
Chapter 134 The Strongest Breath Collection (5)

It only took fifteen seconds for Chen Mu to enter the buffer zone of Ami City. The buffer zone has long been cleared of wild beasts, and it is mostly a cultivation base for flowers and plants. However, there are only some low-level fast-growing plants in these cultivation bases. Occasionally one or two beasts rush in, which will not cause much damage.

Due to the large demand for materials in the market, botany has gradually flourished in recent years, and attempts have been made to artificially cultivate some low-level plant raw materials.

Many large groups have begun to establish their own breeding laboratories. More than 80% of the materials required for cards with three stars and above need to be obtained from the wild. This is a huge and astonishing number. Among the more than 80% of materials, mineral raw materials and plants accounted for 30% respectively, while materials obtained from animals accounted for about 20%. This is why those large groups invest countless amounts of money into plant cultivation that will see no benefit at all in the short term.

For example, if luminous trees are successfully cultivated on a large scale, it will mean huge profits. Every plant that can be used as a raw material has the value of cultivation. Whoever successfully cultivates it first will control the market trend of this raw material. The profits in this are enough to make countless people jealous.

It is said that there are some more powerful groups who are no longer satisfied with the cultivation of plants and have even begun to invest in research on the production of animal raw materials. Compared with the investment in plant cultivation, the investment in animal raw material production research is dozens of times greater. However, the profit is higher than this ratio.

At night, these simple fast-growing plant cultivation bases are peaceful. The velvet released by the fast-growing fireweed can emit a faint fluorescence in the night. There is no wind tonight, and the velvet balls of yellow grass are floating in the air, slowly fluttering with the air. The glittering ocean composed of these glowing grass velvets makes the place become blurry and dreamy.

It's a pity that Chen Mu, who was in a breathless state, had no interest in admiring the scenery. He stayed close to the ground and rushed through the Yingcao Garden with a whoosh.

He was like a shark, cutting through the sea surface, leaving a V-shaped ripple behind him. Affected by the air current, the Yingcao Velvet Sea immediately began to change and stir! The calm and tranquil Yingcao Velvet Sea was disrupted by Chen Mu.

Phew! There are two more figures one behind the other. This dazzling and dreamlike sea of ​​velvet grass is like jumping into an era of high-pitched symbols, and suddenly becomes exciting.

Chen Mu noticed that his physical strength was constantly draining away. Most of the wounds on his body had started to stop bleeding automatically, but there were three wounds that were too deep and blood was still flowing out. And this is not the key, the key is time!

Only twenty seconds!

When the dark jungle in the distance appeared in Chen Mu's field of vision, the first emotional fluctuation in his breath-holding state finally appeared! My heart skipped a beat, and suddenly a strange and complex emotion arose in my heart.

This emotion is like a tiny drop of moisture under the scorching sun, disappearing without a trace before it can form a dark cloud. Chen Mu's heart regained its clarity and purity like a clear blue sky.

Bowen and Cheng Ying were left far behind him. Looking at them like this, they could only see two tiny black spots. Chen Mu worked hard to calculate every minute period of time, and gathered it bit by bit to form the distance that was enough for him to get rid of the two of them.

Increase your speed to the top without any scruples! Like a shooting star, he rushed into the jungle!

The branch hurt his face, and the calm expression on Chen Mu's face looked so strange at this moment.

Even in the breath-holding state, he could only control the airflow to avoid those thick tree trunks, but was unable to avoid all branches. After all, the breath gathering method is not invincible. It is still limited by Chen Mu's own ability. Only when Chen Mu's own ability is higher and he enters the breath gathering state can he exert greater power.

The denser the jungle, the more Chen Mu dug in, ignoring the tiny thorn vines that scratched countless tiny blood marks on his body.

Time is running out, only five seconds!

Five seconds of time need to be maximized. The jungle in front of him became denser and denser, but Chen Mu's speed increased instead of slowing down, and he continued to rush deeper into the jungle.

five four three two one!

Chen Mu's speed dropped sharply, but he had lost control of his body. Bang, like a sandbag, he fell into the mud, splashing countless mud. Chen Mu almost fainted from this fall. The reason why he was still awake was because the movement was too big, and all the wounds on his body burst open, waking him up abruptly.

Before he could get up, he held his stomach and retched in the mud. His current appearance was extremely terrifying, and his whole body looked like a clay figure. Mud and blood mixed together, covering the rags still hanging on his body. There were streaks of blood all over the face, arms, and back, and most of them were covered by mud.

Chen Mu, who was half-crouching and retching, was so painful that his face was almost twisted.

The violent vomiting lasted for three minutes!

Three minutes later, Chen Mu was almost out of strength, his eyes began to become a little blurry, and his physical strength was on the verge of exhaustion. He forced himself to stand up, knowing that it was not time to rest yet. He needed to find a hiding place immediately. If the wounds on his body were left untreated, he would just wait to bleed to death.

After coming out of the state of holding his breath, he could no longer watch and treat all the feelings in his body like before. The severe pain almost drowned him like a tide. He gritted his teeth with all his strength, and the muscles in his cheeks twitched from time to time. He looked like a beast at the end of his life, ferocious and terrifying.

Dragging a weak pace, Chen Mu moved towards the tree closest to him with difficulty. He was once dragged into the jungle by the devil woman for a while, and saw with his own eyes how she chose a place to rest at night. This pitiful but precious experience saved his life at this time.

Bowen did not rush into the jungle following Chen Mu, but stopped and waited for Cheng Ying to land next to him.

"Let's go together." Bowen stared into Cheng Ying's eyes, with a strong and unquestionable tone.

Cheng Ying's expression changed, she hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay." At this time, she had no choice. Bowen would not allow her to refuse, regardless of his strength or status.

The two of them walked together cautiously toward the jungle. They were not Chen Mu, so they naturally knew how terrifying the wild jungle was. No one dares to fly in the wild, and Bowen is no exception. There are a lot of dangerous beasts living in the wild, and Ka Xiu flying in the sky is the best target. Not only will they become the masters of the sky, they will be besieged by those ferocious flying beasts, but they also need to beware of sneak attacks by underground beasts.

For example, there is a creature called the Crouching Frog, which is about one meter sixty-seven meters tall. Its mouth is like a cannon barrel, accounting for three-quarters of its body length. It is good at preying on birds in the sky. Its long mouth functions exactly like a cannon barrel, and it can fire a green oval light bullet with great accuracy. One such light bomb is not very powerful, but what is frightening is that crouching frogs are social creatures. Just imagine, hundreds of crouching frogs are quietly lurking under the dense jungle, and suddenly they all spray out light bombs. Most flying beasts cannot escape this "cannon array". So the Crouching Frog is sometimes called the Cannon Frog.

Another problem is that their pitifully low IQ is that they are unable to tell the difference between a flying cardius and a bird in the sky. Looking down at the jungle sky, the dense leaves block all possible dangers.

No card repairer with common sense would fly in the jungle. Only a fool like Chen Mu would be so unscrupulous. If they knew how Chen Mu flew in the jungle, they would think he was crazy.

The jungle is extremely dangerous at night. They couldn't see the surrounding scenery clearly at all, but Bowen, who received a standard card repair education, had excellent tactical literacy, and he knew what to do in this situation. Instead of using the lighting card rashly, he tried to squint his eyes to adjust to the surrounding light. At the same time, he pulled out a detection card from the special card bag on his waist. This detection card can help him detect whether there is a threat within a radius of fifty meters with him as the center.

Bowen's response caused a flash of appreciation on Cheng Ying's face, and the two parties formed a fighting partner. No one wanted his companion to act rashly, and in this dangerous place, it would be a joke on himself.

Rookies always like to use lighting cards in the dark so that they can see what's going on around them. As everyone knows, this is the stupidest move. This is like creating an opportunity for the enemy to attack by surprise. But these are not the only dangers in the jungle.

There are many light-loving insect creatures in the jungle, and many of them are extremely dangerous. Once you use the lighting card, you will find that before you know it, you have been surrounded by some extremely dangerous insects, and in the end only a pile of bones will be left. This is a scene that can give people nightmares.

"Look!" Cheng Ying suddenly discovered something.

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