
Chapter 247 Bagnell Theory

The fat man was in a very low mood when he left.

Maybe there were many stories in it, but seeing Bagnell's dejected look, Chen Mu knew enough not to ask. But Bagnell's expression suddenly changed, as if he was a completely different person. Although there are still tears in his eyes, there is more perseverance and determination.

This man must have been a proud figure in the world before!

"Now let's talk about my responsibilities." Bagnell said solemnly. His sunken eyes, thin face, and beard like iron thorns made him look like a sharp sword unsheathed, and its edge could not be concealed. . Lu Xiaoru on the side saw her beautiful eyes changing. Only Weah was still minding his own business in front of the fantasy card, while the fat brown dog slept soundly beside him.

Is this guy really experienced? Chen Mu was quite confused, but if he could find this, he must know that he made the digital series of cards. He didn't hide it at the moment, and said directly: "I believe you have some understanding of my situation. What suggestions do you have?"

Bagnell was upright, his waist straight, and his shabby clothes still couldn't hide the aura of his body.

"I need to know what you think. If you want to enter the Six Major or other trends, I think we only need to get on the line with them, and they will take care of the rest. If you don't want to join, it will be a bit troublesome."

Chen Mu said flatly: "I won't join."

Bagnell didn't show any surprise on his face: "If that's the case, I think you need to be strong enough to protect yourself. If your digital series of cards hadn't caused such a sensation, I would suggest that you disclose your identity. But now, with the strength you have shown, no force will give up. You have actually been targeted by everyone, and even if you stand under the sun, you still cannot stop their claws reaching out to you."

Chen Mu's question went straight to the core: "How to build enough strength?"

"Money!" Bagnell said one word with a calm expression.

Chen Mu frowned: "I don't believe money can solve this problem." Chen Mu never doubted the power of money, but he also did not blindly believe in the power of money.

Bagnell's expression remained unchanged: "It is impossible to use money to build a force that can compete with the Six Majors. Behemoths such as the Six Majors and Faya are extremely powerful, and the only ones who can compete with them are themselves. But locally In terms of strength, for example, in Luoyou City, this is not impossible. The situation in Luoyou City is very delicate, and I think this situation will continue for a certain period of time. We don’t need to build a force that can fight with them, we just need Build a force that makes them feel scrupulous. That way, they won’t act rashly.”

Chen Mu chewed on Bagnell's words in his heart and was greatly moved. He suddenly thought of a question: "What if the situation stabilizes?"

"Move." Bagnell said without hesitation: "There are some places in the Federation where the six major powers have not yet reached out."

Chen Mu couldn't help but asked strangely: "Then why don't we leave now?"

Bagnell glanced at Chen Mu, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth: "I don't know what your understanding of power is, but in my understanding, the power of an individual can never compete with the power of a group. The reason why they dare to If you take action, you will see that you are alone. If you have a certain amount of power, anyone will carefully consider the gains and losses before taking action. They are more likely to adopt another approach, such as cooperation."

"You now," Bagnell pointed out the core of the problem to the point: "You are not powerful enough to make them cooperate. In their eyes, only a small loss is enough to make you surrender and serve them. And when you have After a certain amount of power, they will consider the losses you will bring to them by using drastic measures, and whether the benefits obtained are enough. What we need to do is to increase the costs they need to invest, increase the risks, and increase the benefits. Even more uncertain. In this way, you are safe! In fact, they are a group of businessmen, smarter businessmen than Yang'an."

Chen Mu was silent.

"Another advantage of not moving now is that you may obtain a large amount of funds in a short period of time. This allows you to separate the prototype of a force in a short period of time. Although its strength is not strong, it can make people Scruples. In this way, you can have this time buffer to obtain more funds to develop your power. The greater the power, the more scruples others will have, and the safer you will be." Bagnell said solemnly, with a long and narrow The eyes burst out with astonishing light.

Chen Mu asked solemnly: "How much money do you need? How long?" Bagnell's very logical words moved Chen Mu, and he also realized that the poor-looking guy in front of him was undoubtedly a real talent. .

"2 billion, we can see initial results in one month."

Chen Mu was shocked: "I don't have that much money."

Bagnell said extremely calmly: "You don't need to take it all out the first time. You only need 200 million for the first time."

Chen Mu felt relieved, thought for a while, and pushed the 350 million that Fatty had just given to him in front of Bagnell: "There are 350 million in it. Except for 100 million, it is your reward. The rest It’s up to you to control it.”

Bagnell did not immediately take the money card pushed by Chen Mu, but gave Chen Mu a deep look before taking the money card.

After silently taking the money card, Bagnell stood up: "I need a senior card repairman to help me."

Chen Mu was a little troubled by this question. He glanced at Weah and immediately put an end to the idea in his mind. Finally, his eyes fell on Lu Xiaoru: "You accompany Bagnell, protect him, and obey his orders."

Lu Xiaoru responded obediently, she was very good at observing words and expressions. Although Bagnell looked like a tramp now, the aura he showed made her secretly frightened. This guy was definitely a big shot before. What impressed her even more was the caution of the other party. After Bagnell took the money card, he took the initiative to ask for someone to accompany him. It had to be said that he was knowledgeable and well-versed in the principles of being a subordinate.

She heard what Bagnell said just now, and her extremely logical analysis and sophisticated methods immediately shocked her. That's why she behaved so honestly and well-behaved.

Bagnell seemed to have seen Lu Xiaoru's strength a long time ago, and there was no surprise on his face. After saluting Chen Mu, he walked out the door. Lu Xiaoru glanced at Chen Mu and quickly followed.

Although 350 million was thrown away, Chen Mu felt distressed for a while and then didn't take it to heart. The fat man is right, no matter how much money you have, life is the most important thing. He reinvested in the mysterious card. Even if someone protected him, his own power was extremely important. Moreover, Chen Mu still didn't have much hope that Bagnell could build a prototype of a force within a month.

Chen Mu is not used to placing his destiny on others, no matter how close he is to him.

Perceptual sensitivity training, Chen Mu once again sat on the high-speed rotating turntable. He began to focus on training again, over and over again, boring and boring. Chen Mu, however, kept repeating as if he didn't feel anything at all.

In the Zhongda Book Mansion, Mrs. Zhi Lian holds a card in her hand. This card is Super 007, which has recently caused a sensation in the Federation.

"Sure enough, it's just as I imagined." Mrs. Zhi Lian murmured, her spirits high, but then she couldn't help showing a somewhat doubtful expression.

Mrs. Zhi Lian hurriedly returned to Zhongda Shu Mansion from Luoyou City, just to see if the card was what she had guessed. As the dean of the Card Making Academy, her perception is probably not inferior to that of any first-rate card cultivator. However, the card maker's perception is not offensive in any way, but it is very useful for sensing the energy structure in the card.

She had seen a record about a card in a classic before. That card called [Bipolar Card] is extremely magical. It is composed of only two energy bodies with completely opposite properties, but it can produce countless changes. [Bipolar Card] is the painstaking work of a famous card maker in the history of Zhongda Shufu. Unexpectedly, the production method of [Bipolar Card] has not been passed down, but its control know-how has been retained.

When she was young, Zhi Lian saw the control method of [Bipolar Card] and tried to figure out how to make this card backwards and forwards.

There are many card makers in the six universities who are engaged in research in this area. She just didn't expect that no matter how hard she tried, she could only reduce the number of thunder balls to 60, which was far lower than the 2 of the original card itself.

This does not mean that Zhi Lian's level is far lower than that of the senior card maker. The difficulty of reverse reasoning is much more difficult than creating and inventing a new card. Zhi Lian reduced the number of thunder balls to 60 at that time, which was the most stable structure she could get. And she couldn't even finish 60 of them. There were several key points in them that she couldn't break through. This plan was also shelved indefinitely.

So when she saw 007, she was shocked. She recognized at a glance that 007 was made by imitating the "Bipolar Card". And when he learned that the number of energy balls was 60, he was even more surprised.

She didn't expect that the other party's ideas were so consistent with hers. She was even more curious and wanted to see how the other party broke through these key points.

So she did not hesitate to buy this card at a high price. After getting the card, she immediately returned to Zhongda Book Mansion to study it. Before leaving, she had told Xie Yanbai to find the maker of this card no matter what.

The card was in her hand, but she still couldn't figure out how the other party broke through these obstacles. She couldn't understand many of the textures on the card. She probably never imagined that someone would add so many useless camouflage lines to the card she made.

No card maker would do this because they think it is completely unnecessary. The texture of the card is not the most important. What is important is how the texture lines and the card fit together perceptually. This kind of fit is like a password in itself. It is difficult for outsiders to guess without the card maker himself. There is already a layer of password protection, who is going to add another password to it?

But Chen Mu did this.

It was at this moment that Mrs. Zhi Lian was completely knocked unconscious. She was puzzled. These textures looked so strange. She had never seen them before. And from the texture point of view, its structure is very complex.

There are countless types of card textures, which are complex. However, the method of making cards is actually quite similar to that of card repair. Among them, there are also various schools of thought, but they are not as obvious as card repair. The card patterns that Mrs. Zhi Lian is proficient in can only be considered a handful in the entire ocean of card patterns. She is like an oceanographer. Although she is proficient in only a few types of marine life, she also has a certain understanding of other sea creatures.

She had never seen these strange textures before, which was one of the reasons why she was surprised.

However, although this made her curious, it did not make her greedy. If Chen Mu had made 30 energy balls instead of 60 for 007, I believe she would have found the card maker at all costs and kidnapped him back to Zhongda Book Mansion.

This card seemed a bit useless. She originally wanted to use it to understand how the other party broke through the key points, but she didn't expect that she was still confused in the end.

However, this card still has enough value. This is the most successful imitation of [Bipolar Card] so far. Perhaps, those control methods left over from the past can also be tried.

She decided to find a student to experiment. She was greatly moved by the power Jiao Si displayed that day. Although the student's strength could not be compared with Jiao Si's, he had the most authentic control methods. She is looking forward to how much power 007 can exert under the control method of [Bipolar Card].

Zhi Lian thought of another question. It's not unusual for Beidong to know about [Bipolar Card]. The six major enemies have had many records about each other for so many years. In the library of Zhongda Book Mansion, there are countless records about various cards and the like of the other five majors.

But where did the 007 card maker learn about the [Bipolar Card]? And being able to produce such a successful imitation cannot be a complete coincidence.

Is there any connection between the other party and Zhongda Bookstore? Mrs. Zhi Lian frowned.

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