly rolled and drifted in a spiral. His body suddenly spun, and his figure suddenly drifted downwards, with an extremely strange trajectory. Bowen, who had just locked onto Chen Mu and was about to release the wave blade in his hand, suddenly lost his target. He quickly controlled his perception and retracted it. The red wave blade on his palm trembled slightly, and extremely fine ripples appeared, but in a moment, it was locked again. Staying firmly in his hand.

It's just that this aura is chaotic, and I almost lose control of my perception. This feeling is so uncomfortable!

The surprise in his heart was unparalleled. The Ning family's research on Cross Night has been carried out for almost every generation. The family did not accumulate much information, but he could still see some clues. Cross Night's two most powerful skills are the cross and the breath gathering method. Of these two, one is attacking and the other is supposed to be sneaking. When the two are combined, it is indeed impossible to prevent them from being used for assassination. However, among all the information, there is no information that shows that Kaxiu of Cross Night is good at close combat.

Although the head of the Ning Xuan family died under the cross at a very close distance, this does not mean that the cross is a melee skill. Cross is Shiziye's most famous skill, and it is also what the Ning family knows the most about Shiziye. It is a cross-shaped energy structure formed by the energy released by the cross card, and is extremely powerful. However, the Cross Card is a typical long-range attack card.

Most of the more assassination cases in Cross Night involved lurking in the dark shadows and then using cross cards to deliver fatal blows. I have never heard of a card cultivator from this genre engaging in close combat with others.

However, aerial tactical movements are something that only typical melee card repairmen would learn. What's more, the spiral roll and drift is a highly difficult aerial tactical maneuver with a difficulty level of 70. Only the most orthodox and determined melee card cultivators will practice this maneuver.

Could it be that Cross Night has also kept pace with the times?

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