
Chapter 152 Being a bachelor is also a realm

I don't know if it was because Chen Mu's modification of the card was too shocking, but the group fell into silence. Fortunately, Chen Mu himself didn't like to talk much, so he didn't feel uncomfortable with it. Cheng Ying was still immersed in excitement and joy. She had always hoped to have a powerful battle card. It's just that ordinary card cultivators like her who have no power and are not financially superior enough, such as the card modified by Chen Mu, are not something she can possess.

Bowen was thinking about spices. Among the several materials he noted down, except for polygonite, which is relatively precious, the other materials are expensive but not difficult to obtain. If it really succeeded, the huge profits would make him excited. He didn't care much about Cheng Ying's card, which had been modified by Chen Mu to increase its power. Although he didn't have many cards of this level, he didn't have too few. What's more, he can already use four-star cards and is relatively proficient.

There is an almost insurmountable gap in power between three-star cards and four-star cards. Of course, there are exceptions, but such exceptions are so rare that they can be counted on one's fingers. For Bowen, he should now work hard to become more familiar with four-star cards instead of wasting time on unfamiliar three-star cards, no matter how good that three-star card is. The quality of the cards lies in the quality rather than the abundance.

Li Duhong was also silent, but occasionally looked at Chen Mu with eyes that were always fiery. At his age, he was full of countless fantasies about life, and coupled with curiosity, he felt that Chen Mu had a very magical power. It seemed that as long as he easily wrote, it would bring about completely different results.

Li Duhong, who grew up in the jungle, is very sensitive to power, even if he is only a child. Naturally, he was extremely eager for Chen Mu's ability to create power.

The group of people shuttled through the jungle, and Li Duhong was also very cooperative. With his guidance, the three of them soon arrived at the village the little guy mentioned.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, Chen Mu and the others encountered an extremely "grand" reception. Five young people were standing around an old man at the entrance of the village. They seemed to have known for a long time that Bowen and the others were coming.

This old man wears a crown made of colorful bird feathers and a wide brown cloth skirt. There are deep wrinkles on his face, and the dark brown skin formed by long-term exposure to the sun has begun to become dry and astringent due to his age. The eyes of the young men beside the old man were vaguely unfriendly.

Bowen and Chen Mu looked at each other. When Li Duhong saw the old man, he immediately drooped his head.

"Welcome, guests from afar!" The old man stood up with a smile: "Thank you very much for sending my grandson back. I'm afraid I've caused you a lot of trouble these days." After saying that, he turned around and said: "Weah, take the kid to his mother."

A strong man responded and was about to walk towards Li Duhong.

For a few people, Li Duhong is their talisman until they understand the situation. How could they be taken away so easily? Bowen took a step forward and stopped in front of Li Duhong.

Bowen's action immediately aroused strong reactions from several young people who were originally not good-looking.

Hiss, hiss, the five young men's hands immediately revealed their weapons, each holding an energy knife. These energy outlets are about forty-five centimeters long, and the blade is slightly curved.

Chen Mu was slightly startled. Only then did he notice that several people had something like a knife handle tied to their wrists. Unexpectedly, these handle-like objects could actually form energy knives. It was the first time for Chen Mu and Bowen to see such a weapon. If they weren't so familiar with energy, they might not be able to tell what these young people were holding at first glance.

Jammed? Chen Mu and the others couldn't help but show cautious expressions. Chen Mu has never seen such a weird card weapon, but he is a card maker and his sensitivity to energy is more refined.

The sharpness of these energy knives is not as good as that of ordinary three-star wave blade cards, and they are far inferior in terms of flexibility and range.

They were just low-level weapons, he said from his professional perspective.

However, this does not mean that he has any contempt. On the contrary, if they can survive in this jungle with such crude weapons, it is enough to show that these villagers have extremely strong fighting power. Chen Mu is different from Bowen. He does not think that only Kaxiu has fighting ability in this world. One of the most typical examples is the devil woman. If she wants to kill him, she has at least a hundred ways, and all of them don't require cards.

The number of card repairmen killed by the devil woman must not be a small number.

Taking a closer look at these people, each one has a fierce look on his face, with muscles bulging on his body, like a humanoid beast, and each of them exudes a dangerous aura.

Although all five of them took out their weapons, Bowen looked calm. Who is he? What scene haven’t you seen? Except for those who suffered at the hands of Chen Mu, no one else could cause him trouble.

"Want to take action?" Bowen said proudly, and the measuring instrument in his hand quietly activated. Cheng Ying on the side saw this and activated his own meter.

In contrast, Chen Mu was much calmer and calmer. His expression didn't change at all, of course, partly because of the disguise on his face, so if he changed, you couldn't tell. The most surprising thing was that he didn't make any alert gesture, as if he didn't see these five people showing off their weapons.

Cheng Ying and Bowen couldn't help but admire Chen Mu even more. Under such circumstances, he could still be so calm, which showed how strong Chen Mu's psychological quality was. How did they know that it wasn't that Chen Mu didn't want to be vigilant, but that he felt that his vigilance was of no use. It took him several minutes to enter the breath-holding method. Without entering the breath-holding state, his fighting power was pitifully small, so he simply watched the development of the situation. The newbie has no right to speak, so he consciously remains silent.

"Young man, do you want to be our enemy?" the old man asked without changing his expression. He glanced at Chen Mu one more time.

Bowen bowed slightly and said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Dear old man, I believe you can see that we are not hostile. I just don't know whether what your village gave us was a sword? Or friendship? Our previous behavior makes it difficult for us to judge. . I think it is acceptable to both of us to maintain the current situation before it is determined."

The old man said with some displeasure: "Young man, you will only drive away our friendship."

"You also see that in your village, we are at a disadvantage, and we need some guarantees to protect ourselves. The philosopher said that blindly being strong is not the most appropriate attitude. And the development of things is often irreversible." Bowen He said calmly. This is the only bargaining chip in his hand, and he will not hand it over easily no matter what.

The five young men had angry expressions on their faces. In their view, Bowen was threatening them.

Facing the five young men who were about to make a move, Bowen looked as usual and didn't even look at them. Although it was unclear what Du Hong's identity was, the intimacy between the old man's words made Bowen secretly guess that the relationship between the kid and the old man must be quite serious.

The old man was not angry because of Bowen's words. His expression did not even change. He just looked at Bowen deeply and said, "Young man, you are very smart." After finishing speaking, before Bowen could reply, his eyes fell on Chen Mu. On the body.

Among the three, Bowen was handsome and graceful, Cheng Ying was handsome and dashing, they were all extremely dazzling figures, but Chen Mu was the most inconspicuous. But the old man's gaze stayed on Chen Mu for the longest time, and his gaze was quite meaningful.

"This little brother is the master that the mistress mentioned." The old man's words made the five people around him stare at Chen Mu again. In their eyes, there were doubts, excitement, suspicion, and some. Provocative, the five people looked at him with different eyes. But there is one thing, and that is a hint of surprise. They all knew that Xiao San was injured, but they all thought that it was Bowen who injured Xiao San. No matter from which angle you look at it, Bowen looks more like a master.

Because of the old man's words, their eyes all fell on Chen Mu. Such a seemingly ordinary boy with nothing outstanding was actually the one who injured the mistress.

Mistress? Chen Mu then thought of the man he had injured. Could it be him? He didn't know how to answer, so he simply remained silent.

The old man suddenly smiled: "It is a great honor for our village to meet such a master. Alas, this man is old and has trouble doing things. I haven't invited you to come to the village for so long. It's so rude, so rude! Come on! Come on, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

Bowen and Cheng Ying looked at each other, unable to react to the sudden change in the old man's attitude. The situation was tense just now, but suddenly it turned into a spring breeze. It really tests one's heart.

Chen Mu didn't think so, because the strength of the two sides was not at the same level at all. The only ones with real fighting ability on their side are Bowen and Cheng Ying. If there is a conflict, he will definitely be the first to be killed. Who will give you three minutes to enter a state of breath concentration?

Therefore, Chen Mu has always been very calm and he does not need to think so much. If there is a conflict between the two parties, what role can I, a novice, play? What's more, if the other party really wants to attack them, it makes no difference whether it's in the jungle or in the village.

He faced this situation calmly. From beginning to end, his expression was always calm and calm, and his eyes were calm.

Being a bachelor is also a state!

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Yesterday's chapter name was written incorrectly and cannot be corrected. Well, everyone just needs to understand that it is chapter one hundred and forty-seven. hehe

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