
Chapter 176 Accident

Perception filled all the metal engraved lines, and the invisible barrier between the metal plate and the energy box seemed to be broken all of a sudden, and the initial amorphous energy suddenly poured into the metal plate.

A wonderful scene happened!

The surrounding sky suddenly darkened, and everyone seemed to have suddenly entered the dark night. This sudden change shocked everyone. Sived and others were all facing a formidable enemy. They had never seen such a strange situation. Bowen and Cheng Ying directly activated the energy shields, one slightly white and the other emerald green, which were very conspicuous in the dark.

Chen Mu did not panic. He knew that this was not a change in the sky, but that they were in an illusion. He has entered the mysterious card countless times. He has been exposed to such large-scale illusions many times and recognized it at a glance. The simple water world he later created, although still quite crude, gave him a deeper understanding of illusion.

But he did not relax at all. These illusions were indeed false, but that did not mean that they were not dangerous. On the contrary, it is extremely dangerous, and if those who fall into it are not careful, their lives may be in danger. The characteristic of illusion is that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, false within true, true within false.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Countless fist-sized balls of light rose into the air, illuminating the surrounding area. The light emitted by these light balls is not dazzling, but it gives people an unusually cold feeling. The ball of light rose to about the level of everyone's chest and then stopped, floating quietly in mid-air.

There was a ball of light on Chen Mu's chest. After hesitating, he tried to stretch out his fingers, intending to gently touch the ball of light in front of him.

As soon as his finger touched the ball of light, a voice suddenly sounded from the sky: "The system is activated, and there are zero people with authority. The initial determination of authority begins."

The sound that appeared without warning startled everyone, and before anyone could understand it, their feet were suddenly empty. Bowen and Weah reacted fastest. Bowen was always prepared. He triggered the air flow card immediately and wanted to escape. Weah pounced on Chen Mu.

However, the ball of light floating around everyone suddenly turned into a rain of light, surrounding everyone. A beam of light directly penetrated Bowen's energy shield, leaving a scorch mark on his body. Bowen was so frightened that the power of these beams could penetrate his energy shield so easily! this is too scary!

"Warning, those who leave the position will be judged as targets for attack."

Weah retreated faster than he jumped forward, and everyone's eyes were dazzled, as if he had not moved in place.

Without any resistance, everyone fell downwards. However, the process of falling was surprisingly long, and the surroundings were pitch black without a trace of light.

Among all the people, Chen Mu is undoubtedly the calmest person. He understood that this illusion should be similar in nature to the mysterious card. They are like rules, as long as they are not violated, there is no danger. And he was very curious about who could create such a magical illusion. Chen Mu had never heard of any contemporary card maker who could create similar illusions.

This was already the second time he had encountered such an illusion that made it impossible to tell whether it was true or false. Suddenly I thought of my mysterious card, which was also very old. Are all ancient card makers so skilled? Doesn’t the book say that the modern card-making level is more advanced than in ancient times? But the facts before him seemed to tell Chen Mu a completely opposite answer.

The falling speed suddenly slowed down, and Chen Mu felt as if he was being held up by some force, and the falling speed slowed down.

How amazing! Chen Mu couldn't help but marveled again. The fact that the illusion can achieve this level can simply be described as unbelievable and miraculous. It was still dark and he couldn't see anyone. The speed of falling just now was too fast. When I opened my mouth, the wind poured into my mouth, making it impossible to make any sound.

"Where is everyone?" In the darkness, Chen Mu couldn't tell where the others were, so he could only shout loudly.

Alfonso's voice came not far away: "Sir, I'm here." Alfonso's voice was filled with fear and slight excitement.

No one else responded except Alfonso. Chen Mu couldn't help but frown slightly, and couldn't help shouting: "Is there anyone else?"

No one responded.

Bang, there was a solid feeling under his feet, and he finally landed, which made Chen Mu breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?" Alfonso asked slightly horrified. Alfonso's reaction made Chen Mu quite satisfied. It seemed that the difficult experience during this period had also made Alfonso more courageous.

"The situation is not clear yet." Chen Mu's words seemed to have a calming power, and Alfonso immediately calmed down.

He smiled and said, "Did we win the lottery?"

"It's very possible." Chen Mu showed a rare moment of humor.

The surrounding light gradually brightened, and the two of them could see the surrounding scene clearly. Around them, many light curtains were erected, each of which was about five or six square meters. These light curtains are connected end to end and form a circle, with Chen Mu and Alfonso in the center of the circle.

Chen Mu squinted his eyes and looked at the images on these light screens.

His eyes first fell on a light curtain in front of him, which was the pattern of a card. Alfonso, on the other hand, looked at another light curtain with fascination, on which was a schematic diagram of an extremely delicate instrument.

Doing questions? Chen Mu seemed to have discovered a clue, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth. He likes this job.

Bowen and Weah were separated, and the test they encountered was completely different from Chen Mu Alfonso.

This is a complex terrain composed of countless rocks, stretching for tens of kilometers. Weah and Bowen were among the rocks, and above their heads, there were hundreds of strange-shaped objects floating, which would continuously emit various deadly beams of light. These beams are extremely accurate and incredibly powerful.

Weah was like a bouncing ball, constantly jumping between rocks without stopping. Those beams of light scattered rocks, but none of them hit this terrifying man.

Bowen is much worse! He couldn't imitate Weah's fighting style, and the energy he had always relied on to protect himself was as fragile as paper in front of these beams. There have been dozens of wounds on his body. The only good thing is that these beams did not aim at his vital points, otherwise he would have died long ago.

Remote card repair is far inferior to melee card repair in terms of how to avoid firepower. If Chen Mu were here, he definitely wouldn't be in such a mess. This is not to say that Bowen's fighting ability is not as good as Chen Mu, but it is determined by the way of fighting. Every fighting method has its advantages, but it must also have its weaknesses. Remote card repairmen far exceed melee card repairers in terms of firepower output and attack range.

What made Bowen feel a little relieved was that these beams of light did not mean to kill him. They should be conducting some kind of test. This test seemed very dangerous, and he guessed that there would be restorative treatment at the end of the test.

But he was still trying his best to dodge. Although his dodge didn't have much effect, his perseverance was also amazing. What's more, since he speculates that this is a test, if he does it better, the benefits will naturally be greater.

V-shaped fold, snaking drift, three short acceleration...

Although beams of light fell on him from time to time, Bowen gritted his teeth and persisted, trying his best to dodge. If he couldn't dodge, he would bear it. His ability to persist until now is entirely due to his amazing perseverance.

The beam of light became more and more intensive, and Bowen suddenly caught a glimpse of a protruding rock not far away, and was overjoyed. This was a natural cover. The distance between you and it is just enough to complete a V-shaped tactical action.

Bowen gritted his teeth, his speed increased sharply, and he flew towards the rock.

The dense beam of light opened its teeth like this, and the python was chasing after it. Moreover, the distance between these beams of light and him was getting closer and closer. If he was hit by such a dense beam of light, this test would undoubtedly be terminated immediately. He calculated that when he flew behind the rocks, the beam attack reached its highest peak. He persisted for so long, and began to have a certain understanding of the attack patterns of light beams. After the peak of the beam attack, the attack frequency of the beam will drop significantly.

The rocks magnified sharply in front of his eyes, and he was delighted. His calculation was correct!

Suddenly a hand stretched out from behind the rock!

Caught off guard, Bowen was shocked. Just as he was about to react and avoid the hand, the wrist of the hand suddenly shook, and a small piece of stone suddenly shot towards his eyes!

Bowen subconsciously turned his head, trying to dodge the stone, but he was flying at this time. This sudden change made his perception suddenly confused, and Bowen, flying at high speed in mid-air, suddenly lost control.

The stone flew past his cheek, but the beam of light that followed him enveloped it in a rain of light.

Bowen was beaten into a sieve in an instant, and countless beams of light penetrated his body.

This sudden change also brought an end to this test immediately. The strange aircraft in the sky disappeared, and the endless rocks also disappeared. Bowen was lying on the ground, bleeding gurglingly from his body. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Weah in front of him. The blood in his mouth was pouring out. He asked vaguely: "Why...why...what?"

Weah watched indifferently as the light in Weah's eyes gradually dimmed on the ground.

"Elder Kitt told me before he died that if I see you, I will kill you." Weah said as he walked up to Bowen and carefully observed the wounds on his body. The most fatal one was a wound near his heart. The beam penetrates.

After saying this, Weah lightly punched the edge of Bowen's heart wound with a calm expression. Bowen's body suddenly stiffened, his eyes bulged outward, and he stopped moving.

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