
Chapter 199 Weah’s advice

After several days, Chen Mu finally came out of the quiet room. The situation seems to be getting better, and he has gradually become accustomed to the high sensitivity state. It wasn't that he found a good way, but that his body began to adjust spontaneously. This made him quite surprised that the human body is so wonderful.

Chen Mu felt really happy to be back on track. The torture of the past few days almost made him go crazy. And if you don’t eliminate that negative influence, you won’t be able to do anything you want to do.

The report submitted by Bu Qiangdong showed that the business they received began to show a rapid growth trend. But the current profit is still very small, but Chen Mu is already quite satisfied. At least the salary of these employees is enough. If he can achieve such results in the short term, why should he be dissatisfied?

Several of these businesses are provided by Creo. Chen Mu had a vague guess about Cleo's thoughts, but he didn't want to get involved in these things, so he simply used training as an excuse to blame everything on Bu Qiangdong.

And among those who were scared away, no one came to make trouble, and Clover remained silent about this matter.

After that, Chen Mu made several more templates, and when he handed them over to Bu Qiangdong, the guy looked like he had found a treasure. What he didn't expect was that Bu Qiangdong would open an exhibition hall at the entrance of the company. All of these exhibition halls were filled with Chen Mu's works.

It goes without saying that the quality of Chen Mu's works is undeniable. The production of "Encounter" and "Legend of the Master" brought him a lot of experience. And as his card-making skills become more and more profound, his level is getting higher and higher. In terms of one-star and two-star fantasy cards, he is now a master.

Unexpectedly, Bu Qiangdong's creativity brought outstanding results. Many customers who originally came for consultation were conquered by these real and illusory cards on the spot. In a very short period of time, the orders received by Bu Qiangdong increased at an alarming rate. This guy who likes to flatter is smiling every day. The employees in the group are also full of energy, full of vitality and motivation.

They all know that only when the company's business increases and the economic situation improves, will their lives become better. Now everyone in Tianyi is obedient to Chen Mu. Unknowingly, they have regarded this young and cold-blooded new boss as their idol.

When each of Chen Mu's works is placed in the exhibition hall, it will become the object of imitation by these employees. However, even if it is a one-star magic card, Chen Mu can't help but use some advanced techniques and even some primitive knowledge. To him, these things are just some of the most basic and simple knowledge, but for Tianyi employees, these things are quite difficult.

Good thing they have their corner solutions too. Whenever a new work by Chen Mu comes out, these fantasy cards marked with the letter "C" will immediately become a research topic for the employees. Twenty-five employees formed a research team, and they worked together to tackle the problem.

Every piece of work created by the boss will arouse their admiration. And those contents that they think are difficult and obscure, once they are "deciphered", they will feel like winning a battle, and everyone will cheer. Unknowingly, these are just low-level card makers that can be seen everywhere, and their level is improving at an alarming rate. It’s just that because everyone is progressing at the same time, many people don’t discover it.

But there are always sane people who spot this. Bu Qiangdong is one of them.

He was always filled with emotion. If he didn't have a boss, he was afraid that they would just hang around and wait to die like before. Where can I be as full of fighting spirit and desire to learn as I am now? He is sure that any ordinary employee in the company today will be able to get a pretty good position in another fantasy card company. But he is even more sure that as long as the boss does not leave the group for a day, no one here will take the initiative to leave this company that can bring people passion, fighting spirit, and learn advanced knowledge.

Sometimes he couldn't figure out where his boss, who was so young, learned so many advanced skills. The strangest thing to him was that every time he stood in front of his boss, he always felt a chill behind him, and the boss's dull eyes seemed to have substance. Bu Qiangdong felt this feeling more and more deeply, even though he saw his boss less and less often, and the boss spoke very little every time.

He is very conscientious in his work. As long as the boss orders it, no matter how much effort it takes, he will complete it without any compromise.

Chen Mu took out the mystery card. The pattern on it is like the stars, deep and confusing, and full of mysterious atmosphere just like it itself. It had been a long time since he entered a mysterious card. Seeing this card that had accompanied him until now, he felt a sense of intimacy.

Entering the same scene as last time, as soon as he entered, he entered the test of perception sensitivity index.

This time, he got an unprecedented high score-65!

This achievement is entirely due to his perception improving by 20%, which has increased his perception sensitivity index to a considerable extent. Before, he could only reach 40 or 50 points at most.

This score immediately made Chen Mu excited. He remembered very clearly that for 65 points, he would get a reward - the method of making folded yampoka. This is the second method of making battle cards recorded in this mysterious card, and the former one is the tailless shuttle card.

Although he didn't know what kind of card the Origami Yanpoka was, this did not prevent Chen Mu from looking forward to it. When the tailless shuttle card first started, he just thought it was ordinary. Only after he actually started making the Three-Star Magic himself and saw a lot of things in the world did he realize how advanced the tailless shuttle card really was. The rain shuttle card he made based on the principle of the tailless shuttle card caused a sensation far beyond his imagination. He almost got trapped in the Ning family's base because of this kind of card.

The power of the rain shuttle card is far from comparable to that of the tail shuttle. What kind of surprise will the folded Yanpoka bring him?

In fact, what Chen Mu is most envious of is another reward: intermediate card-raising theoretical knowledge. But that requires 70 points, and Chen Mu is still 5 points short. Don't underestimate these five points, there is a huge difference between the two. Chen Mu can now reach 65 points entirely because of his skyrocketing perception. To put it bluntly, this is just an improvement in his own perception. In terms of skills, there is no essential change in him.

The remaining five points require him to improve little by little. At this point, it is extremely difficult to improve every point. So five points doesn't seem like much, but in reality, it's like a wide and deep chasm, and it's not easy to cross it.

The folded Yanpo card is a rather strange card. The energy body it can release is like a folded shape, or a simple swallow shape. Compared with the energy bodies released by other magic cards, it can only be regarded as crude. It only has a general shape, like an irregular columnar energy body that is bent in the middle to form an energy body similar to the "\u003e" shape.

The folded Yanpoka once again exceeded Chen Mu's expectations. In his opinion, high-end fantasy cards often have extremely regular shapes, and if they are imitations, their shapes are even more lifelike. However, the form of the energy body released by Zhejie Yanpoka was so "rough" that Chen Mu almost doubted whether it was a three-star magic card. From the texture, he couldn't tell how powerful the folded Yanpoka was.

The production of the folded swallow card is much more difficult than that of the tailless shuttle card, not only in terms of perception requirements, but also in terms of materials, which are also much more expensive. Chen Mu doesn't have much money now, so this is another headache for him.

Although Tianyi has begun to make a profit, the little money is not enough to even buy some crap. Chen Mu lamented a little, why were all the cards recorded in the mysterious card made of expensive and rare materials?

He suspected that the maker of the mysterious card must have a lot of precious materials on hand. The amount of these materials was so large that he kept squandering it, specifically trying to make some weird cards. Hmm, maybe this is how Origata Yanpoka was born. It's just that this master must have never imagined that the person who gets his card will actually be a pauper!

Chen Mu smiled bitterly in his heart, half self-deprecating and half relieved.

When Chen Mu came out of the mysterious card, he saw Weah training in the water tank.

Chen Mu was a little surprised!

This training method was proposed by Weah, but except for a few demonstrations, Weah never used it again. Now Chen Mu saw Weah training very hard in the water tank. How could this tell him to stay calm?

The water in the tank was turned up to full speed, and the sound of rushing water drowned out all other sounds. At such a fast speed, Chen Mu was sure that he could not even stand firmly, but Weah looked relaxed and moved forward very quickly. The whole process was effortless, as easy as drinking water and eating.

It was rare to see Weah's training. Chen Mu opened his eyes wide, fearing that he would miss a detail.

Weah's figure is blurry, like an image formed after passing through countless irregular lenses. But Chen Mu still saw a clue. Weah's body was swinging at an alarming frequency, just like a fish swinging its soft body and tail, but Weah's frequency was much higher. Because the frequency of the swing was too high, the water around his body formed fine ripples. After the light was refracted by these irregular ripples, his figure immediately became blurred.

Chen Mu became more and more fascinated as he watched, and he imitated unconsciously. But he soon understood that this was not something he could do now. Using this technique requires so much physical effort that only a monster like Weah can perform it.

No, maybe the devil woman can do it too! The days spent with the Devil Woman were like a nightmare, and the most beautiful scenery in this nightmare was the Devil Woman's inhuman strength. At this point, Weah and the Devil are surprisingly similar. Coupled with the fact that the two of them were equally indifferent, if it weren't for the fact that they couldn't go together, Chen Mu would have inevitably wondered whether the two were brothers and sisters.

Weah came out of the sink, wet all over. You could clearly see the outline of the muscles on his body. The size was not obvious, but Chen Mu could feel the explosive power contained in it.

When he was in the village, Weah was not the strongest person, but he was the person with the strongest strength, the best physical strength, and the strongest strength. Thinking of this, Chen Mu lowered his head and glanced at himself. In terms of body shape, he was somewhat similar to Weah.

"Why did you think of training today?" Chen Mu asked slightly surprised.

Weah tilted his head and thought for a moment before saying, "It feels very familiar."

It took Chen Mu a long time to figure out the meaning of Weah's words, and he suddenly became interested: "What did you find?" Weah's memory was always blank, and he could not remember the past. Chen Mu guessed that Weah had trained the same content before. When he reviewed the training that he was very familiar with before, he might be able to remember something.

"I have practiced before." Weah said with certainty, and he thought again: "I have been thinking about this issue recently. Last time, I suddenly said that I learned to exert force in the water when I was ten years old."

Chen Mu nodded. He still remembered what Weah said. He was a little strange at the time. Did Weah remember the past? But when things happened later, he forgot about it.

"I don't know why I said this at the time. I've been thinking about it these days, but I still haven't thought of anything else. So, I want to give it a try," Weah said.

Weah's expression at this time made people feel much gentler.

Probably everyone has something they care about and want to find. Chen Mu sighed in his heart.

"The results of it?"

Weah regained his indifference and shook his head: "No more." Then, he added: "You have to start training."

The training is still very difficult. Chen Mu in the water tank can't see any of the ease and ease of Weah's training. He is in a mess and often falls. He has also imitated Weah's movements, but it is obvious that he does not have the ability now. Under such conditions, he fell into the water more times today than before.

After completing the training, Chen Mu collapsed on the ground, his body as soft as mud.

"Weah, tell me about the battle, how about it?" Chen Mu spoke with difficulty. His throat was burning, which was caused by breathing too quickly.

Weah glanced at Chen Mu, sat in front of Chen Mu, and said, "What do you want to know?"

Chen Mu carefully sorted out the thoughts in his mind, and said with careful tone: "Well, I think, the things I learned seem a bit complicated, and I don't know how to combine them effectively. How should I use it? What should I do? In which direction?"

After sorting it out carefully, Chen Mu realized how complicated what he had learned was. The first thing he came into contact with was the tail-removing shuttle and the technique of exerting force in the water, and then he learned some basic hiding and dodging techniques from the devil woman, as well as some simple unarmed killing techniques. He followed Marcovitt to learn the fighting methods of melee card repair for a period of time. The "How to Use Perception in Melee Combat" recorded in the mysterious card also helped him a lot. He also has a Bipolar Thunderball card in his hand. This card, whose maker is unknown, has the amazing feature of integrating offense and defense. In addition, the flying skills and various tactical maneuvers learned from the training room tutorials are countless. There is also the breath-holding method that is like a double-edged sword.

This only includes the combat aspect. If you add the card production aspect, it will be simply devastating. This is why Chen Mu always feels that there is not enough time and there are too many things that he needs to train and learn.

Chen Mu knows that being complex is not a good thing. It seems that you know everything, but in fact you are not proficient in anything. However, he is also quite helpless. From the beginning to now, he has never received systematic learning. Everything he learned was pieced together here and there, learned from various places, and he was even forced to learn some of the things.

Although he has learned a lot, he often doesn't know which technique to use whenever he encounters danger.

Therefore, he wanted to ask Weah's opinion. In his mind, Weah was a combat expert.

"I discovered a strange phenomenon in the village."

Chen Mu listened calmly to Wea's words.

"In the village, all warriors have to fight and hunt. They have been trained since they were very young, and Elder Buff is a good teacher. When these children grow up, their fighting skills become increasingly mature. However, Due to interests and other reasons, they often choose different development directions.”

Hearing this, Chen Mu became more focused.

"However, people are still dying, and there are dangers outside the village. No one can be sure that they will come back alive next time. Some of these people who have received the same education have died, and some are still alive." Chen Mu suddenly felt that Wei Wei at this time Ah was like a philosopher, speaking eloquently, well, in addition to the cold lines on his face, there was also that unchanging expression.

"Among these living people, the most obvious are two types of people. One of them is the top among them. They have extremely outstanding fighting skills. They are the best among all warriors and attract people's attention. .The other kind of person is completely opposite."

Chen Mu perked up and knew that the important part was coming.

"Among the warriors, they are not outstanding at all, and sometimes you can't even find any specialties in them. They seem to have some skills in every combat skill, but each one is average and there is nothing outstanding. Among the warriors, they It’s not eye-catching, but this group of people also has the highest survival rate.”

Chen Mu couldn't help but ask: "Why?" This puzzled him, but he also knew that what Weah said must be true.

Weah explained: "The environment outside the village is very complicated. Most of the time, the soldiers who died outside the village did not die at the hands of wild beasts. The second type of people I just mentioned know many skills, so Once you encounter danger, you have much more room for choice. Many times, solving problems does not require too advanced skills. On the contrary, more than 70% of the situations you encounter can be solved through some very simple and simple methods. Elementary skills to solve.”

Chen Muruo realized something.

"Many of these people also died outside the village. There are roughly two reasons for their death. One is that they encountered a problem that was more difficult than their ability. In more cases, they did not choose the correct response. method, or rather, they chose the wrong skill.”

"The key is choice?" Chen Mu immediately grasped the key to the problem.

"Yes." Weah showed great patience this time: "Every skill can play a great role, but the premise is that you use it correctly at the right time."

Weah suddenly asked: "Are you familiar with them?"

Chen Mu was startled and suddenly became a little embarrassed. Thinking about it carefully, it is true that I am not familiar enough with the skills I have, and I have never thought about the situation in which to use them.

Weah's words suddenly enlightened Chen Mu. He has always been troubled by a problem. Should I choose distant combat or close combat? He has dabbled in these two completely different fighting styles, but he is always hesitant as to which way to develop in the future.

After listening to Weah's words, he really figured it out. I didn't want to be a card cultivator in the first place. What I wanted was to be able to protect myself when encountering danger. Just like the average villagers Weah mentioned, he just wanted to survive, not become famous.

What's more, if you choose to specialize, it means that you must study systematically. Although Weah is strong in combat, his memory has not yet recovered. As for close combat, Marcovitt only taught him some basic knowledge, and more of some practical skills. As for long-range jamming, he can do nothing but remove the tail shuttle jam.

In fact, I have no choice at all. Where can I have the opportunity to accept real systematic learning? It seems that you can only rely on yourself and spend more time on this. No matter what, it is right to ensure that you can survive first.

Chen Mu made up his mind and started to work. He carefully sorted out every theory he knew, and constantly simulated which skill he should choose in various situations.

In this regard, Weah gave many valuable suggestions. What impressed Chen Mu the most was that some very simple skills that, in Chen Mu's opinion, had limited effects, could always exert astonishing power in Weah's hands.

During this period, things were calm and Tianyi's situation improved greatly. Not only do those public service announcements continue to play a role, but most importantly, Bu Qiangdong has produced a large number of teaching materials and fantasy cards. As soon as this well-made textbook fantasy card was launched, it was highly sought after by various schools and sold out of stock. Schools that could not buy the Tianyi version of the textbook fantasy cards on the market simply went to Tianyi to place orders, and orders came in like a snowflake.

Bu Qiangdong was both happy and sad. Fortunately, the staggering number of orders on hand means a lot of money. Unfortunately, there are only twenty-five employees in the company, so it is stretched thin in terms of manpower. But even if we recruit a large number of card makers now, it won't have much effect.

The card makers on the market today cannot catch his eye. There is a huge gap between ordinary card makers and Tianyi employees, and he feels this more and more now.

It seems that the only way is to recruit people first and then slowly train them, he thought.

To this end, he wrote a special report. The boss's feedback was extremely prompt, and the report was quickly returned to him for approval. This made Bu Qiangdong, who had always been a little worried, finally relax. This was the first time he gave advice to his boss.

Bu Qiangdong acted very quickly, and the news of Tianyi Company's recruitment spread quickly. He received a large number of job applications with almost no effort. Bu Qiangdong was busy with business all day long, but he didn't know that Tianyi Company's reputation in the entire Luoyou City Huanka advertising industry was soaring like a rocket.

Tianyi Company is the most popular phantom card advertising company in Luoyou City during this time, but in people's eyes, they are low-key and mysterious. In addition to the public welfare magic card billboards that can be seen everywhere on the streets, there is also the public service advertisement that is scrolling on the communication platform, plus the Tianyi version of the magic card textbook that is so hot that you can’t buy it. This is by far the most famous Tianyi company. of three cases. Apart from this, you will never see any other news about Tianyi Company. They don't even take the initiative to solicit business. You can only meet them when you come to see them.

Those who are interested will find out through investigation that this subsidiary company that originally belonged to the Lei Wen family has changed owners and has just undergone a huge layoff. And its backstage boss, Cao Dong, has even more mysterious origins. Some say he is a senior card repairman, while others say he is a senior card maker. There are endless speculations about him, which also adds a sense of mystery to Tianyi Company.

The most miraculous thing rumored to be is the exhibition hall through the main entrance of Tianyi Company. I heard that all the works of Tianyi boss Cao Dong after he entered the company are displayed in it. Every customer who entered the exhibition hall was full of praise when they came out. Even many low-level card makers left because of the reputation. So when they saw those majestic and exquisite fantasy cards, they were immediately conquered.

This is why when Bu Qiangdong released the news, he received countless application letters, many of whom even intended to give up their high salary to come.

To be honest, this was completely beyond Bu Qiangdong's expectation.

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I have been tortured to death by the virus for the past two days. I haven’t updated in two days, so I’ll give it a try! Well, tomorrow. . . . . . .

PS: Salem's game "Twilight of the Gods", the [Fangxiang Universe] area is opened today, everyone come and play together. This is a very interesting web game. Well, this is the registered address:

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