
Chapter 273 The Rampant Card Creators [Second Update]

The confrontation between Zhongda Shufu and the Federal Comprehensive School lasted much longer than Fatty expected. Luoyou City is peaceful, but fighting continues to break out outside Luoyou City. Seeing that Zhongda Shufu could not enter Luoyou City, he simply came to help. They began to continuously snipe at the reinforcements from the Federal Comprehensive School. The sniping was so intense that they spared no expense.

If the technology in Ren Wenzhou's hands falls to any of the six major companies, it can quickly distance them from the other five companies. Why is Zhongda Bookstore willing to let this technology fall into the hands of others?

What's more, the one being surrounded is Mi Xiaqing, the beloved disciple of the master of Zhongda Shu Mansion. It is said that in order to rescue his junior brother, his two senior brothers brazenly led a team and personally strangled the reinforcements from the Federal Comprehensive School.

Of course, the Federal University does not want this technology to fall into the hands of Zhongda Shufu. And if you retreat at this time, not only will your reputation be damaged, but the previous losses will also be of no value. The Federal Comprehensive University is currently sending out all its experts and is constantly sending out card repair teams. And in order to increase the difficulty of sniping at Zhongda Shufu, they were divided into a large number of small troops and dispatched at the same time.

The situation of war spread rapidly.

But so far, all the fighting has taken place in Puju District, and the five major Chinese districts have remained calm. The most disappointing thing is the attitude of the federal government. The federal government only issued a bland statement, hoping that both sides could cease fire as soon as possible and maintain peace.

The weak performance of the federal government aroused great dissatisfaction among the people, and the reputation of the federal government suddenly fell to a historical low. In many places, local powerful forces began to gather strength on a large scale to defend themselves, and the federal government's control over local areas was seriously weakened.

Affected by the war, the number of applications to enter the five major Chinese regions increased suddenly. However, the vast majority of these requests were rejected. Not only that, the five major Chinese regions also closed travel channels.

In desperation, the public has no choice but to focus on those generally inhabited areas with good public security, while some generally inhabited areas with simple social structures and backward development have also become key targets for immigrants.

Not only that, the prestige of Zhongda Shufu and the Federal Comprehensive School in the hearts of the people in Puju District has also dropped significantly. People are extremely indignant that they fight in Puju District without any scruples, without caring about the harm to ordinary people.

This has also led to a sudden drop in the number of students applying to these two institutions this year, and the admission level is far different from previous years. And Xingyuan, which has kept a low profile since the Dongwei Academy exchange incident, became the big winner in this application. Because Shuangyue Hanzhou successfully repelled the challenge from the Moying Twins, the number of applicants this year also surged. Due to Kuji Temple's strict rules and the concept of ascetic cultivation, the number of students who applied for the exam remained at the same level as in previous years.

At Zhongda Shufu, Federal Comprehensive University and Moying, the number of applications this year is far lower than in previous years.

Due to the impact of the war, the population of the three popular districts of Mingzheng District, Xisheng District and Baidong District has dropped sharply, and the market has experienced a large-scale depression.

Many people are glad in their hearts that as long as the five major Chinese regions are not in chaos, the federation is not completely in chaos yet.

No one paid attention to a newly established base on the edge of Luoyou City.

As the demand for cards suddenly dropped significantly, Chen Mu started his own training. The rebuilt water tank was twelve meters deep. Staying inside, the strong water pressure made Chen Mu feel very strenuous.

But due to such strong pressure, Chen Mu's perception improved rapidly!

The improvement in perception has caused a significant increase in his training level in other aspects.

When he was training, only Weah was watching, and the others didn't know. Even a strong man like Jiao Si didn't realize that Chen Mu was also a card cultivator.

However, Chen Mu needs to face another trouble.

In front of him stood the twenty card makers from Siyuan Academy, all of them with angry expressions on their faces. After being squeezed so much, they finally went berserk! Even Jiao Si found this kind of collective rampage a bit troublesome.

The faces of the twenty people were as dark as iron pots, and they looked at Chen Mu as if they were enemies.

"Mr. Cao, what do you mean? Do you think we are not capable enough? We are only asked to make energy cards every day, or else we are preparing raw materials, which is the work of lower-level students. Although we are willing to promise the principal to cooperate, but your Excellency is like this It’s really unjustifiable to treat us!”

The person speaking was Old Man Wen. He had lost a lot of weight during this period. His clothes were as dirty as if they hadn't been washed in months. He didn't look like a senior card maker at all. He looked like an old man wandering the streets.

Looking at the other card makers, they were not much better. They all looked haggard and had red and swollen eyes.

Jiao Si looked at the appearance of these card makers, and immediately stopped talking. He half-squinted his eyes, as if he was an outsider, and did not mean to say anything.

"But, I only need energy cards now." Chen Mu said calmly. In terms of demand, he currently has the greatest demand for energy cards. Since the four hundred card cultivators have begun to cooperate with the training, the daily consumption of energy cards has increased sharply.

Old Man Wen sneered: "Your Excellency only needs us to make energy cards. I don't understand why you are so prejudiced against us. If you only need energy cards, you can hire someone else."

The other card makers also looked at Chen Mu with hatred, as if they wanted to pierce Chen Mu through his heart.

Seeing the expressions of these people, Chen Mu suddenly realized that it was these people who were dissatisfied with the production of energy cards. Although he didn't understand why these card makers were so resistant to making energy cards, since others had refused to make energy cards, he didn't have much to think about. They just came to help, not invited themselves.

If so many card makers were idle there, Chen Mu felt it was a waste of resources just thinking about it.

"What are you good at?" Chen Mu asked.

"Any card except energy cards!" Old Man Wen said proudly.

After taking a look at them, Chen Mu activated the measuring device and said, "Xi Ping, prepare a list of common materials. They were shipped here last time."

"Yes." Xi Ping didn't ask why. Soon, half a minute later, a list of materials was sent to Chen Mu's instrument.

Turn on the meter, and rows of material names will appear on the pop-up light screen.

"This is a list of materials. What can you make?" Chen Mu asked.

Chen Mu adjusted the light screen to be large enough for every card maker to see clearly.

After casually glancing at these materials, a card maker said: "I can make [Line Flame Beam Card] [Serial Shattering Moon Card] [Forward Cone Strike Card]."

Chen Mu had never heard of any of the names of these cards, so he had to ask: "Their parameters."

The card maker glanced at Chen Mu and snorted coldly: "[Forward Cone Strike Card], standard damage is 721, attack frequency is 2 times per second." He deliberately selected three types of cards with the highest damage value [Positive cone hit card].

[Positive Cone Strike Card] is a four-star card. It can release a cone-shaped energy body, and the tip of the cone has the highest damage value. Among four-star cards, it is a pretty good card.

"What materials are used?" Chen Mu continued to ask.

This guy didn't even know the materials for [Forward Cone Strike Card]. The card maker looked at Chen Mu with contempt, and his tone became more arrogant: "You don't even know this? Dian Chenshi, Red thread crystal, gamma enzyme..." He reported more than a dozen required materials in one go. It could be seen that he was quite familiar with the method of making this kind of card.

Chen Mu gave him a flat look and said directly: "I'm sorry, but I reject this plan."

"Why?" The card maker asked angrily with his eyes widened. The other card makers looked at Chen Mu even more unkindly. Old Man Wen's face turned darker, and you could hear him suppressing the anger in his heart: "I think you should give us a reasonable reason."

"That's it! What is this? What do you think we are?"

"Don't think you're complacent just because you've learned a few tricks. We eat more salt than you eat. Boy, you still have to learn a few more years!"

"It's too much to bully others..."

The card makers were furious, and they were all attacking Chen Mu. Ru Qiu, who was behind Chen Mu, wanted to speak several times, but somehow kept her mouth shut again.

Chen Mu, who was yelled at by a group of people, looked calm, but he was a little impatient in his heart. He suddenly felt that these card makers were like those aristocratic young men, picky and afraid of hardship and fatigue. They would complain constantly about the smallest things.

Little did he know that the social status enjoyed by a senior card maker in society was actually not much different from that of those aristocratic young masters. Maybe they had a very hard time as students, but years of superior life have long made them feel pampered.

Chen Mu knew that if these troublesome guys were not dealt with this time, they would be picky and not be able to help much, but would become annoying.

Thinking of this, he frowned for the first time and looked a little cold. Ru Qiu on the side suddenly became worried when she saw this. She wanted to speak out to stop these teachers, but she was startled when she saw the principal wink at her.

Chen Mu spoke at this time.

PS: Land safely. Suddenly I thought, it would be great if I had an Airflow card... Just shout out, friends who have monthly tickets or recommended tickets, please support me! Thanks!

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