
Chapter 201 Prologue

Kai was flying at high speed in the sky. Behind him, Tian Tian and Lu Xiaoru followed calmly, and with them were forty card cultivators. This is basically the backbone of the Zhongzhou Group. From this action, we can also see how determined the boss is. This was all a desperate move, and Kai was curious, what could possibly warrant the boss's doing this?

Kai is of Parminian descent, with high brow bones, deep eye sockets, and a natural blue eyeliner. This is a characteristic of Parminians, which usually makes them look seductive, but on Kai's face, it looks unusually cold and hard.

This operation was the biggest he had ever encountered since joining the group. As a hidden force, they have very few tasks on weekdays. The last task was half a year ago. This is also the first time that the three of them have cooperated. In previous tasks, the three of them have never cooperated.

Although the boss didn't say anything, this action already showed his attitude. Kai also became more solemn than ever. He was worried about the other two people - Tian Tian and Lu Xiaoru. He had never partnered with them. Although he is the person in charge of this operation, he is not sure whether the other party will cooperate.

Tian Tian is tall and thin, with a pale face and a somewhat frail appearance. But if you despise him because of this, you are doomed. His terror is something even Kai would not easily touch. He was not wearing Ka Xiu's combat uniform, but was wrapped in a tight black windbreaker. He held a piece of dessert in his hand and slowly ate it bit by bit with a strange look in his eyes.

Lu Xiaogu was also not wearing a combat uniform. She seemed to be attending a banquet, wearing a dark red low-cut dress, blooming like a flower. The snow-white and plump breasts almost burst the thin dress, forming a deep cleavage. Kai could even see the card repairmen around her secretly swallowing their saliva. She has a charming posture, a plump body, and her eyes are as if they are dripping with water. Her pretty red lips opened and closed slightly from time to time, blowing out white breath, gently and softly teasing the hearts of the other male card cultivators.

As soon as Kai's eyes touched her, she noticed. Seeing Kai, her eyes suddenly became hot, so hot that it almost melted Kai.

Lu Xiaoru's eyes were full of lust, Kai frowned in displeasure, snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous aura like a blade gradually emerged. Lu Xiaoru's face changed slightly, her eyes immediately became clear, and she giggled: "If you look at people like this, they will naturally react."

Tian Tian continued to eat the snacks in his hand as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he could never finish the small piece of dessert in his hand, and his black trench coat was blown by the wind.

At this moment, the meter in Kai's hand suddenly rang. He opened his communication card and a light curtain popped up in front of him, with Qian Mingyi's image appearing on it. Kai dispersed his murderous aura, Lu Xiaoru straightened his expression, and Tian Tian also stopped eating dessert and turned his attention here. Even they did not dare to neglect Qian Mingyi, a powerful figure in the group.

Qian Mingyi on the light screen looked a little tired, but his face was slightly flushed, giving the impression that he was suppressing excitement. Seeing Kai and the others, Qian Mingyi said without any nonsense, "Where are you now?"

A building with a spire passed by their feet, and Kai quickly said: "Just passed the Twin Towers."

Qian Ming squinted his eyes. This powerful man finally lost his dejected attitude in the past few days. His momentum was astonishing. He nodded calmly: "Well, then we still have time."

Kai didn't speak. He knew that the true purpose of this operation was about to be revealed. After receiving the order, they rushed to the group building immediately, but before they were handed over the task, each of them was stuffed with a small ball, and then they were ordered to fly to the northwest corner of Luoyou City.

Tian Tian and Lu Xiaoru also flew to Kai's side, and they were also very concerned about the content of this mission.

After sorting it out for a while, Qian Mingyi slowly said: "Your mission this time is very simple. You must have received a spherical instrument."

Kai took out the small ball: "This?"

"Yes." Qian Mingyi continued: "This is the latest product of the laboratory, the signal ball. Your mission this time is to go to the northwest district of the city. If the red light of the signal ball in your hand lights up, then It means someone is using a special communication tool within fifty meters of you. Your mission is to capture this person and get all his things. It’s that simple.”

None of the three people could say anything. They knew that if this task was really that simple and it didn't require the three of them to do it, there must be something special in it.

Sure enough, Qian Mingyi continued: "However, you must pay attention, there is a high possibility that other forces will intervene. Their strength is not weak, but this time, you are allowed to attack first!" Qian Mingyi's face suddenly changed The three of them were stern, and they increasingly realized that this mission was not easy. However, the three of them are not ordinary people. If the task is easy, why would they be needed? The value of their existence is for tasks that are not easy to solve.

"You don't need to have any scruples. If any problems arise, the group will be responsible for them. But there is only one thing, and that is, no matter what, I must get all the people and instruments for me!" Qian Ming said with a decisive tone. , leaving no room for doubt, glanced at the three of them, and asked coldly: "Who has any questions?"

Tian Tian suddenly spoke with a gentle voice: "Does it matter if you die?"

"No, we need something alive. We can cut off hands, legs, anywhere, but it must be alive!" Qian Mingyi raised his voice and emphasized.

"Oh, I got it." Tian Tian chuckled a little nervously, and his pale face was even more frightening. Ka Xiu's expression changed slightly and he subconsciously moved away from him. Only Kai and Lu Xiaoru acted as if nothing had happened and didn't care.

Kai looked solemn: "The radius of the signal ball is fifty meters. There are many people within the fifty-meter range. How do we judge who it is?"

"Catch everyone you think is suspicious," Qian Ming continued, and Kai nodded to indicate he understood.

Lu Xiaoru suddenly giggled: "Boss Qian, if I catch that person, can you let Kai stay with me for three nights? He is really strong." As soon as these words came out, Kai's face suddenly darkened, and those beside him Ka Xiu looked at Kai with envy and jealousy.

"Okay." Qian Mingyi said without any smile on his face: "If you do it, I will let him go to your room." As soon as these words came out, Kai's face couldn't help but become even more ugly. Tian Tian on the side chuckled nervously again.

Chen Mu ran to the store as quickly as possible and bought a set of materials that was said to be the most complete. This set of fantasy cards cost him 200,000 euros. It consisted of 1,750 two-star fantasy cards. Approximately 100,000 materials are included. Of course, although this set of materials is claimed to be the most complete, there are still many out-of-the-way materials that have not been included. Fortunately, this is enough for Chen Mu.

The card sales girl in the store looked at Chen Mu in surprise. No matter how she looked at it, she didn't look like a fanatical card maker! For a comprehensive collection of materials like this, most card makers will choose to go to the library to check. Few people will buy a set, and its price is not low.

In addition, Chen Mu also bought the cheapest measuring instrument.

After buying the complete set of materials, Chen Mu immediately ran back, opened the communication matrix, and activated the [Qianli] card. Chen Mu said to Al Fangsuo: "Help me connect to the [System]."

Soon, the connection is completed.

Chen Mu said: "Do I have enough authority to create a new database? And transfer data?"

[System] was silent for a while before replying: "Your permissions are consistent with this operation."

Chen Mu was immediately overjoyed, and he immediately said: "Please help me create a database called "Materials"."

After a few seconds, [System] responded: "The operation is completed."

Chen Mu took out the "Material Encyclopedia", took out the first magic card, inserted it into another measuring instrument, and a light curtain suddenly popped up. On the light curtain, you can see the various properties of this material in great detail. Features, there is a lot of text information below the image. These images can be transferred back to the [Lower City] base through the [Thousand Miles] Card.

After taking a look at the pile of fantasy cards left in the ground, Chen Mu gritted his teeth and thought to himself, if you work harder this time, you won't have to go to such trouble in the future.

Once they have this information, the adult warriors can slowly collect various materials. They were in the depths of the jungle, where all kinds of rare materials could be found everywhere. It would be a waste if such unique conditions were not used. Although Chen Mu doesn't think he will ever return to [Lower City] one day, he still doesn't have much energy to make some preparations. What's more, these fantasy cards are also quite useful for children who have been studying with me for a few days.

Chen Mu didn't have much feelings for Wanqi's lineage, but he had deep feelings for the children who followed him to [Lower City].

Chen Mu, who patiently transmitted the data, did not know that danger was quietly approaching him.

Xiaoman's sleeping appearance was far different from her daytime temperament. Her face was buried under the quilt, her mouth was grinning, and drool was dripping from the corner of her mouth. Her sheets were already wet. The translucent pajamas straps fell down to her shoulders, exposing the beauty of her chest. The other half of the quilt was pressed under her body, and she slept with one leg straddling the quilt.

Didi didi.

The sound of the measuring instrument on her wrist was extremely harsh in the quiet bedroom.

Xiao Man was unmoved and still drooled.

Didi, didi, didi...

The alarm sounded as if it knew Xiaoman's character as well.

The veins on Xiaoman's forehead, which was buried under the quilt, pulsed a few times, and the hand holding the quilt almost tore the quilt.

Didi didi...

"Damn it, what kind of bastard came to bother my aunt so early?" Xiaoman couldn't help but cursed and sat up angrily. He opened the communication card while roaring: "If my aunt knows who it is, I will definitely kick her." Explode him..."

On the light screen, a face appeared.

Xiaoman's voice was sharp, and the anger on her face disappeared without a trace in an instant. She showed a sweet smile: "Good morning, brother Yu Guo!"

This face is very special, half of it is covered by half of a silver mask. This half mask split his face into two along the midline of his entire face from his forehead, bridge of nose, lips, to chin. Just looking at his other half is enough to make all women scream. Perfect and strong silhouette, full of masculine flavor. His eyes were as deep as the night. The tall nose bridge makes this face more resolute and full of strength. Wide and thick lips are sexy and masculine.

However, its other half beats all its beauty to pieces.

The bright silver mask gives people a soft feeling, and the black eyes are like black gems inlaid on it. Just looking at this half, it is also like a work of art.

But when half a mask and half a face appear in front of people, what appears is something weird and terrifying.

Yu Guo chuckled and said, "Xiaoman, you're gone." His voice was harsh and unpleasant, like a knife scraping on glass. And this smile, set against the silver mask, is so ugly and ugly.

Xiaoman's face suddenly turned red, he exclaimed, and hurriedly put the quilt in front of him.

"It's time to get up. We have arrived at Luoyou City, but I have never been to Huzi's. You may need to pick us up." Yu Guo lowered his voice, but his voice was still so harsh.

"Ah, you're here!" Xiaoman was slightly surprised. Her mind immediately became clearer and she jumped out of bed: "Where are you? I'll be here right away!"

"You're gone again!" There was a harsh scratching sound on the glass: "We are near Carle Hospital."

Xiaoman's feet almost weakened: "I'll turn it off first, and I'll be back soon." After saying this, she turned off the communication card without any reaction. Xiaoman, who closed the communication card, leaned against the wall, her face was so red that it was almost bleeding, and she pursed her lips tightly. She shook her head vigorously and quickly rummaged through the cabinets to find clothes.

Hao Yi was wandering casually on the street. Uncle Zheng was right, Ren Wenzhou might not be able to hold on for long. In order to force Ren Wenzhou to surrender and agree to be acquired by them, countless manpower and material resources were used.

These days, what matters is strength. Hao Yi couldn't help but sigh at the power above and at Ren Wenzhou's toughness. If he were an ordinary person, he would have succumbed long ago. Ren Wenzhou is really not a simple person who can persevere until now!

However, no matter how stubborn he is, what can he do? In the face of absolutely powerful force, personal will is as fragile as paper.

Sighing and thinking, although he admired Ren Wenzhou, Hao Yi didn't have the slightest sympathy. Ren Wenzhou had reached the point where he was today, and it was impossible for him to do less to use his power to suppress others. Hao Yi was just expressing his sentimentality.

He suddenly stopped and his eyes fell not far away.

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