
Chapter 184 Means

The office was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The employees were all trembling and their faces were pale. Although everyone thought that the new boss would definitely have some countermeasures, no one thought that the seemingly gentle and weak new boss would use such violent and direct methods, leaving no room for change.

The three people struggling on the ground seemed to be telling them what kind of ruthless character the young boss in front of them, who had always been indifferent, really was.

Chen Mu looked around, raised his voice and asked, "Who is Bu Qiangdong?"

Everyone looked at each other, and after a few seconds, a young man about twenty-five years old and wearing glasses stood up: "I am Bu Qiangdong."

Chen Mu's eyes fell on him. Bu Qiangdong's face was equally pale, but it could still be seen that he was trying his best to stay calm. Wearing a neat formal suit with a certain temperament of a technician, this was Chen Mu's first impression of Bu Qiangdong. In the projects he had just browsed through before by Tianyi, he could be seen in almost every project, and they were all in extremely critical places.

Compared with Chen Mu's single experience, Lei Zi was exposed to many more things. During the time when he was making the card movie, he stayed with Lei Zi every day. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Chen Mu also had a certain understanding of the fantasy card advertisement. Moreover, for Chen Mu who has the ability to create complete card shadows. Some things here are easy to understand at a glance.

Therefore, Chen Mu discovered in the shortest possible time that Bu Qiangdong was the real key figure in Tianyi.

"What procedures are required to dismiss employees?" Chen Mu asked calmly.

Bu Qiangdong's face turned paler, but he glanced at Chen Mu fearfully and answered carefully in accordance with company regulations. If you listen carefully, you will find a bit of vibrato in his voice.

However, no one would laugh at him at this time. In fact, Chen Mu's question had already made them feel bad. The faces of those who gathered together at the beginning were ugly. Unlike those descendants of the Raven family who are taking care of themselves in old age, they are just ordinary residents. If they are fired, it means they will lose their jobs.

Chen Mu listened carefully, then picked up the employee list, took out a pen, and wrote something quickly on it. After about a minute, Chen Mu handed the form to Bu Qiangdong.

"Except for those who checked the box, everyone else has gone through the resignation procedures. Now." Chen Mu's direct gaze and the emphasis on the last two words made Bu Qiangdong shiver. He even heard his teeth chattering. Bu Qiangdong never considered himself a brave man because he still had a daughter and a wife. Although his salary at Tianyi is not high, it is quite generous compared to other companies. He cherishes this job very much and has been working very hard.

The turbulence of the company in front of him made him feel a little dazed. It was this kind of trance that made him temporarily absent-minded. For about ten seconds, he did not pick up the list Chen Mu handed him.

The atmosphere suddenly became suffocating, and the surrounding employees felt as if their hearts were blocked by lead weights and they could not breathe. They looked at Kaqiangdong in disbelief. Is this guy crazy?

When Bu Qiangdong came back to his senses, the color on his face suddenly faded away! Oh my God! What are you doing? Thinking of Chen Mu's action without any hesitation just now, and the terrifying calmness after the action. Bu Qiangdong felt as if something exploded in his head. The ceiling seemed to be shaking, and he was so dizzy that he could hardly stand still.

"What's the problem?" However, to his surprise, what greeted him was not the terrifying and fatal light of death, but a rather gentle question.

"No problem! No problem!" Bu Qiangdong, who suddenly reacted, had no time to reflect on the happiness of the rest of his life. He quickly and respectfully took the list and replied hurriedly.

The moment he took the list, he saw his name and put a check mark. His heart, which had been beating all the time, suddenly calmed down. At this time, the wailing of the three people on the ground reached his ears. He hesitated for a moment, and then said in a respectful and tentative tone: "Should we send them to the hospital first? If there is a murder, it will be difficult to handle. .”

The surrounding employees suddenly cheered up, yes, why didn't I think of it? No matter how arrogant this guy is, he dares to kill people so unscrupulously in the city?

Just when a few brave employees were about to speak, Chen Mu asked: "How long will it take to complete? Everything."

"About an hour or so." Bu Qiangdong answered after looking at the list in his hand. He couldn't help but admire the new boss. These employees who were recruited to retain were all people who really did things. It's just that after just getting in touch with Tianyi, the new boss can make such an accurate judgment, which is really amazing!

Chen Mu turned around and asked Weah: "How long will it take for them to stop breathing?"

Weah glanced at the three people on the ground, his eyes were like looking at three animals waiting to be slaughtered. It only took three seconds for him to droop his eyelids again and spat out a sentence: "One and a half hours."

The temperature in the office dropped sharply, and the employees who had just wanted to do something suddenly shrank back. Everyone seemed to be suddenly in the cold winter. The conversation between Chen Mu and Weah couldn't be more simple, just like the coldest wind blowing in the cold winter, making their blood almost freeze.

terrible! Some people swallowed their saliva subconsciously. The indifference shown by the two of them towards the lives of the three people completely made them lose their last bit of courage to resist. Even if there is a high-level card cultivator in front of them, they will not let their source of livelihood be ruined so suddenly without any resistance. However, the person standing in front of them now was not a high-ranking card repairman, a senior government official, or a famous figure. Rather, he is a god of murder who has no regard for life and kills people like crazy.

If the money is gone, you can find it again, but if your life is gone, you can't get it back. Although these dandies are not good at doing things, they are very good at calculating, and they are very capable of seeing the wind and maneuvering, and they all become extremely well-behaved.

Bu Qiangdong, who had just regained some color, suddenly turned pale again.

Chen Mu was very confident in Weah's judgment. If Weah said an hour and a half, it would never be an hour and twenty minutes. People who are proficient in close combat often have an extremely fine understanding of the human body. In Chen Mu's view, Weah has absolute authority in this regard. He waved his hand and signaled Bu Qiangdong to start.

It took about forty minutes to complete all the dismissal procedures. The whole process went smoothly and no one had any objections. During the whole process, no one even asked a word. In such an eerie silence, Tianyi's employees suddenly shrank to only twenty-five people.

The employees who had signed the formalities stood in the office honestly, and no one dared to leave without permission. The three people on the ground had stopped wailing and fell into coma. These employees discovered that during the entire forty minutes, the new boss did not even look at the three people on the ground, but just browsed the documents in his hands.

From the moment Chen Mu came in, until now, he has not shown a trace of anger or other expressions, but only calmness. However, it is this unfathomable calm like the sea that brings huge psychological pressure to these employees. As if to echo the calmness he displayed, the office remained strangely almost absolutely silent, with only the sounds of rustling signatures and turning papers.

Seeing that Bu Qiangdong had completed all his work, Chen Mu stood up, his face still calm, and his voice could be heard clearly in the quiet office.

"Starting from today, the dismissed employees will no longer be employed." Glancing around, he knew all about the dark methods of these gangsters. The street child is undoubtedly the lowest level of society, and he is also exposed to many dark sides that ordinary people cannot touch. There is no essential difference between these dudes and gangsters. As for gangsters and the like, although their frontal combat effectiveness is limited, they have many tricks behind their backs and are extremely destructive.

"If I find out that someone is playing dirty tricks behind his back, I will make it difficult for him to die." Chen Mu's expression remained calm and calm, and his tone was equally calm and indifferent. However, just such an ordinary sentence made everyone feel the cool breeze on the back of their necks.

No one who has seen Chen Mu's methods doubts the authenticity of this sentence.

Chen Mu waved his hand, and the employees who had gone through the dismissal procedures carried the three dying people as if they had been granted amnesty, wishing they had two more legs and ran out.

The remaining twenty-five employees in the office all looked at Chen Mu with timid expressions, not daring to express their anger. Although they were not dismissed, they were certainly happy. But whenever they think about having to face such a guy who cares about his life every day, who can be happy?

Cleo is reading a book. This life and death experience made him understand that if he didn't cheer up, he wouldn't even be able to save his life, not to mention his wealth. He changed his past habit of only having fun and began to study seriously. His personal bodyguard saw all this, and couldn't help showing relief in his expression.

The communicator in Cleo's hand suddenly rang. Glancing at the number, he couldn't help but show a hint of disgust. These dandies used to be his good friends, but Cleo, whose temperament has changed drastically, has no good impressions of these people now. But when he thought that he might need his help for the next thing, Cleo changed his expression and connected.

But soon, his expression changed, he was stunned, dignified, and in disbelief.

After a few minutes, he hung up.

Seeing the bodyguard's concerned eyes, Cleo smiled bitterly and said, "We underestimated Cao Dong."

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