
Chapter 188 Luoyou City

Moser didn't notice the light in the unibrowed man's eyes, but he had completely calmed down. Although the origins of Cao Dong and Cao Dong are unclear, there is no doubt that these are two guys who cannot be messed with. He suddenly thought that Cleo met Cao Dong and the others in the jungle, and he couldn't help but feel regretful. How could he have ignored this? I should have paid attention to this a long time ago. How can someone who can penetrate deep into the jungle be mediocre?

"Has anyone noticed you?" Moser suddenly asked.

The red-haired man shook his head and said firmly: "No, our whereabouts are very secretive."

Moser nodded: "That's good. Let this go in advance. You should take good care of yourself these days and don't go out." He thought in his mind that these three people were secretive, and even his father didn't know that he had three of them like this. Strong card repairman. Naturally, Cao Dong and the two would not think of him, but the other party's methods still chilled the heart of the eldest young master of the Lei Wen family. He originally wanted to solve it as soon as possible without leaving any further trouble, but he didn't know that the other party's power was so strong.

If the other party knew that he had done it, his face would turn pale when he thought of this.

Chen Mu and Weah walked out of the building.

Before this, he had never heard of Luoyou City, but now that he was here, he naturally wanted to know more about it. What happened last night also reminded Chen Mu that this place was not safe. So he simply took Weah for a walk.

Weah seemed to be very indifferent to everything around him, but Chen Mu was always very interested.

Luoyou City is one of the three largest cities in Mingzheng District. The city is most famous for its hot springs. There are more than 300 hot springs of various sizes in many nearby scenic spots, and it has become a famous resort in the Federation. The economy here is developed and the business atmosphere is strong.

Mingzheng District and Dongxing District are separated by two Puju Districts. When he learned this information, Chen Mu felt a little surprised. But he soon felt relieved. It was so far away from the eastbound area, and the Ning family's tentacles couldn't reach that far. He didn't know if it was because of this, but he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

The Ning family has always been a thorn in Chen Mu's heart.

The transparent floor-to-ceiling glass windows and the exquisite products placed inside made Chen Mu feel even more emotional. Probably only after staying in the jungle for a while will you be able to appreciate these ordinary things in life. But after all, Chen Mu was not the kind of sentimental person, and he quickly returned to normal.

Luoyou City is much larger and more prosperous than Dongshang Acropolis, which can be seen from the number of shuttles in the sky. Although the price of ordinary shuttle cars is not expensive, it still costs a lot of money. Coupled with the consumption of energy cards, generally speaking, most of the people who buy shuttle cars are residents with good financial ability. In addition to ordinary shuttle cars, you can also see many cargo shuttle cars. These cargo shuttle cars are huge in size. Each one is several times the size of an ordinary shuttle car, but its speed is much slower than ordinary shuttle cars. This type of freight shuttle is generally hard to see in Dongshang Acropolis, and their prices are relatively high.

The twenty-two common areas are like twenty-two oases scattered across the federation. The transportation between them is not convenient, and they are separated by large tracts of jungle. Compared with the five major Chinese regions, their convenience conditions lag far behind. The five major Chinese districts are connected to each other, and each Chinese district is equivalent to three residential areas. Residents of the five major Chinese regions do not need to worry about attacks by wild beasts. They enjoy the best benefits. Many people's lifelong wish is to enter the five major Chinese regions. The Ming Zhongcheng, the capital city guarded by the five major Chinese regions, is the economic and political center of the entire federation.

The geographical environment of Mingzheng District is much superior to that of Dongxing District. The cities here are very close to each other, making communication with each other very convenient. In addition, Mingzheng District was developed relatively early, and the wild beasts in the surrounding jungle have been curbed to a considerable extent. Every once in a while, the government will organize a professional card repair team to conduct a sweep of the nearby jungle to reduce the possibility of animal disasters.

So when Chen Mu saw the prosperity here, he was a little surprised.

The flow of people on the street is obviously much denser than that of Dongshang Acropolis, and the number of magic card advertisements is outrageous. From time to time, he had to pass through the fantasy card advertisements, and what puzzled him was that this place was very similar to the Golden Street of Dongshang Acropolis. That is, the most popular of these fantasy card advertisements are the beauty fantasy card advertisements. Even those big businesses often use beautiful women to advertise, even a woman he has seen many times. This made him a little confused. There was no concept of stardom in his life.

However, from his professional perspective, most of these advertisements can only be regarded as ordinary.

Weah suddenly stopped, raised his face, and looked at a building.

Chen Mu was stunned, stopped, and followed Weah's gaze.

A huge light screen, more than ten meters long and wide, was erected vertically in front of the building, but what was playing on it was not a fantasy card advertisement, but a battle.

On both sides of the battle, one is a woman in white with a cold temperament, and the other is a man with a cold expression.

"This battle is definitely one of the most influential battles in recent years. It not only caused an uproar in the Kaxiu world, but will also have a profound impact on the political landscape of the Federation. And research on it has reached the point of overflowing . The two parties in the battle can be described as heavyweights. One is an unknown master from Shuangyue Hanzhou, and the other is one of the Twin Stars of Desert Camp. Unfortunately, he was assassinated on his way back to school..."

Chen Mu watched with great concentration, and he did not ignore the explanation that was not very clear in the first place. Awesome! He stared at the light screen tightly, fearing that he would miss any detail. This was definitely the highest-level battle he had ever seen. The strength of the two fighting men far exceeded any card repairman he had ever seen. He didn't understand it before, but now he still knows a little bit about it, but he is no longer a rookie who doesn't understand anything. In addition, he has experienced a lot of battles and can appreciate many subtleties.

The woman was as fast as lightning, and Chen Mu guessed that she must have a very advanced air flow card. The most amazing thing is her turns and changes of direction, without any warning at all, and extremely light and graceful. The man, on the other hand, went on a rampage, with terrifying force every time he struck. The card he uses is also quite strange, similar to a network of electric lights, but it is so changeable that it is difficult to detect.

In short, Chen Mu had never seen the cards used by these two people. They looked like high-end goods at first glance and were not comparable to those three-star and four-star cards on the market.

The battle lasted about ten minutes, which was quite rare for battles between cards. Chen Mu was so mesmerized that he had no idea how time had passed. Watching such a battle is definitely a pleasure.

After seeing the man defeated at a slight disadvantage, Chen Mu finally came to his senses.

At this time, the pedestrians gathered in front of the light curtain also began to disperse, but many people were having a heated discussion. However, the content played on the light screen was also changed to a drug advertisement, so Chen Mu reluctantly left with Weah.

Chen Mu was still reminiscing about the battle he had just seen, and Weal said abruptly: "You are much worse than them."

Chen Mu almost stumbled, and cold sweat started to flow down his face. Comparing himself with those two masters, Weah's statement made him extremely ashamed.

Weah seemed to suddenly like to hit Chen Mu, and said seriously: "They are about the same age as you."

"Yes, yes." Chen Mu responded in a speechless voice. Who are they? Shuangyue Hanzhou and Moying are the six universities. How can the masters of the six universities be compared to ordinary civilians like me? If someone stretches out a little finger, it's enough to crush him to death. The two sides are not at the same level at all. That's wrong. The level difference between the two sides is simply the gap between heaven and earth. Which master like this is not admired by thousands of people and idolized by countless people?

However, Chen Mu is quite self-aware. Besides, he has a happy-go-lucky personality and does not have any lofty ideals. Therefore, even if he sees others being extraordinary, he naturally has no differences in his heart.

Chen Mu really has no interest in becoming a master, but he is quite interested in making money. Both life and research are inseparable from the support of money. The five million Ode on hand now seems like a lot, but if it is used to buy card-making materials, this amount is really pitiful. Cracking the mystery of the mysterious card is one of Chen Mu's only two ideals left. The other is to live peacefully.

To be honest, Tianyi Chen Mu didn't have much hope from the beginning, but those twenty-five people had real talents and knowledge, and it was a pity to lose them. However, Tianyi was just an experiment for Chen Mu, and he did not dare to put all his hopes on Tianyi. If you want to make money, you have to rely on other methods.

After looking up at the store in front of him, Chen Mu walked in, followed closely by Weah.

This is a store that sells cards. Such stores can be found everywhere in Luoyou City. Along the way, Chen Mu has passed by at least thirty of them. This store is neither the best nor the worst among these stores.

"Hello, how can I serve you?" A pretty-looking woman in professional attire walked up to the two of them and said with a smile.

Chen Mu looked around and carefully looked at the cards being sold, and he felt somewhat clear. The cards on the counter were not of high quality, and the production could only be considered average. There were no outstanding cards, so naturally such cards would not catch his eye.

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