
Chapter 148 Pursuit

Chen Mu flew into the woods like lightning. He just found someone observing them secretly. The tailless shuttle came out and shot the man in the shoulder. There is a characteristic of the tailless shuttle that is quite confusing. It flies faster towards the back. At first, the enemy will be distracted by its not-so-fast muzzle speed, but as the tail of the tailless shuttle continues to melt, its speed will become faster and faster, reaching a terrifying level.

The hidden person suffered a big loss from this. Originally he thought he could dodge, but he didn't expect the speed of the tailless shuttle to increase sharply. He was shocked, but he didn't have time to dodge completely and was shot in the shoulder.

However, this person looked like a ruthless character, covering his shoulders and running wildly into the jungle with his head buried in his hands. Although one arm was injured, his movements were still as vigorous as a wild animal. He was just running, not even much slower than Chen Mu's flying.

Glancing back, he looked at Chen Mu, who was following closely. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and his speed increased sharply.

Chen Mu followed closely with an expressionless face, and the tailless shuttle in his hand took shape again, but he did not launch it immediately. The man's pace was very strange, dashing left and right, constantly using the cover of trees, making it difficult for him to aim.

In the breath-containing state, Chen Mu's various qualities have been significantly improved, but they are still limited by his own abilities.

For example, if an experienced card repairman is in such a situation, he will make a correct prediction. Because before they became professional card repairmen, they had gone through formal and systematic learning. In various tutorials, they would be told how to deal with this situation.

However, our classmate Chen Mu has never learned it. Not only has he not learned it, he also has no understanding at all. He is basically blank in terms of card repair theory. The only thing he knows a little bit about is the close combat card repair theory taught to him by Marcovitt. Marcovitt himself is a card repairer who emphasizes practical combat and neglects theory. How can he teach Chen Mu any theoretical knowledge?

What's more, he is currently using a tail-off shuttle card, which is a typical long-range attack card.

Chen Mu once entered the breath-holding state to explore the secrets of the breath-holding method. Although there were still many things he didn't understand, he still had a certain understanding of some of the most basic aspects. The breath gathering method cannot be created out of nothing. Its function is to maximize the power of the skills you currently have. And this maximum power is not fixed. It will be continuously optimized and improved as your theoretical knowledge and experience improve.

Combat awareness and tactical literacy are an important component of combat effectiveness.

The Breath Condensation Technique is only a skill used to assist combat, but it cannot replace Chen Mu's own skills and consciousness.

For example, in the current situation, Chen Mu was unable to respond correctly to this man's evasive skills.

Chen Mu's expression remained unchanged. In fact, in the state of holding his breath, his emotions would always be in a state of absolute calm. This is the most terrifying part of the breath gathering method. As for other functions, such as avoiding the detection of detection cards, it can only be regarded as a relatively useful small use.

Chen Mu did not blindly shoot out the tail-free shuttle in his hand. It buzzed at high speed on Chen Mu's index finger. In the breath-containing state, Chen Mu's control over his perception improved several levels, and the crystal-clear tail-off shuttle rotated happily on his index finger, without any sign of exploding.

The opponent's movements were too agile, he was well versed in dodge skills, and he was extremely familiar with the jungle. This caused Chen Mu a lot of trouble. Fortunately, Chen Mu's performance in small-scale dodge and flight was very good. He relied on his extraordinary small-scale dodge skills to pursue him. Moreover, he is floating in mid-air, and obstacles on the ground have no effect on him.

Like a civet cat, this man's movements are agile and silent, without any sloppiness, and he never follows a straight line. The route is unpredictable and unpredictable.

After experiencing the initial panic, the man made no mistakes in all his subsequent actions. His face was covered in color, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly, but his eyes were extremely calm. He didn't need to look back to know that Chen Mu was still following him. A chill could not help but creep up in his heart. He still didn't understand how he was discovered. He had always been very proud of his hiding ability. Even the beasts with sensitive sense of smell in the jungle could not detect him.

Not daring to slow down his movements at all, he zigzagged through the jungle with the fastest movement, taking advantage of the cover of the trees. The guy behind him bit him so tightly that he was like a maggot attached to the bone, and his ghost lingered. His right shoulder had been shot through, and the pain was excruciating, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Less than a minute passed, and sweat began to form on his forehead. The opponent was really staring too closely, and he tried all his skills and strength, but to no avail. Not only did the distance between him and the opponent not widen, but it actually got a little closer. His heart immediately became nervous. The light shuttle just hit his right shoulder, which not only injured his body, but also greatly reduced his courage.

It's so fast! The light shuttle only left an afterimage for him, and despite his best efforts, he still could not dodge. Although he was a little unconvinced in his heart, he thought he didn't notice that the other party actually discovered him. But honestly speaking, even if he was prepared, the probability of successful dodge was only about 30%. This is already quite dangerous for him.

He had never thought that someone could fly so nimbly, as slippery as if they were covered in oil. As he ran wildly, he didn't think about counterattack, but he knew that if he paused for a moment, the cute but deadly light shuttle would roar towards him. This time, what was taken away was probably his own life.

Chen Mu's expression looked very calm, but in fact, he had adjusted every skill he could use to the highest level. But, that's it, the distance between the two parties was shrinking at a speed that was far from being able to sustain him until he exited the breath-holding state.

Soon, he judged that he could not catch up with the man in front of him. There is still a minute and a half left in the breath-holding state, and he needs to return now. The tail shuttle on the index finger was still not released because the other party did not give him any chance. The chance of hitting like this now is less than 20%, so he canceled the attack.

Right now, energy is the most important resource.

He floated in mid-air, watching the man disappear into the vast jungle at an alarming speed.

Ten seconds later, he started to turn around and fly back.

The journey he had just taken was already imprinted on his mind, and he easily found the way back.

This journey was as easy as an outing. He didn't encounter a single wild beast, and he didn't even have a chance to take action while he was still breathing. It wasn't until he was approaching the four-man camp that he suddenly fell from the sky.

When the time to hold his breath was over, he lay on the ground and retched desperately, regardless of the pain in his body. His stomach felt like it was twitching, and his internal organs were shrinking crazily, accompanied by a strong feeling of vomiting. At this time, Chen Mu didn't have the slightest trace of the outstanding master's demeanor just now.

The powerful side effects of the breath-holding method are getting more severe each time. Chen Mu was vomiting and moaning in his heart. He was very suspicious. He didn't know if he would be killed by this breath-containing method one day. The Breath Condensation Technique is not invincible. He doesn't know how those card cultivators of [Cross Night] managed to survive the side effects. Or is it that the method they learned to hold their breath is different from mine?

Bowen stared at Li Duhong and asked in a cold voice: "What's going on? What did you do?"

This time Cheng Ying never helped him again. She sat aside with a disappointed look on her face and watched Bowen interrogate Li Duhong. The two of them are not fools. Since Chen Mu said this, he must have discovered something.

If it was really this kid who was behind it...

He almost died here today. Bowen didn't expect that he almost died at the hands of a child. He had enough reasons to be angry. Cheng Ying remained silent. Thinking of the little guy's innocent appearance these days, she suddenly felt a little cold.

Li Duhong lowered his head and said nothing.

If the two of them were just suspicious just now, then they are now sure that Chen Mu's guess is completely correct. Bowen was extremely smart, and he immediately grasped the key: "Who was lurking there just now?"

There was now hesitation on Lidu's red face.

"Say!" Bowen looked at him coldly with a stern tone.

When Li Duhong saw Bowen's almost twisted face, he shuddered and said, "That's my third brother." Suddenly, he seemed to realize his cowardice. He stubbornly raised his chest and protested loudly. Bian said: "You can't catch him. He is the best at escaping in the village!"

At this moment, Bowen and Cheng Ying noticed someone approaching. They were both frightened, so naturally they reacted very quickly.

Seeing that it was Chen Mu who came out, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the two people looking at him, Chen Mu shook his head: "I didn't catch up."

Li Duhong couldn't help but change his expression when he saw Chen Mu, but when he heard that Chen Mu didn't catch up, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

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