
Chapter 228 Cao Dong

"Furthermore, you would never guess that the location where the signal appeared is in the northwest corner of Luoyou City, which is near where we are now!" Hu Zi said very methodically: "Zhongzhou Group had previously investigated this area. We had conducted secret surveillance in the area, and I was always puzzled at the time, not knowing what they wanted to do, but now that I think about it, it was most likely the first time they captured the signal."

The bearded man talked as if he was witnessing it with his own eyes.

Xiaoman was completely speechless. This world was so wonderful that she was speechless. She raised the golden card in her hand and asked, "Where's this card? It's also used to capture signals?"

Beard smiled mysteriously: "How clever! But it is not just used to capture signals. After the signal balls we captured last time were sent back, the jamming experts in the organization analyzed them and finally found the band of the signal. So. So I simply made a communication card. This communication card has only one function, which is to call the other party. Once the other party is connected, this communication card can display the general location of the other party. Because there is no way to do it in a hurry More precisely, the opponent’s position can only show a rough range.”

"Approximate range? How much is it?" Xiaoman asked seriously.

"Within a diameter of five hundred meters."

Xiaoman suddenly became interested: "Can I try this card now?"

Beard looked indifferent and continued to drink his red wine. He returned to his leisurely look and said lazily: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, that person's meter was not turned on."

Xiaoman tried it, and sure enough, there was no movement, and he suddenly looked resentful. Suddenly, she remembered something: "By the way, Huzi, please help me find out the details of the boss of Tianyi Company." Huzi is the person in charge of intelligence here, and he has countless spies.

"Tianyi? Its boss is Cao Dong? Why are you interested in him?" Huzi put the wine glass down from his mouth.

"Is he famous?" Seeing Huzi's reaction, Xiaoman immediately became interested.

"This person has a mysterious origin. No one knows where he comes from. It is said that he first appeared in the jungle. There is another person beside him, who is about twenty-eight to thirty-five years old. He is silent and has unknown strength. They are in the jungle Cleo, who rescued Lei Wen's family, was shot by Cao Dong, who used a shuttle-like card. However, what really attracted people's attention to Cao Dong was his talent in card making. Tianyi was originally Lei A subsidiary company of the Wen family is used to place idle jobs for mediocre people within the company. In order to thank Cao Dong for saving his life, the Lei Wen family gave this company to Cao Dong. "

"Hmph, the Lei Wen family is really not a good person. Others saved their lives, but they rewarded them with such things. It is really excessive!" Xiaoman snorted coldly.

"Hey, the Lei Wen family had bad intentions. They wanted to bring Cao Dong into the Lei Wen family, so they deliberately used some tricks. Who knew that Cao Dong was so ruthless that he forced those dudes to resign as soon as they took over. Later, Tianyi began to expand rapidly. Their two most famous cases before this were a public service billboard and the "Tianyi Edition Textbook". Especially the "Tianyi Edition Textbook" was really generous and shocking. To be honest, I was shocked when I first read it." I couldn't help but click my tongue: "Why didn't anyone make such a textbook when we were in school? Otherwise, I would have studied hard. "

Xiaoman, who listened extremely carefully, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"After that, it was some time ago. Have you seen the big move of Zhongzhou Group?" Huzi asked.

"Have you seen it? What does this have to do with Cao Dong?" Xiaoman asked curiously.

"That advertisement was made by Cao Dong. Now this advertisement has become a classic case in fantasy card advertisements, causing a sensation throughout the federation! There are many interesting things in it. It is said that it was done by Cao Dong himself. It took three days to complete. Hey, he can do it so realistically. If this guy is going to make a photo album of Miss Tan Yuwen, it will definitely sell out!" Hu Hu stroked his beard, clicked his tongue, and His face looked lewdly.

Really unable to stand Beard's expression, Xiaoman interrupted his fantasy: "Then will he make combat fantasy cards?"

"Battle fantasy card? I've never heard of this." Huzi was stunned and shook his head.

Xiaoman couldn't help but fell into thinking. At this moment, Yu Guo suddenly said: "Did Xiaoman make any new discoveries?"

Seeing that the two people's eyes were on him, Xiao Man explained the peculiarities of the Flame Dragon card, the capital letter "C" on the card, and the situation when he went to Tianyi but was kicked out.

"Card maker?" Yu Guo couldn't help showing a strange look: "Is he more powerful than Peanut Head?"

Peanut Head is a card maker in the organization, and Xiaoman’s [Orange] and [Tadpole] were both made by him. Because his hair style looks like a peanut, everyone likes to call him Peanut Head. The cards made by Peanut Head are extremely popular, and they are also the targets of everyone's efforts to please. But in front of Xiaoman, a female tyrannosaurus, he is quite honest.

Xiaoman hesitated and said, "I think he might be better than Peanut Head."

"Oh." Yu Guo and Hu Hu both looked surprised and moved. It is not easy for a card maker to be evaluated like this by Xiaoman.

Yu Guo muttered: "If that's the case, you might as well make some friends."

Huzi heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and nodded quickly: "Well, I will check it out and see if I can get in touch with him."

Getting to know a powerful card maker is a very important daily activity for a card repairer. Although there are also powerful card makers in the organization, getting to know one more person will naturally give them another path, which is not a bad thing for them.

However, Yu Guo still reminded: "But we still have to focus on Zhongzhou Group first, and don't involve too much energy in this matter."

Xiaoman said obediently: "Brother Yu Guo, don't worry, I know the severity."

When Chen Mu woke up, he found himself in a glass water tank. The water tank was filled with light green liquid, and I soaked in it naked, with only my head exposed.

A wry smile emerged.

I still think of the green line too simply! He originally thought he could pull out the green thread while holding his breath. Unexpectedly, this green line looks like a living thing and is actually moving. When it moves, it can be said that it affects the whole body, and the fine mesh distributed on Chen Mu's body changes immediately. It is wishful thinking to pull it out with brute force alone, as I am afraid that all the flesh and blood in my body will be torn out at that time.

And it's time to calm down. As soon as he returned to normal, before Chen Mu could feel the side effects of the breathing method, he was overwhelmed by the tide of pain and fainted.

After checking his body, he found that the wound on his left arm had healed, and he couldn't help but feel secretly surprised, how fast it had healed.

Su Liu Cherou walked in and saw that Chen Mu had woken up. She couldn't help but said in surprise: "You're awake!"

"Yes." Chen Mu nodded and smiled: "Thank you for your help, otherwise I would be in trouble."

Su Liu Cherou said embarrassedly: "I can only help with your wound. I don't know the green line in your body yet." She looked at Chen Mu apologetically, but she felt slightly relieved. Cao Dong seemed to Back to normal. Somehow, the expressionless Cao Dong made her feel intimidated.

Chen Mu said: "It doesn't matter, take your time." Then asked: "Can I go out now?"

Chen Mu carefully inspected Chen Mu's naked body, but Chen Mu didn't notice that the blush on her face flashed away. A minute later, Su Liu Cherou stood up, with nothing strange on her face and a beautiful smile: "The wound has healed and it can come out."

When Chen Mu heard this, he didn't waste any time and climbed out from above the glass water tank, leaving Su Liu Cherou, who was about to open the water tank, stunned.

After checking, Chen Mu felt relieved that all his things were there. After putting on his clothes, he didn't even realize there was anyone in the room. Su Liu Cherou opened her mouth to speak, but after just one glance, her face burned and she turned around quickly.

Putting on the instrument and getting dressed, Chen Mu seemed to be back to that ordinary boy again.

But Su Liu Cherou would never regard him as an ordinary boy again. How could a boy who could cut open his left arm calmly and indifferently be an ordinary boy? No one could feel the extraordinary qualities of this young man named Cao Dong more clearly than she.

Looking at the shy smile in front of her, Su Liu Cherou couldn't connect it with that calm and indifferent face. She vaguely felt that there must have been some unknown changes. But, what could cause such an astonishing change in him?

Chen Mu became increasingly mysterious and unpredictable in her heart.

Suddenly, she didn't know what she thought of, and Su Liu's Cherou face turned red all of a sudden. Blood seemed to ooze from her snow-white face, and the blush spread to her ears at an alarming speed.

She pursed her delicate red lips and tried her best to calm down. Finally, when she walked to the door, her face seemed to return to normal.

Opening the door, Chen Mu saw Lu Xiaoru playing with the little girl.

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