
Chapter 287 Destiny is like a double-edged sword [two-in-one chapter]

The strength of the Federal Comprehensive School was dealt a devastating blow by Qiao Yuan and the others, and now there is not much left. However, as they contracted the defensive area, they became stronger in local strength.

Despite this, their situation did not improve at all, and all the masters in the group of Kasuri who were reinforced in the later stage were killed or injured.

Now in the entire defensive area, the only one who can be called a master is Zu Ning. But compared with Zhongda Book Mansion, Zu Ning is only on the same level as Mi Xiaqing. If he meets Qiao Yuan, he will die quite miserably.

Zu Ning was in a bad mood. He never thought that one day he would be in such a predicament.

Zhongda Shufu's sudden move was extremely powerful. Qiao Yuan personally led the team through the jungle and detoured into Luoyou City, which immediately changed the power structure in Luoyou City. The person who planned this move should be Lao Hao, who was in charge of the overall situation outside. This move was really beautiful.

It was precisely because of this move that they fell into such passivity.

But what makes him feel at ease is that tomorrow, a group of reinforcements will arrive tomorrow. What made him even more excited was that the leader of the team was actually Mr. Tang Hanpei!

Speaking of Lord Tang Hanpei, everyone in the Federation knows about him. The record he set for the fastest perception level four was seventeen years, four months and fifteen days. So far, no one has broken it. And his other record is also talked about by people. From the beginning of his debut until now, he has never failed, which also makes him one of the top card repairmen in the Federation.

At the Federal Comprehensive School, he is even more prestigious than Principal Pavchako. Tang Hanpei had been Zu Ning's idol since he had not yet entered the Federal Comprehensive University. What could be more exciting than being able to fight alongside your idol?

As long as he survives tonight, he doesn't need to worry about what happens next. Although Qiao Yuan was powerful, he believed that compared with Lord Tang Hanpei, he was still a little inferior.

He wasn't worried about what might go wrong tonight. Although Zhongda Shufu was victorious, after all, the long-distance attack itself made the army tired. In addition, coupled with the fierce battle during the day, they also needed a rest.

"This is it." Chen Mu and Weah quietly hid in the shadows. In front of them was the last defensive position of the Federal Comprehensive School.

In the fierce battle during the day, the Federal Comprehensive School lost consecutive battles and had no choice but to retreat to this station. In the rush, there was no time to repair and rearrange the station.

When the two came to the edge of the station, they didn't encounter the patrolling Kaxiu, which surprised Chen Mu. Except for the weak fluctuations in the air, which showed that someone was still on alert, they did not see any other precautions.

The reconnaissance wave released by the scanning card is a small problem for Chen Mu and Weah.

The two of them quietly visited the station of the Federal Comprehensive School, and the whole process was as easy as strolling in the backyard of their own home. Chen Mu was very surprised. He had never expected that the resident of the dignified federal comprehensive university would be so lax.

Is this still the Big Six?

Thinking about it, the location of Zhongda Shufu is not considered to be heavily guarded. Is this the style of the Big Six?

He felt that if such precautions were seen by Bagnell, this guy would definitely not be able to help but curse. And if the person who arranged such a defense was one of his subordinates, then this guy's only fate would be to be dismissed.

In fact, Zu Ning cannot be blamed for this. After being defeated abruptly during the day and retreating all the way here, his morale dropped to freezing point. Moreover, he also expected that Zhongda Shu Mansion would not launch an attack at this time, so he allowed his card cultivators to rest.

This gave Chen Mu an opportunity to take advantage of.

The area of ​​the station was very small, and the two quickly found the room where Zu Ning was resting. Compared with Zu Ning's high spirits when Chen Mu first met him, his face was now tired and his eyes were dim.

Zu Ning was in a daze, feeling helpless. Originally, there should be no problem with this plan of taking advantage of Xie Yanbai's injury to suddenly attack the Zhongzhou Group. However, he did not expect that the development of things was completely beyond his expectation. He has to bear most of the responsibility for the current situation.

He knew that this would greatly affect his future in school. own future...

Suddenly, he felt a warning sign. Just when he raised his head, before he had time to react, he felt a chill on his neck.

A very thin ripple struck across his neck, but the refreshing coolness made his scalp tingle.

What a quick move! Zu Ning was inexplicably horrified, and immediately sank suddenly. Could it be someone from Zhongda Book Mansion?

What frightened him was not only his own situation, but also the skill of the sneak attacker.

Why didn't I notice it? All the opponent's previous movements did not contain any energy fluctuations, and only when his right hand almost touched his neck did he release this extremely thin wave blade.

What card repair can do this? He had never heard of it! The opponent is like a combination of a master of no-card style and a card repairman. Moreover, the opponent can control the wave blade in his hand, and the energy fluctuations are so subtle that he would definitely not be able to detect it if it were not too close to him.


This kind of sensory control ability is simply jaw-dropping.

Also, how did he avoid his own perception? Why didn't I notice anything?

Uncensored body skills, extremely subtle sensory control, and the ability to evade sensory scanning are a combination of these three monsters...

The shock and impact this brought to Zu Ning was unprecedented and unparalleled.

Who is Zu Ning? He is not an ordinary card repairman, he is a leader who has received the highest level of card repair system education from a federal comprehensive university. He has a far deeper understanding of the pros and cons of the card repair system than ordinary card repairers.

He understood very well the power that such a freak represented.

It's not without reason to call him a freak. Cardless streaming has developed to this day and has declined to the point of withering. The number of people is small, and the masters are even scarcer. Wuka style focuses on physical exercise, and all their techniques revolve around the core of the body. Therefore, they need to devote most of their time to physical training.

This is a system that has nothing to do with the card repair system, and there is no intersection between the two. But one thing is certain, this system is also extremely large and rigorous, and requires a lot of time for professional training.

What about perceived control? If Zu Ning is still unfamiliar with the card-free style, then he is familiar with the card repair system and no one will question it. A high-level card repairman from the six major universities is not familiar with the card repairing system?

He knew very well how arduous and long-term training was needed to achieve such a level of sensory control. Even in federal comprehensive universities, there are not many card repairmen who can reach this level.

As we all know, perception training is the most unlucky, whether it is perception intensity or perception sensitivity.

But unfortunately, such a high level of sensory control ability actually appeared in a card repairman who was not a pure person.

That's why Zu Ning found it incredible. Does this guy never sleep? Can one day be used as two days? Or is he gifted?

None of this is possible! It's not that he has never seen geniuses before. To be honest, geniuses are the most common in places like the Federal Comprehensive University. Geniuses can do things that are difficult for ordinary people to do, but geniuses cannot violate the laws.

Even Tang Hanpei would never be able to do this.

How could Zhongda Book Mansion cultivate such a freak?

Thinking of this, Zu Ning's heart skipped a beat. But he couldn't help but have some wild thoughts. He wondered whether the attacker was the secret weapon of Zhongda Shufu.

However, from Chen Mu's eyes, Zu Ning's face only changed slightly, and then returned to normal.

He is one of the top six masters, so his mental quality is naturally excellent. Chen Mu is not surprised by this.

Weah was guarding him outside. Originally, Chen Mu was worried about encountering a strong blocker, so he turned to Weah as his backer. However, I didn't expect that Weah's role now is just to serve as a sentry.

This left Chen Mu speechless.

"Who is your Excellency?" Zu Ning asked coldly. He seemed not to feel the extremely thin wave blade on Chen Mu's hand, but his neck was stiff and he did not dare to make any movement.

Chen Mu didn't talk nonsense to him and immediately removed the Duyi from Zu Ning's hand. Without Duyi, Zu Ning's threat was reduced to its lowest point.

Zu Ning obediently asked Chen Mu to remove Du Yi. He was a smart man and knew when to resist and when to cooperate.

When Chen Mu removed the instrument from his hand, he laughed to himself and said, "You can rest assured now. Why would you bother visiting me late at night?"

Only then did he see clearly who was attacking him. An extremely weird mask, with seven drops of bright blood extending from the forehead, between the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose, to the chin, neatly dividing the entire mask into two, giving off a weird and weird feeling.

Zu Ning searched desperately in his mind. It should not be difficult to find out the origin of such an alternative mask.

"Hand over the Chlorophytum."

The hoarse and deep voice carried an undeniable tone.

Zu Ning's expression was stunned, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. From these words alone, he could tell that the other party was not from Zhongda Book Mansion. The people from Zhongda Book Mansion came to him, and it was definitely not because of the golden-spotted soft liquid fungus.

Logically speaking, he should be happy, but he couldn't be happy.

Because the Chrysanthemum aureus is not on his hands.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have aphrodisiac on my hands." Seeing that the other party seemed to be about to take action, he quickly continued: "If you need it, I am willing to find a way."

Chen Mu stared at Zu Ning, his eyes as sharp as a sword.

Under the sharp gaze of the other party, Zu Ning smiled bitterly and said: "If I have a golden-spotted soft bacteria on my hands, I will definitely give it to you with both hands. Although the golden-spotted soft bacteria is mentioned above, it is very troublesome to transport this thing. The above What I mean is that if Ren Wenzhou is willing to join the school, I will send it to him when the time comes. Therefore, I do not have S. chrysanthemi on my hands. It is just a misinformation in the media. "

After saying this bravely, Zu Ning felt uneasy. He didn't know if the other party would kill him in anger.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be thinking about something, Zu Ning felt happy, and he saw a glimmer of hope.

"If your Excellency needs it, I have a suggestion." He said quickly.

"Say." The hoarse and cold voice made Zu Ning feel a slight chill in his heart.

Judging from the sound alone, he felt that the guy wearing a mask in front of him must be old-fashioned and vicious.

He was choosing his words more and more carefully.

"As the head of the six major universities, our federal comprehensive university has countless rare treasures. And our principal, Mr. Pavchako, has always been eager for talents like you, so I doubt he would mind. It's just a golden-spotted soft fungus. As for the treatment, you don't need to worry at all. In the federation, there is absolutely no higher salary than the federal comprehensive school. If you need help, I think the school also has enough power. I will help you achieve your wish. Besides, there are only six major universities that can have the golden spot soft bacteria, and among the six major universities, I don’t think anyone can offer more generous treatment than our federal comprehensive university."

Zu Ning said cautiously while observing the other party's reaction. He didn't want to anger the other person, and his life was still in someone else's hands. He reacted quickly, and the other party's thirst for the golden-spotted soft bacteria made him realize that this was an opportunity. If he can recruit such a master, it will be a great credit to him, and it can weaken the mistakes he made in this battle to a certain extent.

The wave blade that had just been taken away suddenly appeared on his neck: "If this is your only suggestion, I think you have no value in staying."

A hoarse voice without any emotion. Chen Mu felt a little irritated, and he didn't expect that Zu Ning didn't have aphrodisiac bacteria on his hands.

Damn media gossip!

He was extremely disappointed in his heart, and the Chrysanthemum aureus was undoubtedly a hope for him. I didn't expect this hope to be dashed so quickly.

He was a young man after all, and his extremely high expectations suddenly fell through. The gap made his mood suddenly turn bad.

Chen Mu, who was in a bad mood, spoke with an increasingly sinister aura.

Entering a federal comprehensive university? He didn't even think about it. To be honest, the impression of the Sixth Great in his mind was extremely bad. Isn't the object of his current struggle the Six Greats and Faya?

Except for Moying, Shuangyue Hanzhou and Kuji Temple, which he has not yet interacted with, the other three are not good products in his eyes.

Zu Ning was startled and said quickly: "Please slow down!"

The other party stopped what he was doing and stared at him, making him feel like he was being stared at by a dying wolf, fierce and violent.

"I have another suggestion." Seeing Chen Mu's unkind gaze, he said it out like a dumpling: "Since you don't want to join the Federal Comprehensive University, although I feel a little regretful, we might as well find another way of cooperation. If In exchange for your ability to assassinate Qiao Yuan, we are willing to provide you with the golden-spotted soft liquid bacteria and other conditions, how about it?"

This guy is really crazy! Chen Mu looked at Zu Ning speechlessly. Did he really look like a fool? It would be fine if he didn't see Qiao Yuan show off his power today. No matter what, Chen Mu doesn't want to have any conflict with Qiao Yuan anymore.

There is no difference between that and seeking death.

Chen Mu didn't give Zu Ning any chance to speak. He spit out the wave blade in his hand, and a line of blood appeared on Zu Ning's neck. After a while, the blood foam spurted out like a fountain.

Although Zu Ning kept saying that he had no trace of the golden-spotted soft bacteria, Chen Mu still held a ten thousandth hope and searched desperately on Zu Ning's body and in the room.

Everything was looted by him. Later, there were too many things, so he simply took a backpack to hold things.

I have to say that Zu Ning does have a lot of good things. Chen Mu found dozens of cards from him, all of which had four stars or above. This also made Chen Mu have to marvel that the people from these six majors are indeed extremely rich. And the thick stack of money cards dazzled Chen Mu. There were also some strange and weird things that Chen Mu couldn't even recognize, so he just pretended to be them.

The defense here was too lax. Chen Mu, who had just searched hard, suddenly felt that it was not worthwhile to leave so easily. Chen Mu killed Zu Ning very lightly and did not alert anyone.

If a large force like this said it had no strategic reserves, no one would believe it.

Sure enough, Chen Mu and Weah soon found the warehouse where they were stationed.

There were a large amount of materials stacked in the warehouse, and what caught Chen Mu's attention the most were the energy cards stacked in the corner.

Good guy!

All energy cards are placed on three cabinet shelves, arranged neatly, and all have four stars. There were two other cabinets on which other cards were placed. These cards were all three-star or above, and even the lighting cards were three-star. This made Chen Mu marvel at the wealth of the Federal Comprehensive University on the one hand, and ecstatic on the other.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu found two suitcases half as tall as a man and swept all the cards into the suitcases. However, Chen Mu did not touch those materials. The cards are small in size. A suitcase is enough to hold seven to eight hundred cards, but if it contains materials, it cannot hold many.

Therefore, Chen Mu and Weah quietly left the Federal Comprehensive University with a suitcase on their backs.

Running at high speed among the ruins of the city in the darkness of night, Chen Mu felt extremely happy, and the regrets of the golden-spotted soft bacteria were forgotten by him. He didn't know yet how much these many cards were worth, but he believed there must be a lot.

Today went surprisingly smoothly, so smoothly that he could hardly imagine it. He felt like he was in a dream.

He and Weah not only ran to attack Qiao Yuan and Mi Xiaqing, but also escaped safely and successfully led them to Fayana, forcing Fayana to come to the front desk. After that, he sneaked into the Federal Comprehensive School, killed Zu Ning, and looted, and the harvest was astonishing.

He felt that the world suddenly became so unreal.

Qiao Yuan, Mi Xiaqing, Faya, Zu Ning...

Which one was not a superior being in his eyes before? He had never thought before that one day he would be able to become their enemy, and he never thought that one day he would be able to kill Zu Ning.

The young man's blood was burning in the night wind, and a temperament called confidence began to gradually appear in him.

"This girl is so beautiful, so damn juicy!"

"What do you know? She is Su Liu Cherou, and she is a high-level medical card cultivator. How can we poor card cultivators touch her?"

"Tch, so what if it's high-end? Hasn't it fallen into the hands of our brothers now? She's so beautiful, it makes my mouth water. I haven't touched a woman for half a year!"

"Hehe, if her perception hadn't been almost exhausted, it would have been very troublesome. This girl is stupid. At this time, she still wastes her perception on these civilians. Wow, I really don't know how to live or die."

"Haha, a noble girl like her is pampered by men every day. How can she know about the sufferings in the world? Hehe, we can help her teach a lesson!"

“We’re so fucking great!”

The obscene conversation between the two reached Chen Mu's ears along the wind, and Chen Mu suddenly stopped.

Su Liu Cherou...

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Chen Mu's eyes, and the airflow under his feet suddenly turned, and his whole body was pressed against the ground, drawing a sharp bend of nearly thirty degrees. Weah glanced at Chen Mu and saw no movement, so he followed him.

The two bearded card repairmen had just put the woman they were holding on the ground, laughing lustfully.

Sure enough, it was Su Liu Cherou, and Chen Mu could clearly see it with a blink of an eye.

Without a trace of hesitation, the two tailless shuttles took shape in the blink of an eye and came out.

"Who!" The two card cultivators looked stern and raised their heads suddenly.

Two extremely delicate blood flowers bloomed between their eyebrows in an instant. The expressions of the two people were frozen on their faces, and they fell on their backs. They didn't realize what caused them to be killed until they died.

Su Liu Cherou's eyes were closed tightly, a look of pain appeared on her face, and she was falling into coma.

How did she end up in such a situation? Chen Mu couldn't figure it out. Logically speaking, no one would do anything to a neutral medical card repairer. This was a big taboo.

Chen Mu thought for a while, but instead of waking her up, he directly put Su Liu Cherou on his shoulders.

Su Liuche was as soft and boneless as she was carried on his shoulders. The girl's unique fragrance stimulated Chen Mu vaguely, and a feeling he had never felt before quietly rose in his heart.

Unconsciously, Chen Mu's movements became gentle.

Weah, on the other hand, glanced at Chen Mu strangely and then looked away.

The two of them were like ghosts in the night, quietly drifting towards the base outside the city.

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