
Chapter 255 The Second Auction

This young man is a staff member specially sent to Luoyou City by the popular platform [Low Fantasy Platform]. The middle-aged man next to him is the director of Zhengde Trading Company.

[Low Fantasy Platform] has something to do with Chen Mu. Its founder was the low-level fantasy card club that Chen Mu belonged to in Dongshang Wei City. As the inventor of the fantasy card, the low-level fantasy card club took the opportunity to establish the first platform, which is also the largest platform in the federation besides the official platform of the federal government. Now, the influence of the low-level fantasy card club has risen to an unknown level compared to the past.

This shows how powerful its leader Bai Zheyuan's methods are!

The rapid momentum of [Low Fantasy Platform] has left their competitors in awe. Even the official platform of the federal government feels a strong sense of oppression. They always capture the topics that interest people the most. At that time, the Gemini star teamed up to challenge Shuangyue Hanzhou, which was their live coverage. The ratings frenzy triggered at that time has not yet been broken by anyone.

How could they let go of the vigorous digital card series during this period? They tried every possible means and finally found a way. They exchanged three years of advertising rights for Zhengde Trading Company's assistance, and they would cover the entire incident.

Before long, the venue was filled with people. This [Low Fantasy Platform] staff member is extremely professional. He knows what people want to see, and the instruments in his hands are constantly adjusted, always aimed at those big figures, such as Zu Ning, Xie Yanbai, etc.

The five major Chinese regions and Kyoto are mysterious and desirable to ordinary people. It is said that any town in the five major Chinese regions is more prosperous and developed than the commercial centers in Puju District. There are the most powerful card repairmen, the most powerful card makers, the most precious materials, the most beautiful women...

Of course, this is just a rumor.

It is true that the consumption in the five major Chinese regions is so high that most people in the residential areas cannot afford it. Many people save their entire life savings and only have enough to travel there. However, except for some special places, such as the Kuji Temple Group, most of the tourist areas open to the five major Chinese regions are only on the periphery. Most places in the five major Chinese regions require a pass, which is a Chinese region residence permit.

The lifelong dream of countless people is to get such a pass in their lifetime.

Zu Ning and Yan Bai are quite famous even in the five major Chinese regions, and in the eyes of the people in Puju District, they are aloof and idol-level strong men, and all ordinary people in them are very interested.

This staff member is undoubtedly well versed in this, but this time his lens does not just stay on Zu Ning and Xie Yan Bai, but constantly switches between those big shots. Well, Faya's influence is unfathomable.

This time there are people from the six major universities. Such a lineup is extremely rare.

Seeing the big shots one after another, this staff member was extremely excited. Being able to experience such a big scene in person would be worth dying now!

The auctioneer arrived as promised.

He wears a standard tuxedo, has a graceful demeanor, always has a gentle smile on his face, his elegant demeanor, and his husky and sexy voice. It is impossible not to have a good impression of him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, everyone. Here, on behalf of our host, Mr. Yang An, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all. Haha, thank you for your waiting. I don’t think I need to introduce the theme of tonight. As The second batch of digital series cards to be auctioned, the numbers for this auction are from 012 to 022.

In addition, the rules of this auction are reiterated. This auction will be conducted by exchanging materials for cards. Each quotation needs to quote the name, quality, and quantity of the material. The conversion between different materials will be converted into a total price, and the one with the higher total price will win. If neither of the two bidders can estimate the materials, we will contact the card maker on site and determine all final requirements based on the needs of the other party. "

This sentence cheered up many people below. The card maker of the digital series of cards has always been a mystery. The auction house has been extremely strict in keeping secrets, and so far no news has been leaked.

The powerful performance of the digital series of cards is extremely enviable, and Mrs. Zhi Lian's personal purchase of 007 at a sky-high price pushed the card maker's reputation to the extreme. This has also led to some ridiculous things happening, such as a large number of fake digital series cards appearing on the market, and people claiming to be the makers of digital series cards every day.

Despite his fame, this card maker remains faceless, low-key and mysterious. Regarding his identity, it has always been one of the most popular topics discussed on the platform.

People gave Chen Mu various nicknames, such as digital card maker, and some simply called him the mysterious card maker. Among them, the title of mysterious card maker seems to be widely accepted by people.

In a public opinion poll conducted by [Low Fantasy Platform], when talking about what is everyone's strongest impression of digital series card makers, powerful and mysterious accounted for 75% of the scores.

There is no doubt that it is powerful, and its mystery is equally distinct.

Not only is he himself mysterious and abnormal, but these digital series of cards are also extremely mysterious.

Of the eleven cards now available, except for 007, many people can memorize the performance parameters of the other ten cards. But among these eleven cards, only two have seen the effects of their use. One is 007. The image of Jiao Si demonstrating 007 has been reprinted so many times that it almost equals the record set by the image of Gemini challenging Frost Moon Continent.

The other one is 010. A leader of a card repair group took this card and showed off it while performing a drunken performance. Someone secretly photographed it and sold it to a platform, where it was immediately widely reprinted.

No one knows who took the other digital series cards, and everyone who got them regarded them as treasures, so how could they be leaked to others so easily? Therefore, although the topic of digital series cards is extremely popular, the real digital series cards are still mysterious in people's eyes.

This is why the title "Mysterious Card Maker" is unanimously recognized by everyone.

However, no matter what people call him, it is enough to show the people's curiosity and admiration for him. So after learning that it was possible to meet this "mysterious card maker" this time, everyone below made a small commotion for the first time, and many people couldn't help but show excitement.

The auctioneer paid keen attention to the emotions of everyone in the audience, smiled slightly, and continued: "This is our first time trying this kind of auction rules, so please forgive me for any omissions.

I would like to add that I have been engaged in the materials trading industry for 25 years and hold a standard senior materials engineer certificate. If you have any objections to the valuation below, you can raise it on the spot and I will explain the detailed valuation rules. Thank you. "

The auctioneer bowed to everyone, then moved his hand behind him and said loudly: "Now, let's take a look at these eleven cards!"

At the same time, eleven square pillars suddenly rose from the ground behind him. On each square pillar was placed an open black silk velvet box. On the velvet inside the box, a card was placed quietly on the box. The inner bracket faces everyone. Eleven small but bright beams of light suddenly shot down from the ceiling, each beam shining on a card box.

Under the light, the silk velvet glows with a black oily and delicate luster. The complex patterns on the surface of the cards are as fascinating as works of art. Each card has a number on it to indicate its identity.

The crowd in the audience was commotion for the second time since the beginning.

Chen Mu was sitting in the room, and there was a loud ding-dong sound coming from outside!

After getting the money from the fat man, Bagnell impatiently urged Chen Mu to find a new residence. So, Chen Mu took Bagnell to visit Luoyou City for two days, and finally found a nice private estate in the east of the city. This manor covers a very large area, covering an area of ​​1.5 square kilometers.

The great war that occurred in Luoyou City some time ago made the owner of this manor feel that the place was no longer suitable for living, and was preparing to move to other cities. Seeing that Chen Mu wanted it, he simply settled the deal for 70 million euros.

But even so, the price is already very cheap. After all, in Luoyou City, there are very few manors with such a large area. It is located at the very edge of the city, surrounded by woods, and the transportation is not very convenient, so it is so cheap. If it's in the city center, 70 million won't be able to buy even an ordinary seven or eight-story building, let alone a manor.

What's more, the facilities in the manor are quite complete, such as the training ground that Bagnell cares about very much. Since the son of its previous owner was a Cardiff, the training facilities in the manor were not only complete, but also very advanced, which also made Bagnell quite satisfied.

Moreover, the manor borders the wilderness, and its defense facilities are also well done to prevent attacks by wild beasts. This can be seen from the fact that Bagnell did not dismantle them all.

Chen Mu and Weah also moved over immediately. As for Tianyi, they were still where they were. He simply handed over Tianyi's affairs completely to Bu Qiangdong, who had already proven his ability with practical actions.

The first thing Bagnell did when he brought everyone in was to ask Chen Mu for money. In his eyes, this kind of protection can only be regarded as barely adequate, and he needs to transform the entire manor.

Chen Mu readily handed over all the remaining money to him.

As a result, the manor was transformed beyond recognition in the blink of an eye.

The beautiful garden was rudely swept away, but the grass was retained, but the height of the turf did not exceed fifteen centimeters. Not to mention hiding people, even rabbits cannot hide at this height. Moreover, Chen Mu saw with his own eyes that they carefully installed various small jamming devices in the grass. Those jamming devices that were about the size of pigeon eggs could not be detected if they were thrown into the grass. There are even some cards that are half buried in the soil.

In less than half an hour, the unobstructed lawn became dangerous.

Not only that, the trees that originally surrounded the manor were leveled to the ground in the violent bombing. All the woods within one kilometer of the manor were destroyed. Even their tree roots, Bagnell did not spare, not only dug them all out, but also leveled all the land and planted turf.

Of course, in Bagnell's style, how could there be nothing in these turfs?

Bagnell immediately took out an architectural drawing and asked Chen Mu for his opinion. Chen Mu immediately said that he would be solely responsible.

So, twenty minutes later, Bagnell came to the manor with a large group of hired workers to start construction! What Chen Mu heard now was the sound of them starting work. These hired workers are not ordinary people. They are all card repairmen, but what they are good at is not fighting, but construction.

As a result, many scenes appeared that were new to Chen Mu.

A guy, the energy body generated by the card used can blast various shapes on the ground with incomparable accuracy, including squares, standard circles, and triangles. Chen Mu even saw him blast out a five-pointed star-shaped pit one meter deep. , the pit bottom is flat and the pit walls are smooth. In addition, he is also responsible for drilling holes.

The other one is an expert in cutting. No matter what material, whether alloy or stone, he can cut it into the shape Bagnell needs. What opened Chen Mu's eyes was that he actually brought dozens of cards of different types. It is said that different materials require the energy released by different cards to achieve the most perfect effect.

There was another guy whose job was to weld some alloy joints together. He carries the most things with him, some of which are powders and some of which are liquids, stored in numbered reagent tubes. He will first clean the alloy joints, then treat them with reagents and powders he brought, and then use his own cards to heat the joints at high temperatures. The joints will melt together at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the high temperature he releases will be extremely hot. It is said that the performance of the joint treated in this way is even higher than that of other places.

There are even more professionals who operate various professional clamping machines.

Now Chen Mu is actually located in a busy construction site. Even though the door was closed, he could still feel the shaking on the ground.

But his attention was completely focused on a piece of viewing equipment sent by Fatty in front of him. Here, he could witness the entire auction process with his own eyes, and he would decide the final exchange result.

The auction of 012 was uneventful, but a batch of good materials were also obtained.

However, the 013 auction went straight to its climax, and everyone who had been gathering momentum suddenly burst out with all their enthusiasm. Everyone understands that among the second batch of digital series cards, 013 is undoubtedly the most valuable and powerful card!

The next scene left Chen Mu stunned.

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