
Chapter 193 Weah-style training

"The ten Blazing Dragon cards you consigned have all been sold out. A total of 800,000 Oudis have been received. After deducting 80,000 Oudis, the total is 720,000 Oudis. Please check your account."

The message that Duyi popped up made Chen Mu immediately happy. I just said that I don’t have any money, but now I have money, and everyone will be happy with the change. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, big cities are big cities, and this card must be sold too fast. After all, it was a Samsung Magic Card, and it cost 80,000 Euros a piece. In just one day, ten of them were sold out. This speed is truly astonishing.

Chen Mu doubted whether all the mid-level card makers here were extremely rich. Then he thought about the time when he made one-star energy cards. Nowadays, he can earn more in one day than in the past year. Knowledge is money. Chen Mu understands this sentence more deeply.

More than 800,000 yuan may seem like a lot, but when it comes to establishing a card-making room, it is pitifully little. Not to mention anything else, a set of mid-level material processing instruments alone costs millions, and those advanced analyzers often cost tens of millions.

Chen Mu didn't expect to have such luxuries. He just hoped that he could have a card-making room that was not too crude. But even now, he was very satisfied. Now he just hopes that life can be calmer. He has not entered that mysterious card for a long time.

Chen Mu's feelings about this mysterious card are quite complicated. This mysterious card changed his life, both good and bad, but his desire to explore this card never died out. He wanted to know who made this card that had such a huge impact on his life.

The sky was getting dark, and Chen Mu's thoughts were racing as he looked at the colorful magic card advertisements outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Inexplicably, he felt a little cold in his heart, and he didn't know why. He stared blankly at the ever-changing phantom card images.

"Start training." Weah's voice interrupted Chen Mu's thoughts.

Chen Mu came back to his senses, smiled, and threw all irrelevant thoughts behind him. Weah stood in front of the equipment he designed, looking at Chen Mu.

"How to start?" Chen Mu asked after calming down. He took the initiative to ask Weah for physical training. The night battle a few days ago also made him understand that if he did not have enough power to protect himself, it would be difficult to ensure his survival no matter where he was.

He didn't understand why his previous life was gone forever.

Only at this time did he look like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"Because you require some physical exercise." Weah said expressionlessly: "You only need some relatively simple training."

Chen Mu's request to Weah was to improve all aspects of his physical fitness. He didn't want to learn fighting. He had too much to learn. He felt that the time at the moment was not allocated enough. How could he have time to learn a brand new system? He understands the simple truth of biting off more than he can chew.

But physical exercise is necessary, and Chen Mu feels this more and more now. The three card cultivators he met that day, especially the man with the unibrow, left a deep impression on Chen Mu. His movements are quick and neat, and his reactions are extremely alert. For Kaxiu, high-altitude combat is inherently demanding on the body.

There was another reason that prompted Chen Mu to make this decision, and that was sensory training. Although I don't know how others exercise their perception, the only extreme method that Chen Mu knows is very taxing on the body. Chen Mu has not slackened in his perception training, and its increase has become very slow, but Chen Mu can still feel the progress.

He had to make plans for the next step in his studies. The current sensory training was already quite demanding on the body. Although he didn't know the next method, he guessed that the physical requirements would be even higher. Moreover, Chen Mu was vaguely worried. He had never forgotten the green thread implanted in his body by the devil woman, although it only happened once. The green line did not disappear, but always existed. Once he entered the breath-holding state, he could clearly perceive its existence.

He didn't know what the green line was for, but the pain of that attack was unforgettable to him. He needs a strong body to fight this green line until he can find a way to solve this green line. He didn't know if it would be useful, but it was the only way he could think of now.

It is for these reasons that Chen Mu plans to set aside some time from his already full schedule for physical exercise.

And coincidentally, there was a professional in physical training in front of him. Chen Mu even believed that there was probably no one in the world who was more authoritative in this regard than Weah. He had witnessed Weah's physical strength with his own eyes. Before that, he had never thought that the human body could actually reach such a powerful level. Sometimes he would also have doubts, is this body still a human body?

Weah was quite happy, and after Chen Mu made the request, he agreed without saying a word. All the equipment in this training room now are made according to Weah's dictation.

The training equipment in front of me is one of them. It is a huge water tank, two meters high and about fifteen meters long. The shell is made of high-strength fiberglass. The water in this sink just reached Chen Mu's chin. The water in the tank is flowing, and what Chen Mu has to do is to wear a weight and go against the current from the end of the tank to the other end, and repeat.

The water speed can be controlled, and the weight can also be increased. This training can improve physical strength, strength, and endurance.

Carrying ten kilograms of weight on his body made Chen Mu look like a turtle. Looking at the flowing water below, Chen Mu swallowed his saliva and turned his head: "Are you sure this will work?"

Weah didn't even raise his eyelids: "I did it when I was ten years old."

Chen Mu blushed, took a deep breath, and jumped into the sink.

Plop, water splashed everywhere. Chen Mu's feet were unsteady and he immediately lost his balance. He took a few sips of water in the water. After struggling for a long time, he finally managed to regain his balance. The water flows at a very high speed, and if you are not careful, you will be knocked out of balance. After wiping some water on his face, Chen Mu began to walk forward with difficulty against the current.

Before this, he had always felt that he had rich underwater experience. He spent a very long time in the simple water world, and in order to obtain the method of making a tailless shuttle, he struggled for a long time with the water plants as strong as steel wires under the water, which also allowed him to understand many techniques for exerting force in the water.

However, he only now discovered that there is obviously a big difference between the water situation in the real world and the simple water world. And in fast-moving water, the situation is even more complicated. He was only twelve meters short, but it actually took him a full twenty minutes to struggle to the end. This is because he knows some techniques for exerting force in water. If he were an ordinary person, he would not be able to stand firmly in such a high-speed current, let alone move forward.

Weah turned around and left expressionlessly, saying, "Your mission today is to make twenty round trips."

Xiaoman came to the store where he bought the Flame Dragon Card last time.

"Hello, do you need any service?" the card sales lady asked politely.

"Hello, I would like to ask, do you know the card maker who made this card?" Xiaoman took out the Flame Dragon card he bought for Xiao An two days ago and asked.

The card sales lady took the Blaze Dragon Card and said with a smile: "Miss, we sell at least fifty Blaze Dragon Cards every day here, and the sources of supply come from different places." The card sales lady took advantage of Xiaoman's outstanding temperament. before explaining patiently.

Xiaoman couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. She suddenly remembered: "By the way, I bought it from your automatic consignment machine. Little sister, can you help me think about it? This is really important to me!" Xiaoman He asked with a pleading look on his face, looking longingly at the card sales lady. A mature elder sister suddenly showed such a demeanor, and the lethality was undoubtedly huge.

The card sales lady immediately softened her heart and said quickly: "Let me ask for you."

Xiaoman immediately put on a smile: "My sister is so kind! Thank you!" The card sales girl smiled, activated the meter on her wrist, and clicked on the communication card.

Xiaoman walked to the automatic consignment machine and took a look. The pile of Blazing Dragon cards was already empty. Her heart moved. When she bought it that day, there were at least seven or eight copies left, but now they have been sold out. Is it because of its low price that it sells so well? Or is there someone like me who discovered the strangeness of this flame dragon card and cleared it all at once?

After reading all the cards on the automatic consignment machine, she was disappointed that she never found a card marked with the letter "C".

Just at this time, the card sales lady had finished inquiring. Xiaoman stepped forward quickly, but the card sales lady shook her head at her apologetically.

Xiaoman was extremely disappointed, but she quickly made a plan: "Sister, you work here, can you do me a favor?"

The card sales girl was full of affection for the mature Xiaoman, and said with a smile: "As long as it is within my ability, there will be no problem."

Xiaoman asked for paper and pen, wrote down his communication card number, and handed it to the card seller: "This is my communication card number. If you see someone selling this kind of card marked with the letter C, can you Please help me find out the address of this card maker, or please contact me directly! Thank you very much!"

The card sales lady happily took the number: "Okay."

After coming out of the card shop, Xiaoman felt a little disappointed. He expected to meet an outstanding card maker this time, but he didn't expect it to be a failure.

Hey, let’s get down to business first! Xiaoman's expression was calm, he soared into the sky and flew towards the northwest corner of Luoyou City.

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