
Chapter 279 Want to do something [First update, please vote]

Chen Mu's expression was dull when he received the news.

——The fat man is dead!

In front of him, Xi Ping's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. Bagnell's face turned slightly pale, and he was very calm, terrifyingly calm. In fact, Chen Mu and Bagnell had a bad premonition before, but they didn't expect this premonition to be confirmed.

"It's Faya!" Bagnell said in a low voice, "At this time, they are the only ones who can take action."

Bagnell's tone became lower and lower as he spoke, and his eyes darkened. Now, his power is very limited, and this is the boss's inheritance. He can't do something with the boss's inheritance.

If it were before...

Bagnell clenched his fist with so much force that his knuckles turned white and veins popped out.

"Is there anything we can do?" Chen Mu, who had regained his composure, suddenly spoke and said something that surprised Xi Ping and Bagnell.

The two looked at Chen Mu blankly.

Both of them had seen with their own eyes how Chen Mu had developed into his current situation. They were very, very aware of how bitter and difficult it was. They never thought that Chen Mu would say such a thing.

The opponent is Faya, who can compete with the six major ones. By doing this, Chen Mu undoubtedly put everything he had into it. Chen Mu has no obligation to do this. Xi Ping and Bagnell are both people who are used to the harshness of the world. If Chen Mu doesn't do it, no one can blame him. It's very interesting that he can take good care of little Yangbo.

This is a seemingly stupid sentence, but it comes from the mouth of the boss who is always calm.

Xi Ping knelt down with a bang, bursting into tears, and just kowtowed to Chen Mu desperately.

Bagnell stared at Chen Mu without saying a word. Suddenly, he smiled and said confidently and firmly: "Boss, I guarantee that you will have a strong force."

After helping the tearful Xi Ping up, Chen Mu turned to Bagnell and said, "You make the plan, and I'll execute it."

The three of them sat down again. This was a very important matter. If they were not careful, it would most likely lead to death. Xi Ping has also regained his composure and his expression has become solemn. He also knows that his opponent is too powerful. Faya's strength is simply not something that local powers can compete with.

Bagnell arranged the three teacups in a zigzag pattern.

"Now the three most powerful parties in Luoyou are Zhongda Bookstore, Federal Comprehensive School and Faya. Among them, Zhongda Bookstore is the strongest, and the group of card cultivators brought by Qiaoyuan are very strong, and are stronger than the other two. They are all strong. Faya did not lose anything in this battle, and was slightly weaker. The fierce battle between the Federal Comprehensive School and Zhongda Shufu, coupled with the blows from Qiaoyuan's group of card repairmen, made them the weakest of the three. of."

He pushed the two teacups together and swung the other teacup slightly further away.

"The current situation is that Zhongda Shufu and the Federal Comprehensive School are strangled together, while Faya is watching from the sidelines. The commanders behind Faya are very powerful. They dominated this dispute, but safely withdrew from everyone's sight. Waiting for the opportunity in secret.”

Bagnell's thinking is extremely clear, his eyes flashing and full of wisdom.

"The situation in Luoyou City is extremely delicate now. Such an unexpected move by Zhongda Shufu completely disrupted the rhythm of the entire battlefield. I guess Faya did not expect that Zhongda Shufu could obtain it in such a short period of time. An overwhelming advantage. No matter which side has an overwhelming advantage, Zhongda Shufu or the Federal Comprehensive School, it will not be a good thing for Faya. Therefore, Faya will definitely make changes."

Chen Mu and Xi Ping held their breath and listened carefully to Bagnell's analysis.

"What will Faiya do? Send additional forces to Luoyou City? This passage is still in the hands of the Federal Comprehensive School. Neither the Federal Comprehensive School nor Zhongda Shufu will allow Faya's card repair Enter Luoyou City.

Faya needs time.

I was thinking before, why would Faya integrate the power of these wealthy businessmen? Given their size, they should look down on these forces. I finally figured it out now. The reason is very simple. They don't have enough power in their hands, or in other words, they don't have enough power in Luoyou City. The reinforcements could not enter Luoyou City, so they risked being discovered to gather the power of these wealthy businessmen.

So they need time, otherwise, in the current situation, they can only watch the Zhongda Book Mansion take away the results. That's why I guessed that they would definitely take action.

If it were me, what would I do? I will let Faia's forces outside Luoyou City help the reinforcements from the Federal Comprehensive School enter Luoyou City as quickly as possible. As long as the reinforcements from the Federal Comprehensive School enter Luoyou City, the time for the two sides to be entangled will immediately increase. "

Xi Ping is able to be the first in charge and has a very bright mind. He agreed deeply: "Now, all the passages leading to the outside of the Federal Comprehensive School have been bombed, leaving only one. In this way, their defensive pressure will be much less. "

"That's right!" Bagnell nodded: "Although these card cultivators in Zhongda Shufu are strong, the Federal Comprehensive School is not a vegetarian. They are no match for others on the frontal battlefield, but when it comes to defense, they are unambiguous. If If it doesn't work, I believe that the Federal Comprehensive University will blow up the only remaining passage. In this way, Luoyou City will become an isolated city.

Zhongda Shufu did not dare to push too hard. If only they were alone, they could cross the jungle again. But they also have ordinary people like Ren Wenzhou on their hands. Hehe, even if there are so many card repairmen escorting them, there is no guarantee that Ren Wenzhou and the others will not have any accidents. Not to mention Qiao Yuan, even if the master of Zhongda Shu Mansion personally leads the team, it is impossible to guarantee it. "

"Ren Wenzhou has jungle communication technology in his hands. Zhongda Shufu will not let him have any accidents in any case. Otherwise, all the losses during this period will be in vain. Therefore, they will definitely attack the line defended by the Federal Comprehensive School. But don't dare to rush into the passage. On the other hand, Zhongda Shufu's power outside should occupy a passage entrance and start to repair it with all its strength.

This is also an opportunity for Faya. They can take the opportunity to integrate the power of Luoyou City and form a quite powerful force. What's more, they should still have vitality on their hands. And I guess, Faya must have some secret weapon. Otherwise, even if they capture Ren Wenzhou, they won't be able to take him to Luoyou City, which is of no value. "

Bagnell said coldly: "Faya's plan is good, how can we make them get their wish? We only need to do one small thing."

He paused and then said word by word: "Let Zhongda Shufu discover the existence of Faya."

Immediately, Bagnell grinned, revealing his sharp white teeth: "We don't need to worry about Faya coming to us later, because the chaos in the entire federation has already begun. This is a melee, and no one can escape. , there are many more people staring at Faya than those staring at us."

This was a secret operation, carried out by Chen Mu and Weah. Both of them are good at hiding, which is perfect in this chaotic period. Even if they can't be defeated, escaping is never a problem.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two quietly left the base and headed straight towards Luoyou city.

Chen Mu stayed close to the ground and flew at an ultra-low altitude, so as to avoid being discovered by Card Xiu in the sky. Weah was like a ghost, following Chen Mu closely. He looked calm and showed no signs of exerting any effort. Using only his legs to run, his speed was no slower than Chen Mu. He was like a cheetah, vigorous and explosive.

The wind blew past his ears, Chen Mu's face was expressionless.

When he heard the news of Fatty's death, Chen Mu felt chill in his heart. His fate was rough, he had experienced the ups and downs of the world, and there were only a handful of people who could take care of him, and Fatty was one of them.

Although the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, many of what Fatty has done have exceeded the scope of the partnership. In Chen Mu's opinion, they are in the category of friends. Chen Mu has very few friends. In the past, he only had Lei Zi. He still remembered that after his whereabouts became unknown, Lei Zi resolutely resigned to Bai Zheyuan and left Dongshang Weicheng.

Chen Mu felt that he should do something, although he didn't know what to do.

This is a very simple idea. Like Bagnell and others, he didn't think too much about the foundation issues.

The word friend is even more difficult for Chen Mu.

He was glad in his heart that he had someone like Bagnell with an outstanding perspective on the overall situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how to do it.

And with someone as powerful as Weah, he can do more.

And Xi Ping, if it weren't for Xi Ping, they wouldn't even know where Faya was stationed. Only then did Chen Mu deeply realize how extraordinary Fatty was. Over the past few decades, he had laid a huge network in Luoyou City. However, his enemy was an equally cunning but more powerful lizard, which used the most violent and direct method to defeat him.

However, at this time, the net that Fatty had worked so hard to weave finally showed its value.

The once prosperous Luoyou City was devastated, with ruins and corpses everywhere. Desolate cries wailed in the night, and people's eyes were empty and desperate.

Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. I'm afraid that from now on, Zhongda Shufu and the Federal Comprehensive School will have one more enemy. Although they are the Six Greats, the Six Greats with incomparable dignity, their hatred will not diminish at all because of their dignity.

After calming down, Chen Mu's expression returned to calm.

He is not a savior, but an ant who is also trying to survive under these powerful forces. He has no ability to change the world, he is just an extremely ordinary person, and he also needs to work hard to survive.

Chen Mu and Weah did not go to where Fa Ya was hiding, but ran towards the residence of Zhongda Shufu.

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