
Chapter 145 High-footed Ape [Second update]

These days, he pays attention to every detail of Chen Mu all the time. Since the last test, he had confirmed that Chen Mu came from [Cross Night], so he observed Chen Mu more carefully. He wanted to know, what is the difference between [Cross Night] Card Xiu and other Card Xiu? What is the difference between a card repairman who has gone through such cruel and twisted human nature training and an ordinary card repairer?

However, he did not get the answer he wanted from this observation, but instead had more doubts in his mind.

Because, he discovered an extremely weird place.

He found that Chen Mu's strength seemed to be far less powerful than what he showed when he fought against him that day. The strength of a card cultivator can be noticed in many details. Take time for example. All masters are extremely sensitive to time. This sensitivity will cause them to behave completely differently from ordinary people in many places. When faced with danger, people have subconscious reactions. Card repair is no exception, but their response is more professional and faster.

But Chen Mu was not. His reaction was quick, but he looked messy, like a card repairer who had not received formal training. And he also discovered something strange. Chen Mu's reaction speed was much slower than that day during the battle.

During the battle that day, Chen Mu only had 0.6 seconds to switch cards, which left an indelible impression on Bowen. But since then, Chen Mu's time to switch cards has never been less than one second. What made him most incredible was that Chen Mu's reactions all seemed like natural reactions, not like disguises.

Once, twice, three times...

After many times, Bowen naturally became suspicious. There is absolutely no trace of the light that a master can inadvertently reveal on him. Every time he encountered danger, it was Bowen who took action, but Chen Mu never took action. At first, Bowen thought that Chen Mu wanted to hide his strength or preserve it, but gradually, Bowen smelled something wrong.

Chen Mu didn't seem to do it because he didn't want to take action, but because of his strength. It seemed that after that day, he suddenly lost his spirituality, or in other words, after that day, his strength shrank significantly.

This is Bowen's most likely guess. You must know that Chen Mu was seriously injured that day, and it is normal for his strength to shrink. What Kaxiu fears most is that his senses are injured. When his senses are hurt, it is very difficult to recover, or even impossible to recover at all.

This made Bowen feel a little ready to make a move, but he was hesitant. If his speculation was correct, then it would be easy for him to kill Chen Mu. Chen Mu, whose strength has shrunk, has no value to him and Cheng Ying, but is a burden.

But what if your judgment is wrong?

The result was something he couldn't bear.

Bowen half-closed his eyes and leaned against a tree, looking like he was asleep.

Chen Mu sat cross-legged and carefully felt the sensations in his body. This was his daily homework after entering the jungle. Since Bowen's last test, he has been more careful. He didn't dare to take out the Water World Card, which was used to train his perception. He simply kept trying to understand the sensations in his body every day. In Bowen's eyes, he was even more convinced that Chen Mu's strength was damaged.

No card cultivator would practice perception when others are around.

Little did he know that Chen Mu was not training his senses at all, but just understanding the senses in his body. Ever since Chen Mu realized the structure of the coil spring, he sincerely realized that he knew too little about the sensations in the body. If you know less, you will naturally have fewer solutions when you encounter problems.

It just so happened that this period of time was not suitable for practicing other things, so he calmed down and carefully experienced the sensations in his body. Perception is one of the most mysterious powers in the human body. Until now, no card cultivator or card maker has declared that he has a complete understanding of it. For Chen Mu, this is a vast and huge project, even beyond his current ability, but he still does it.

You may not see results in the short term, but in the long run, this is something that must be done.

Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes tightly and carefully observed the coil spring sensation in his body. The perception in his body is divided into many small perception lines, which spiral upward to form a perception structure that looks like a spring. It is rotating slowly and rising and falling rhythmically, which is the vibration of perception. From both ends of the sensing spring structure, many filamentous sensing filaments emanate, and they are slightly rippling like seaweed.

The sensing spring rotates very slowly, and the sensing filaments emitted are very long. At this time, the sensing spring is like several long tentacles extending out. These soft and invisible tentacles swing rhythmically in the air. It also gave Chen Mu a general understanding of the surrounding situation. The longer the tentacle is, the wider the range it can detect.

Although he did not open his eyes, he also knew what the other people were doing. Bowen was observing himself, while Cheng Ying was in a daze in front of the bonfire. As for Li Duhong, hey, he seemed to have quietly sprinkled some powder on the ground.

What does Li Duhong want to do? Chen Mu didn't know what the powder was used for. Could it be to repel mosquitoes and ants? But why haven't I seen him peeing in the past few days?

Chen Mu was confused, but not long after, several tentacles suddenly swayed together, and there seemed to be a wave of movement deep in the jungle. Chen Mu was slightly startled and did not dare to hesitate at the moment. The speed of the sensing rotation was getting slower and slower, and the sensing tentacle stretched out little by little until it could no longer extend. This was the farthest distance he could detect.

Sensing the regular swings of the tentacles, the distant scene gradually became clearer in Chen Mu's mind. Of course, this clarity is only relative. In fact, he can only perceive a rough outline. The outlines were so vague that he needed to identify them carefully to roughly understand what they were. Moreover, he found that in the jungle, his detection distance was much worse than in the open space, and those blurry outlines were even more difficult to distinguish.

what is that? Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat, and the outline of the originally blurry image almost blurred into one piece. It seemed that something was approaching quickly from a distance away from them.


Bowen seemed to have noticed the situation. He sat up straight and stared into the depths of the forest.

Blurred images kept changing in his mind, and Chen Mu could only try his best to keep the perception in his body running at a constant speed. Just the vague outlines are changing, which makes them look a bit abstract. Chen Mu, on the other hand, needs to determine what they are from these abstract images.

One, two, three...

Circles appeared one after another in his mind, and Chen Mu's first thought was the human head. However, judging from the outline, these round objects are one size larger than the human brain. What could that be? However, Chen Mu didn't have much time for him to guess.

A roar that had never been heard before came from the depths of the jungle, and then, one after another, roars came from the depths of the jungle.

"High-footed ape!" Li Duhong said in panic.

Bowen's expression changed, and Cheng Ying's reaction became even more intense, turning pale. Chen Mu noticed the flash of pride and teasing in Li Duhong's eyes, although he pretended to be panicked on the surface.

Eight! Chen Mu already knew the number of these tall apes. He didn't know how powerful the Gaozu apes were, but eight of them were enough to make Chen Mu feel dangerous. It was judged that it would take about a minute for the Gaozu Ape to arrive here.

Chen Mu started to try to enter a breath-holding state without hesitation. Generally speaking, it takes about three minutes to prepare for him to enter the breath gathering state. But this time, there was only one minute, no, maybe not even one minute, these high-footed apes were running too fast.

This is a challenge for him! He needed to enter a breath-holding state before the Gaozu Ape arrived.

Bowen has activated the speed meter, and he is floating in mid-air, entering a battle-ready state. Cheng Ying picked up Li Hongdu and floated in mid-air, ready to take action. The distance between the two sides was too close. The group of tall apes had already discovered them and it was too late to run away. The high-footed ape was very fast, even faster than the double-hook beast that chased them that day.

In mid-air, Bowen and Cheng Ying all looked at Chen Mu strangely. They didn't understand what he was doing. Still not moving even at this time? Bowen thought to himself, could his guess be wrong? Still so calm at this time, is he really sure?

Cheng Ying, on the other hand, looked at Chen Mu with admiration. The master was indeed a master. Ami didn't change color even though the mountain collapsed in front of her, looking like she was taking care of herself.

Li Duhong looked at Chen Mu below with great curiosity, wondering why he still didn't move. Isn't he afraid of the stilt ape?

The ape is a kind of long-legged ape, about three meters tall. They have unlimited strength and move in groups. They are also one of the few animals in the jungle that can use tools, and they are good at using natural sedge roulette wheels as weapons. The sage wheel is a fruit grown on the sage tree. They are as flat as a plate, with a diameter of about 20 to 30 centimeters, and are composed of thirteen lateral edges. After drying in the sun, the roulette wheel is stronger than steel, and the thirteen side shuttles will also form thirteen sharp edges. The thickness of the roulette wheel will continue to shrink, but the weight will not be reduced much.

The apes are naturally good at using this weapon. The shad roulette they throw is extremely powerful and extremely accurate. Their legs are long and powerful, and they can jump and run very quickly. They like to move in groups and hunt with sedge roulette wheels. They are a very powerful group in the jungle.

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