
Chapter 264 Preparing for War (5)

Staring at the jungle outside the window, Chen Mu finally had some free time. The experimental products he made have just been handed over to Bagnell. These experimental products need to be tested before a definite result can be obtained. Whether it is feasible or not, the results will be known immediately.

Chen Mu enjoyed this rare free time. In essence, although he is a progressive person, more often than not, he is very passive. He has reached this point because life forces him to keep moving forward. If there had been no accidents during the production of "Encounter" and "Legend of Masters", he would still be living a simple and ordinary life in Dongshang Acropolis.

But things in this world are always so wonderful. People often don't have many choices. When there is no fork in the road in front of you and no retreat behind you, then you have no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward. And at this time you will always find unexpectedly that you have gone much further than you imagined.

Outside the window, the green grass is as flat as a carpet, and the jungle in the distance can be seen in full view.

Climb high and look far, and you will feel heroic.

He also roughly knew what was happening in the Federation these days. Even a person like him who doesn't have a big picture view understands that the Federation is afraid of chaos and troubled times are coming.

What are troubled times like? he does not know. But he knew that if order was lost, chaos would follow.

The memories of his childhood were so vivid that many details seemed to be burned into his mind. No matter where it is, now that I think about it, the places where the fights were the fiercest and cruelest in the past were all places without order and rules.

I'm afraid that survival will become even more difficult by then.

Looking out the window, Chen Mu's eyes became dark. Even the fights among street children follow the simplest principle: whoever is strong and powerful can get enough food to survive in the harsh winter.

Chen Mu knew many street children, but only a few of them survived. Everyone who survives has gone through many tests. Hunger, cold, human traffickers, and other street children are all their enemies.

How many of them are actually good people who have survived to this day? Those who are weak, unsteady, and not ruthless enough will be eliminated.

Sighing lightly, I didn't expect that after so many years, the situation seemed to be back to the beginning. Now my strength seems stronger, but the enemies I face are also stronger!

The deep gaze gradually brightened, became firm, and even rarely revealed a bit of ruthlessness.

You have nothing, so why worry about gains and losses? Suddenly, for some reason, Chen Mu thought of the scene when he and Lei Zi fought at Dongwei Academy and the noble young men turned pale.

The corners of his mouth curved upward involuntarily.

No matter how powerful our opponents are, no matter how noble they are, no matter how long and glorious their past is, as long as they want to steal our only piece of bread, then we will bring them down!

For Chen Mu, his only wish now is to live freely, without looking at other people's faces or depending on others! After so many years, children who once had difficulty even having food and clothing are now fighting for their freedom.

People are always moving forward!

On the contrary, he didn't value his own life too much. A human treasure like the golden-spotted soft fungus is beyond the reach of someone like me. The devil woman was also nowhere to be found. How long he can live is God's will. He cannot decide. Although there is fear in his heart, he is more calm.

If his compromise could solve the problems in his body, maybe he would still bow his head. However, knowing that there is no hope of solving Lusi, he still needs to live in peace. This is absolutely intolerable to him now.

This is the only piece of bread he has now!

The measuring instrument in his hand suddenly sounded, it was Bagnell. It seemed that the experiment should have a result.

Putting his feelings aside, he laughed to himself. It seemed that he still hadn't completely lost his former fierceness. His expression returned to normal, and before he knew it, his steps seemed a little firmer than before, and he walked quickly towards the training room No. 3.

As soon as he walked into the training room No. 3, he saw Bagnell's grin almost reaching his ears. To be able to excite the usually calm Bagnell to this point must have made him very satisfied.

"How is it?" Chen Mu asked proactively.

"Hey, it works! Come and see!" Bagnell's face bloomed like a chrysanthemum, and after speaking, he motioned for the three people to demonstrate again.

In front of them were three ordinary card cultivators, one of whom had just broken through level four in perception intensity, while the other two were both at the mid-level level three. The three of them also looked excited. They stood together hurriedly and activated the measuring instruments in their hands.

The positions of the three people exactly form an equilateral triangle.

The three people did not start the demonstration immediately, but first began to adjust the energy frequency, which was a very critical step. If the energy frequency cannot be synchronized, the cards in the three-dimensional instrument cannot form a connection.

Bagnell stood next to Chen Mu and whispered: "They have just made contact and their movements are too slow. As long as they train for a period of time, their efficiency will definitely improve a lot." However, he immediately put forward an improvement suggestion: "I suggest that the card Set up a few more frequency bands to avoid adjacent combat units from interfering with each other."

Chen Mu nodded: "This is not difficult."

The energy frequencies between the three people were synchronized, and Chen Mu's perception was extremely sharp, and he immediately captured the unique connection between the three people.

To be precise, the connection between the three cards. Once the frequencies of the three cards are synchronized, these three cards actually allow three people to share information. The one who controls the energy structure is the card repairman with level 4 perception intensity. The biggest use of the card in his hand is to adjust the energy structure.

Energy structure Chen Mu uses an energy shuttle!

This energy structure is the product of optimization of the tailless shuttle. Previously, Chen Mu was unable to completely optimize it due to the need for one person to handle all steps. With every little optimization, the difficulty for the controller increases a lot. Especially for an energy body like the tailless shuttle, which is quite complete in itself, any slight adjustment will greatly increase the load on perception.

But now that a card repairman is specifically responsible for this, it is much easier, so Chen Mu optimizes it as much as possible without any scruples. This card repairman's perception level is far worse than Chen Mu, but since he only has to be responsible for one task, he is still competent.

The result of this is that Ka Xiu, who is responsible for the control of the energy body structure, needs to have a perception intensity of level four or above. This also shows how difficult it is to control after optimization.

At this time, the two card repairmen responsible for locking had completed the locking. Originally, in Bagnell's plan, one of them was responsible for launching and the other was responsible for scanning and locking. Chen Mu thought about it and made modifications. Now two card repairmen can scan and lock, one of them is the main attack card repairer, and the other is the secondary attack card repairer.

Under normal circumstances, the main attack card repairman is responsible for launching.

Because Chen Mu discovered that if cross scanning is implemented, the accuracy will be higher. Especially for those high-speed moving objects, there is a 30% difference in accuracy between normal scan lock and cross scan, which is quite astonishing data.

The secondary attacker card repairman can take over the attack power when the main attacker card repairman is injured.

At the extreme end, only two people need to cooperate to exert their combat effectiveness. But in the end, Chen Mu and Bagnell chose the three-person mode.

The advantage of the three-person mode is obvious, that is, the hit rate is greatly increased.

call out!

The unique shriek of the tailless shuttle suddenly sounded in the training ground, and the strengthened tailless shuttle made a more terrifying sound than usual.

The target also shows its damage value: 998.

Bagnell was obviously very excited: "The damage value is nearly a thousand, tsk tsk, this is the level of a four-star card. If these rookies can display such combat effectiveness, we will make a lot of money." Bagnell was excited. Incomparably, he knew very well that the appearance of this set of cards would completely subvert the traditional card repair method of combat.

Whether this will usher in a new era, he is not sure. But he believes that this method of combat will have an unprecedented impact on existing combat methods. As one of the founders, how can we keep him from being excited?

Chen Mu was not too surprised by this damage value. Compared with the 1502 damage value of Origami Yanpoka, it was several levels worse. However, this result already made Chen Mu very satisfied. Unless he uses the folded swallow card, it would not be easy for Chen Mu to deal such damage.

Although damage value does not represent everything, it is the basis of combat. As for other questions, leave them to Bagnell.

Having achieved this point, Chen Mu was very satisfied. He wasn't too excited, just like he didn't understand what kind of impact the set of cards he made would have on the federation. He was more relieved. The changes in the Federation during this period gave him a hint of danger.

Although he didn't understand what impact this would have on him, he still had a feeling of danger approaching. It was this feeling that made him breathless.

The most difficult problem is solved, now all that needs to be done is to make more of this set of cards. There are more than 400 people in a group of three, which means that more than 100 sets are needed, which is not a small amount.

But for Chen Mu, he is least afraid of the problem of quantity. What's more, there are twenty card makers and the next branch dean of the card making branch of Siyuan Academy. How can they be wasted there?

Chen Mu thought that it was time to go see them.

PS: Thank you everyone. I'll try. Thanks.

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